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17 minutes ago, DaniSRB said:

sistem za tekvondo se malo promenio


5 preko rang liste i 1 pobednik grend slema, ostali preko kontinentalnih kvalifikacija



Bice bas tesko. Bas me zanima koliko TSS kvota cilja. Realno je da u muskoj nemamo nikoga

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32 minutes ago, DaniSRB said:

sistem za tekvondo se malo promenio


5 preko rang liste i 1 pobednik grend slema, ostali preko kontinentalnih kvalifikacija




Mi cemo dve imati kako god okrenes :d

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1 hour ago, DaniSRB said:

sistem za tekvondo se malo promenio


5 preko rang liste i 1 pobednik grend slema, ostali preko kontinentalnih kvalifikacija



Znaci ima nade za 3 devojke, a kad je grand slem? U sustini svodi se na isto, pobednik grand slema ce sigurno biti neko od prvih 6 na rang listi!!

Tekvondisti svakako mogu samo preko kont. kval. tako da ovo nista ne znaci za njih!

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13 minutes ago, Jesse_Pinkman) said:

Znaci ima nade za 3 devojke, a kad je grand slem? U sustini svodi se na isto, pobednik grand slema ce sigurno biti neko od prvih 6 na rang listi!!

Tekvondisti svakako mogu samo preko kont. kval. tako da ovo nista ne znaci za njih!


Pa i ne bas :d Isto je pravilo kao 2016. Ako osvojis dve preko rang liste ne mozes vise.

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11 minutes ago, Jesse_Pinkman) said:

A jel se odredjuje prvo ko ce sa rang liste pa ide grand slam ili obrnuto?

A total of 40 athletes (20 male and 20 female) will be qualified for the Olympic Games
through the WT Olympic Ranking.
The top five (5) ranked athletes in each weight category on the WT Olympic Ranking which
reflected result until Grand Prix Final of December 2019 will qualify one (1) quota place each
for their NOC for the Olympic Games.



A total of 8 athletes (4 male and 4 female) will be qualified for the Olympic Games through
the WT Grand Slam Champions Series.
The highest ranked athlete in each weight category on merit points standing of WT Grand
Slam Champions Series after the Grand Slam Champions Series of January 2020 will
qualify one (1) quota place each for their NOC for the Olympic Games.
In case of a tie in the number of merit point standing points among qualifiers, the athlete
who competed more number of World Taekwondo Grand Slam Champions Series including
qualification tournament will receive quota place.



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2 hours ago, DaniSRB said:

A total of 40 athletes (20 male and 20 female) will be qualified for the Olympic Games
through the WT Olympic Ranking.
The top five (5) ranked athletes in each weight category on the WT Olympic Ranking which
reflected result until Grand Prix Final of December 2019 will qualify one (1) quota place each
for their NOC for the Olympic Games.



A total of 8 athletes (4 male and 4 female) will be qualified for the Olympic Games through
the WT Grand Slam Champions Series.
The highest ranked athlete in each weight category on merit points standing of WT Grand
Slam Champions Series after the Grand Slam Champions Series of January 2020 will
qualify one (1) quota place each for their NOC for the Olympic Games.
In case of a tie in the number of merit point standing points among qualifiers, the athlete
who competed more number of World Taekwondo Grand Slam Champions Series including
qualification tournament will receive quota place.



Pa zar nema samo jedan Grand Slam u godini ili gresim?

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