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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2021 in Posts

  1. I really like the animated version of the pictograms. I like the animated pictograms done by both Tokyo and Beijing. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if animated pictograms became the new norm (with still versions still available of course).
    4 points
  2. The idea of dynamic ones in broadcast is great, but on the website I'd still (nomen omen :P ) prefer the still ones as they are lighter for a device. While having at least four streams open (at Summer Olympics - very least), every KB of RAM is a precious thing.
    2 points
  3. Today after almost two months of battle my grandmother returned to home because she feel enough that could leave hospital and doesn't need help from doctors anymore, she can now recover in home, although her lungs are destroyed and she probably will never return to be fully healthy as before corona. But at least she can be in her own house around close ones than in hospital and doctors.
    2 points
  4. I think the animated pictograms will be a big improvement over the still pictograms for broadcasts.
    2 points
  5. Oh no, my friend, the tracker is not wrong it was just in a slow, holiday mode
    2 points
  6. These are the same Lithuanian Championships that I posted about, it's so messy, but Baltics always have them together, but call them differently. They could just call it Baltic Championships then, but no I just don't really get it why it's written that Raenkel was on top in the sprint when he was not even in top 10. Perhaps they didn't want to write that Lithuanians took the first three places and the best performing Estonians were not even popular names with Siimer and Heldna.
    1 point
  7. Judging by the date of my last published article, I clearly have a “slow, holiday mode.”
    1 point
  8. The still ones are still nice as graphic representations for printed materials and whatnot. I think the animated ones have good possibilities for use in broadcasting, social media, etc.
    1 point
  9. First Hirvonen ties it & then it's 4-3... DAMN IT!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I thought that people like you or me don't have a "slow, holiday mode". Or maybe it's just me.
    1 point
  12. Canada 5 Russia 0 Canada off to the gold medal game.
    1 point
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