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3x3 Federation Ranking List of 1 November 2019 at 1200 UTC The 3x3 Federation Ranking List is calculated based on the rankings points of each NOC, whereas each NOC’s ranking points are the sum of the ranking points of their top 100 nationals with a confirmed account in the respective gender and tied NOC will be forced ranked based on each NOC’s highest ranked player in the corresponding gender. In this context, each player ranking points is calculated based on the points collected considering only the results of the best 9 FIBA-endorsed events on the last 12 months prior to 1 November 2019. FIBA-endorsed events are those events fully uploaded on The three (3) or four (4) (depending on Host Country place) highest ranked NOCs per gender on the 3x3 Federation Ranking List of 1 November 2019 at 1200 UTC will each earn one (1) quota place for their NOC to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020; however not more than two (2) NOCs can be from the same continent (the 5 continents of the Olympic Movement being America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania). In the event of a tie in the 3x3 Federation Ranking List between two or more NOCs, the criteria to determine the team(s) earning a quota place for their NOC/NF will be based on D. QUALIFICATION PATHWAY QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – GAMES OF THE XXXII OLYMPIAD – TOKYO 2020 Original Version: ENGLISH 4 July 2018 Page 3/5 which NOC(s) has (have) the highest ranked player (with a confirmed account) in the given gender. The 3x3 Federation Ranking List is updated daily and can be checked in


3 teams (M) 3 teams (W)


2020 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament (OQT) (date and location TBC) The three (3) highest placed NOCs at the 2020 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament will each receive one (1) quota place to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Twenty teams per gender are eligible to participate in the 2020 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament as per the following criteria: 1. The Host NOC of the OQT, if not yet qualified in the corresponding gender through the Federation Ranking List (see above); 2. The three (3) highest placed teams of the 2019 FIBA 3x3 World Cup; 3. The 16 (or 17, if Host NOC of the OQT already qualified) highest ranked NOCs at the 3x3 Federation Ranking List of 1 November 2019 not yet qualified to the Olympic Games through the Federation Ranking List (including in any case the Host Country of the Olympic Games if not yet qualified); 4. Subject to the last 10 berths in each gender will be allocated following the Federation Ranking List only if the respective NOC has not already a team in any gender qualified; 5. Subject to a maximum of 10 teams per gender from the same Continent shall take part. NOCs which have already qualified directly through the Federation Ranking List will not compete at the 2020 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament (OQT). If any invited NOC does not accept the invitation or the Host NOC of the OQT fall under criteria 2 and 3 above, the next highest ranked and eligible NOC(s), not already qualified from the Ranking List of 1 November 2019, will be invited to participate to the OQT, subject to the above-mentioned criteria


1 team (M) 1 team (W)

2020 FIBA Universality-driven Olympic Qualifying Tournament (UOQT) (date and location TBC, in any case after the OQT) The highest placed NOC at the FIBA Universality-driven Olympic Qualifying Tournament will receive one (1) quota place to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Six (6) teams are eligible to participate in the 2020 FIBA Universality-driven Olympic Qualifying Tournament as per the following criteria: 1. The Host NOC of the UOQT, if not yet qualified in the corresponding gender through the Federation Ranking list or the OQT (see above); 2. The five (5) highest ranked NOCs at the 3x3 Federation Ranking List of 1 November 2019 not yet qualified to the Olympic Games through the Federation Ranking List or the OQT (including in any case the Host Country of the Olympic Games if not yet qualified). 3. Only NOC (other than Host Country of the Olympic Games) who have not been represented in Basketball (irrespectively men or women) in the past 2 editions of the Olympic Games are eligible to participate in the UOQT. NOCs which have qualified directly through the 3x3 Federation Ranking List of 1 November 2019 or the OQT will not compete at the Universality-driven Olympic Qualifying Tournament (UOQT). QUALIFICATION SYSTEM – GAMES OF THE XXXII OLYMPIAD – TOKYO 20


If any invited NOC does not accept the invitation or the Host NOC of the Olympic Games fall under criteria 2 above, the next highest ranked and eligible NOC(s) not already qualified from the Ranking List of 1 November 2019 will be invited to participate.



If the Host Country has no team qualified on 2 November 2019, then FIBA will grant one (1) automatic qualification place to the highest ranked in the corresponding 3x3 Federation Ranking for Men and Women (with preference to latter in case of tie).

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U kosarci za muskarce je poznat vec sistem, pobednik i dva najbolja sa SP idu direktno, 16 najboljih nekvalifikovanih sa SP idu u kvalifikacije, i jos neki dodatni koje FIBA odluci da pozove (verovatno oni koji plate vise :p)


za zene je isto kao ranije, pobednik Evropskog direktno, 4 sa evropskog na svetske kvalifikacije bore se za 5 mesta

Edited by DaniSRB
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Devojke će imati lepu šansu da odu u svetske kvalifikacije jer se prvenstvo igra kod nas :d Pogotovo ako Ana i Sonja budu zdrave, a Jelena odluči da nastavi karijeru u reprezentaciji.

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1 minute ago, Майкл said:

Devojke će imati lepu šansu da odu u svetske kvalifikacije jer se prvenstvo igra kod nas :d Pogotovo ako Ana i Sonja budu zdrave, a Jelena odluči da nastavi karijeru u reprezentaciji.

sto ako


pa sve ce igrati kod kuce naravno


sve tri su isto godiste

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49 minutes ago, DaniSRB said:

sto ako


pa sve ce igrati kod kuce naravno


sve tri su isto godiste


Jelena je pomilnjala da je verovatno završila reprezentativnu karijeru nakon poraza od Letonije, zar ne? :mumble: 

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Just now, Майкл said:


Jelena je pomilnjala da je verovatno završila reprezentativnu karijeru nakon poraza od Letonije, zar ne? :mumble: 

mislim da su posle EP sve rekle da nastavljaju karijeru u reprezentaciji, to oko povlacenja je bilo nesto posle Rija


ali ovo je najsvezije svakako

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