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Speed Skating ISU European Championships 2019

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Kjeld Nuis had an epic 1000m in the sprint championship, but was DQ'ed for hitting one of those little blocks on the inside of the line (which seems like a right decision). He got rather mad at the referee (a Dutch one) and in the middle of the discussion decided to just sarcastically shake his hand and say thanks, and then came back to check the referee's accreditation for his name :p




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however, this winter's weather in Collalbo is really anti-climatic (and all the missing good skaters -especially in the men's sprint championship- don't help the competition, too)...


p.s. I didn't expect Ireen Wust to be that out of shape (even if I can understand her feelings after Van Deutekom's tragedy...the Italian TV commentators said they were very close friends and that Wust spent a lot of time beside Pauline in the last few weeks)...


p.p.s. Lollo...:cheer:

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38 minutes ago, phelps said:

however, this winter's weather in Collalbo is really anti-climatic (and all the missing good skaters -especially in the men's sprint championship- don't help the competition, too)...


p.s. I didn't expect Ireen Wust to be that out of shape (even if I can understand her feelings after Van Deutekom's tragedy...the Italian TV commentators said they were very close friends and that Wust spent a lot of time beside Pauline in the last few weeks)...


p.p.s. Lollo...:cheer:

Wüst's performances can easily be 100% put on Van Deutekom's death. In the interview after the 500m today she was visibly shaken up when talking about it. She said she was trying to flip the switch before the competition, but that got a lot harder when the big screen showed some nice photos of Van Deutekom. "That hit hard", she said.


They were very good friends indeed, and during Van Deutekom's career they were often roommates when travelling. Of everyone in the Dutch speed skating world, I think this has hit Wüst the hardest.


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16 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Kjeld Nuis had an epic 1000m in the sprint championship, but was DQ'ed for hitting one of those little blocks on the inside of the line (which seems like a right decision). He got rather mad at the referee (a Dutch one) and in the middle of the discussion decided to just sarcastically shake his hand and say thanks, and then came back to check the referee's accreditation for his name :p




Nuis' main words here: "I did not cut the corner, impossible! It's just impossible! I did not cut even one centimeter of the corner!" (repeat x100)


Ok Kjeld.




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Nuis: "I saw this photo, I don't believe I crossed the line. You'd have to talk about all kinds of specific things, like the moment of the photograph, the refractive index of the material and I'm not gonna get into that."


So basically the photo is an optical illusion. Ok Kjeld.


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