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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. I need one more listening... I can't decided about correct order of my top3...
  2. And we shoot ourselves in the foot... Our government decided to sent several airplanes to for evacuate Polish citizens from this country. Already today 2 airplanes returns to Poland with hundred of people. Supposedly all those people must stay in 14 days home quarantine but I don't believe if those people whch wasn't in home country by few years that will respect this and will stay in home... And as we all know for now British government completely underestimates this dangerous situation, we can see it by not closing schools or still holding sport events...
  3. In an indoor meeting in Beijing Lijiao Gong reached 19,70 which is the best result in the world in this season, it was first sport event held in China since beginning of coronavirus pandemic. Looks like life is slowly return to normal in China
  4. First case in since 40 days... Infected person is women who recently return from Portugal.
  5. We don't have an official quarantine (yet...) but this is how usually the crowded places in Warsaw looks now...
  6. Well, it's not that difficult for me, I needed only one listening to eliminate 18 songs I will surely vote before deadline, only difficult thing about which I must decided is which song will be on my first place, currently there is five candidates
  7. Breaking news from We are next country where is over 100 cases, current number is 103. Also we have third death person by this virus
  8. I fear that until Friday Italy sadly will surpass China about number of cases and deaths Stay strong Italia!!!
  9. FINALLY I started listen the first songs, I hope that I will vote before deadline.
  10. That's it, almost everything in Poland will be closed since tomorrow, even churches... Now I have free time from job as I work in shopping center and all shops except shops with food, banks and pharmacies will be closed. We will also close all the borders, all people who return from any country must stay in home for two weeks quarantine. Prime Ministry decided also about travel ban until unknown time, also foreign people can't enter to Poland for at least two weeks...
  12. Our government closed all schools, universities, cinemas, sport venues etc. for 2 weeks. So people get into panic and boughts so many things as possible. According some rumors if virus will spread quickly then in Monday or even earlier all shopping centers will be closed as well, then I will have free time as I work in one of shopping centers.
  13. Meanwhile in one of Warsaw's Carrefour's...
  14. The title and music in song is like it would be rather a Egyptian entry than Azeri
  15. First cases in Also there are 5 more cases in .....
  17. will release their song tomorrow, so, only Russia left.
  18. I believe that Olympics won't be cancelled but will be held without fans and all athletes before arriving to Tokyo will be tested if are healthy...
  19. Half-marathon world championships scheduled in Gdynia are postponed until October.
  20. The only one "free" country in entire Europe is
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