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Croatia National Thread


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45 minutes ago, prso1000 said:

Really bad weekend for us.


We might be without wrestlers in rio. One tournament left.


And in judo actually I was hoping for 3 quotas. Now it looks more like only one quota. Matic in danger to lose the fixed qualification, which would mean no Rio for Kumric. His quota is anyway in danger as minaskin won medal. He is probably still out of cont. quota :(


Well, that's the story of our qualifications... Pretty much only athletes that "must qualify" manage to qualify. Those that are on the "edge" very rarely succeed.


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New judoranking is out, and right now it would be two quotas for us. Barbara Matic just 3 points in front of Stam and in last fixed qualification place. This gives a  chance for Kumric, who right now has a continetal quota. Minaskin (EST) took him over, but the HUngarian lost his cont. quota to another hungarian athlete (Gerscak, has 10 points more than Cirjenics) and Fletcher (GBR) is now among 22, he took over the australian guy.

Next week is Panamerican Cahmpionship and there is no danger for Matic to be overtaken.

Two tournaments left, and it will be very close. One quota is safe, but the other one


Right now we have 7 judoka register for Baku (Kumric, both Matic sisters, Maranic, Sutalo, Miskovic and Djakovic)

No registration yet for Almaty.


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just one more remark regarding judo: Stam has to be 7th in Baku or 3rd in Almaty to take over Matic.

At the same time Matic could do 60 points by 1 win in Baku.

Dangerous could be also a judoka from Mongolia. The chinese one is not registered for Baku yet.


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Does anybody know if we will send  a boxer to the WSB/APB qualification tournament.

I think Marko Calic and Josip Bepo Filipi do fullfil the criteria, unfortunately both in the same category (91kg)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems that Lizatovic (- 59 kg), Etlinger (- 66 kg), Starcevic, Neven Zugaj (both - 75 kg), Nenad Zugaj (- 85 kg) and Lavric (- 130 kg) will participate at the Qualification Tournament in Istanbul. Would be a disappointment if we won't have a wrestler in Rio.


Our Handball Team will play against France, Denmark, Qatar, Tunisia and Argentina. Seems to be a tough Group at first sight, but in the other Group are four strong European Teams (Germany, Poland, Sweden and Slovenia) and the host Nation Brazil. Not sure how good Qatar really is though. 




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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Milan:

Seems that Lizatovic (- 59 kg), Etlinger (- 66 kg), Starcevic, Neven Zugaj (both - 75 kg), Nenad Zugaj (- 85 kg) and Lavric (- 130 kg) will participate at the Qualification Tournament in Istanbul. Would be a disappointment if we won't have a wrestler in Rio.


Our Handball Team will play against France, Denmark, Qatar, Tunisia and Argentina. Seems to be a tough Group at first sight, but in the other Group are four strong European Teams (Germany, Poland, Sweden and Slovenia) and the host Nation Brazil. Not sure how good Qatar really is though. 




I don't think we can have two guys in the same category. They will have to chose. I would go with Starcevic. Otherwise good selection.

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Looks like only Gaćina qualified in table tennis, as expected.


Smallest table tennis team ever and the first time since 1992 we don't have a woman. Better 1 than nothing I guess...


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Am ‎03‎.‎05‎.‎2016 um 07:10 schrieb prso1000:

I don't think we can have two guys in the same category. They will have to chose. I would go with Starcevic. Otherwise good selection.


Your're right. And apparently they did choose Starcevic. GR Events will be tomorrow.

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