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The venue for tomorrows track and field event in Montreal has changed to a different stadium. The steeplechase events are cancelled.


What is with Montreal and needing to use different venues? :p 

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12 minutes ago, intoronto said:


I know they won’t change the venue for Trials, but do they want fast times/far marks or not? With 30 C weather, that won’t be possible. 

They should’ve changed the location weeks or even months ago. 

Edited by Josh
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4 minutes ago, NearPup said:

Pierce LePage got a medical exemption from having to compete at trials. This is quite concerning.

I remember reading he withdrew from Gotzis to be cautious of not getting injured. His only event this year was a 400m race in which he was 3 seconds behind his PB. 


Doesn't look good

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