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SPOILERS ALERT!!! - ... If 2023 was 2026 - simulation of 2026 Winter Olympics according to the results of 2023 WCH

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Updated after Event #14 (M Alpine Combined).


Coming up next:

Wed 08/02/2023


Alpine Skiing - W SuperG

Biathlon - Mixed Relay


Updated after Events #15 and #16 (W Super-G and Biathlon Mixed Relay)


Coming up next: M Super-G (Thu, Feb 9th)


Updated after Event #17 (M Super-G)


Next: Biathlon - W Sprint (Fri Feb 10th)


Updated after Event #18 (Biathlon - W Sprint)


Germany 18 medals in 18 events


Coming up next: Alpine Skiing - W Downhill, Biathlon - M Sprint (Sat Feb 11th)


Is there anything similar to Figure Skating olympic team event organized during 2022/2023 skating season???


Updated after Biathlon - M sprint - 20 events in total


Coming up next:

Alpine Skiing - M downhill

Biathlon - M and W pursuit

(Sun, Feb 12th)


I wonder how long does it take for Norwegians to catch Germans in our medal table


As @Monzanator said, only twice in olympic history there was 1-2-3-4 for athletes from one NOC in an event where 4 athletes per NOC could participate


1924 and 1932, nordic combined, Norge!!!

Edited by rafalgorka


Poor Vetle Sjaastad Christiansen, 6th in total, but 5th among Norwegians


If he gets a medal tomorrow in pursuit, i will have to rule him out, because in our simulation he can't technically be there ...


Updated after M downhill and W biathlon pursuit


Updated after event #23 - biathlon M pursuit


Vetle Sjaastad Christiansen NOR not included in the results because he was out of Norwegian Top 4 in sprint race yesterday


Coming up next: Biathlon - M 20km individual (Tue, Feb 14th, 14:30 CET)


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