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Poll 84/100 | Modern Pentathlon Polls

Poll 84/100  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Modern Pentathlon should continue to be part of future Olympics?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Do you enjoy watching the sport?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Do you want to change the rules of sport ( different from Tokyo or Paris format) if given a opportunity?

    • Yes
    • No

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A. Fun Task


Design a unique format of individual modern pentathlon consisting of the existing or different  5 disciplines  not as same as the one  chosen for  Tokyo or decided for Paris. 



B. Side Poll


Who do you think will medal in Men's and Women's Modern Pentathlon  Event ?

Who could impress you the most from your nation? 

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Yes to all 3 questions...


for what concerns the chance to change the format, I'd like to get back at least to the 1-day event like it was until London 2012 (with no ranking and bonus round in fencing, just the simple round robin as it once was)...

the wet dream is to get back to the good old 5-day format, but I admit it would be quite anachronistic...


A - it doesn't make sense to I wrote, I'd rather be back to what MP once was, not going forward to more absurd formats...


B - men: :EGY :HUN :RUS / women: :BLR :ITA :FRA

we have a couple of girls competing, but I think only Elena Micheli has a chance to shine...

unfortunately, for the first time we don't have any man qualified to the olympic event...what a shame!

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7 people want to change rules but no one wants to suggest the format:lol:


For me :  Finswimming 100m Bifin / Underwater OR Obstacle Swimming 

Followed by Fencing Epee (With a knockout format based on fencing rank of pentathletes ) 


Followed by Cross Country Equestrian 


Final combined event - 3km run + laser shooting - 5 targets first 2  1km loops so 10 shots 

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I'd change the shooting format to take away laser shooting and replace it with actual shooting, to make actual shooting skills more important (since stuff like taking wind into account is important as well, but basically eliminated with laser shooting).


Not that I'd care a whole lot, since I usually end up watching five minutes of pentathlon every few years :p 


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