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Everything posted by Sindo

  1. Those who want to leave a "feedback" for new users who will read the page "What is Totallympics?" can do that as a reply to that thread. We had Totallympics' users comments in the old forum which of course went lost so please those who can write a short comment there
  2. That's strange, it's very quick from my PC and also from phone. Anyone else has noticed this problem ?
  3. I think this one should be pretty fast. Maybe it get slower if you have many pages opened because as you can see if you have a new PM or a new notification you get it in real time. You will be able to upload images from your PC when we will add the premium membership, so that only premium members can upload pictures and the forum won't get too heavy with too many pictures.
  4. About no. 1, one of the aim should be to come back to cover results and statistics one day, just I think now we should focus on other things with Rio just 6 months away. About no. 2, it's just a temporary decision to allow the discussion to start again, for sure we will have more threads in the future and not a single thread for each sport.
  5. Here there are 8 threads right now but I can edit that number anytime to whatever I want. Maybe we will grow the number to 10 or 15 in the future but right now there are not so many threads so I think 8 is enough. Also there are 2 useful pages: Unread Content (a list of posts you have not read from your account in chronological order) and All Activity (a list of every single action that happens on the forum in real time)
  6. @All users: please go on opening general discussion thread so that we will have one of them for each sport and users can start discuss there about that sport. Copy the format from the Archery Discussion Thread and open them in the same way for the missing sports (don't worry about the pictograms, I will upload them). Missing sports are: Cycling - BMX Cycling - Mountain Bike Field Hockey Golf Handball Triathlon Volleyball ----- Bobsleigh Cross-Country Skiing Curling Figure Skating Freestyle Skiing Luge Nordic Combined Short Track Speed Skating Skeleton Ski Jumping Snowboarding Speed Skating Thanks, Sindo
  7. Do you remember if in the first days you were able to see them ?
  8. Can you try again now ? Update the page before to check.
  9. Can you show me the problem through a screen ?
  10. What's the problem exactly ? What do you mean "can not read the site" ?
  11. Do you mean in the Test Thread ? If so, we are doing some tests for the Prediction Contests.
  12. Fixed now. You and other users passed from "Newbie" to "Member" user group and some permissions were different. It could happen again for next user group levels, just report them if it happens.
  13. Soon. In the while, for communities with more users you can start to decide who will open it, to avoid problems when it will be time to open it. Not that it matters much who opens it anyway, there will not be any forced format like qualifications tables etc.
  14. No idea until when KSR will be back.
  15. Not yet, we have to re-organize everything and decide which events to have a thread for. Unfortunately Rio 2016 is very near and we are very short of time.
  16. Invision Power Board is the most expensive forum software (you can check here ), but after I have checked all of them I think it's the best and it's even similar to Discuz for some things. This is also the reason why I will have to add premium membership and donations in the future
  17. It was impossible to copy data from Discuz. I have also changed the webmaster. But it's an old story now, we can not change the past
  18. Of course I am very sorry also for all the job you and other users did which went lost, but I can not do anything about it. And I am not in the position to ask users to start their projects anymore, everyone will do whatever they want to. Anyway one good thing is that with this forum software we should be much more protected and such things like lost data we had with Discuz once in a while should not happen again.
  19. To post a reply without a quote you h ave to use the reply box at the end of the page. About the line, I think it's just the format which leaves more space between one line and the following one.
  20. I am not able to do it in this moment, that's for sure. I have a lot of work to do and also I still to find again the passion for sports because as I have written I have lost it. I hope KSR will join the forum and he will be able to take care of the events of the week as in the past.
  21. Important: Please write me a Personal Message (so we can also try how the message system work) if you want to start discuss about a sport, I will give you the rights to open a general discussion thread in that sport's section so you can start discuss about that sport there. I am really out of the world of sports in the latest months and I don't even know which events are in progress now And in this way the threads will beopened by different users and not all threads from the same user.
  22. If I will be able to focus on Totallympics in next months/years, results will come back. But maybe on a website section instead of the forum. But we will probably see this after Rio 2016. Our 5 years job it was not useless, because today we start a new forum, but not a new community: the Totallympics community is here thanks to those 5 years of hard work.
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