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Everything posted by Sindo

  1. Yeah that was what I was waiting as well...The thing is by the 2 years to go mark I thought we would have known that
  2. I wasn't able to post new posts until few minutes ago. It looks like it's working now. Can other users try too ?
  3. I think it's because the forum had problems this morning. The same happened some weeks ago. It should be ok from tomorrow on.
  4. QUARTERFINALS PLAY-OFFS Prediction Design available HERE
  5. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too. PREDICTION DESIGN - START COPYING HERE ---> [ hide] Men's Tournament Knockout Round July 22nd - July 20th, 2018 16 Nations, Placement Matches, Quarterfinals Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Play-Offs Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 22nd 2018, h. 17:00 Hungary Netherlands July 22nd 2018, h. 18:30 Germany Greece July 22nd 2018, h. 20:30 Montenegro Romania July 22nd 2018, h. 22:00 France Russia [ /hide] ---> PREDICTION DESIGN - STOP COPYING HERE
  6. So we won't know anything until the Tokyo EB meeting sheduled for November 30th-December 2nd
  7. On july 19th the IOC will decide whether to include Boxing in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Hopefully few days after the decision, if positive, AIBA will release the qualification system.
  8. All the posts written today between 9.30am and 2.30pm Central European Time has been lost. For Prediction Contests, please check in the Prediction Contest Discussion Thread.
  9. Wanderer will decide what to do about that. In the while, please write it here if you posted your predictions during this period. I think @SteveParker and @toulousain did, can you confirm that ? If you did, please post the predictions for the matches not yet started as soon as possible, Wanderer will then decide what to do with the missing matches.
  10. All the posts around the forum written between 9.30am and 2.30pm Central European Time has been lost. If you posted your predictions during this period, please post your predictions again. I will talk with Wanderer about how to deal with today's matches for the users who posted their predictions in this period. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  11. Yeah, the site was down for a couple of hours and now that it's back it looks like we lost posts of the last 10 hours
  12. Rome and Venice are very touristical city, there are hundreds of things to see in Rome, non that much in Venice. The only suggestion I can give you is to be careful of traps for tourists such as bars or restaurants in the main squares of the cities. A bottle of water or a coffee which normally cost 1 euro may cost even up to 3/4 euro there and you feel horrible when they just want to steal you money because you are a tourist. I know sometimes is not that easy, but try to buy things in supermarkets and try not to have lunch/dinner in the very centre of the city. With Tripadvisor you can easily find the names of restaurants with a good ration of quality/price, and you absolutely have to try a "carbonara" in Rome. As for the pizza, it's better if you eat it in Rome rather than Venice.
  13. Same for me and I have absolutely no idea what happened. Maybe too many posts deleted caused this ? Let's wait some days and see if it will be fixed by itself.
  14. Which would probably be page 350 without the deleted posts
  15. You are ignoring him but not really "ignoring" him from a technical point of view, since you keep reading his replies. With the ignore function you would not even read his posts. The world is not perfect, there will always be people you don't like around, especially in the sports world where everyone supports different teams/athletes. Moderating the forum and taking decisions on what posts to delete, what posts to keep, which users to warn is the last thing I want to do when I get home, but someone has to do it and of course it's not a fun thing. Nobody is forced to remain on the forum if they can not stand how I deal with the moderation anymore. But I assure you that whoever will be the admin in the future will keep receiving complaints, simply because it is impossible to make everyone happy and everytime I decide to delete/not to delete a post it's like if I am a referee and I have to decide if it's penalty or not. I would love both teams to be happy but you have to take a decision, always very quickly and often you take the wrong one, and one team will be happy with your decision and the other one disappointed.
  16. Lots of posts have been reported, they were mainly off topic and very sensitive so they have been deleted
  17. You are right, I should have written you a private message explaining why I deleted it. Sometimes I just don't have time for that and the priority is to delete the post and then I forget to explain why I deleted it (which anyway is not something mods are forced to do, but for sure would be better so I apologize for that). That's the problem of those kind of ironic posts, people who read all the thread understand it's ironic, some other users who maybe just pass by the thread from time to time and do not know the "background" do not understand it's ironic and take it serious and that's the reason why that post has been deleted.
  18. What he said it's not important anymore from the moment his post was deleted. If it wasn't like this, people would keep replying to posts deleted years ago. It's not users' responsability, but you have the chance to personally "ban" a user by ignoring his/her posts, that's a great thing I think since everyone would like to "ban" other users. Nobody forces you to ignore other users, but it's a chance you have and I think everyone should use it if they have a very low consideration of another user and they do not care about what they post.
  19. For you it's 2 users, for another user could be 1 user and for another one 10 users. If you read a provocative post and you report it, you can report it and give a mod some time to see the report and decide. If you think a user write just shameful or provocative posts I don't think you care for his/her opinion, so the best solution is to ignore him/her, so that his/her posts will not appear anymore when you are logged in in your account.
  20. Once again, let's try to follow some guidelines in order to finish the FIFA World Cup all alive: Do you read in the thread posts of users you can not stand? Suggestion: Ignore the user Do you read a post you think contains a personal attack against a user and/or against a whole nation? Suggestion: Report the post. If the post will not be deleted, then and just then you should reply. If instead of reporting the post you reply the post, if the original post will be deleted your reply will be deleted as well. Thank you for your cooperation
  21. If you do not want to ignore some users, you can report their posts then. Mods do not read every single post so some posts can remain even if they should be deleted. If the post is reported, anyway, surely one mod will read it and will decide whether to keep it or delete it. Your post has been reported and deleted, probably also other posts of the thread would have been deleted if they were reported but if there is no report there is the chance no mods have read that.
  22. Guys, I write it here now and it is a reminder for the next 3 weeks too: If you do not agree on a user's post, then reply to that post. But if you can not stand an user and you never agree on what he/she says and you think he/she is a ... (choose whatever you think), then please/por favor/bitte/per favore/пожалуйста/رجاء/proszę/请/alsjeblieft/لطفا/kérem/mолим вас, USE THE IGNORE FUNCTION! So that further posts of that user will be hidden around the forum when you connect from your account. I pay for this software which has this feature so I even pay for this, so seriously, USE IT!
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