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Women's Beach Volleyball CEV European Continental Cup 2018 - 2020

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Women's Beach Volleyball CEV European Continental Cup 2018 - 2020


CHK.gif Multi-Stage Event - 11 May 2019 - 26 June 2021 CHK.gif




Official Website 112255r04u4pz70n9mu99d.png
Programme 114826ez87b86sig8ubgz8.png
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Phase 2


Pool B - Madrid -


*Pool A*


:RUS 2-0 :ROU

Makroguzova//Kholomina 2-0 Popa/Popa

Dabizha/Rudykh 2-0 Ordean/Stanciu


:FRA 2-0 :CYP

Jupiter/Chamereau 2-0 Gusarova/Konstantopoulou

Placette/Richard 2-0 Angeloupolou/Konstantinou


:RUS 2-0 :FRA

Makroguzova//Kholomina 2-0 Placette/Richard

Dabizha/Rudykh 2-0 Jupiter/Chamereau


:CYP 2-0 :ROU

Angeloupolou/Konstantinou 2-0 Popa/Popa

Gusarova/Konstantopoulou 2-0 Ordean/Stanciu


*Pool B*


:ESP 2-0 :EST

Soria/Carro 2-0 Pikk/Kure-Pohhmov

Fernández/Lobato 2-0 Hollas/Soomets


:SUI 2-0 :LTU

Böbner/Vergé-Depré 2-0 Paulikiene/Andriukaityte

Caluori/Lutz 2-0 Dumbauskaite/Grudzinskaite


:ESP 2-0 :SUI

Soria/Carro 2-0 Caluori/Lutz

Fernández/Lobato 2-1 Böbner/Vergé-Depré


:LTU 2-0 :EST

Dumbauskaite/Grudzinskaite 2-0 Pikk/Kure-Pohhmov

Paulikiene/Andriukaityte 2-1 Hollas/Soomets




:FRA 2-0 :LTU

Jupiter/Chamereau 2-1 Paulikiene/Andriukaityte

Placette/Richard 2-0 Dumbauskaite/Grudzinskaite


:SUI 2-0 :CYP 

Böbner/Vergé-Depré 2-0 Gusarova/Konstantopoulou

Caluori/Lutz 2-0 Angeloupolou/Konstantinou




:RUS 2-0 :SUI

Makroguzova//Kholomina 2-1 Caluori/Lutz

Dabizha/Rudykh 2-0 Böbner/Vergé-Depré


:ESP 0-2 :FRA

Soria/Carro 1-2 Placette/Richard

Fernández/Lobato 1-2 Jupiter/Chamereau


*Final 7th Place*


:EST 2-1 :ROU

Hollas/Soomets 2-0 Popa/Popa

Pikk/Kure-Pohhmov 0-2 Ordean/Stanciu

Hollas/Soomets 2-0 Ordean/Stanciu


*Final 5th Place*


:CYP 0-2 :LTU

Angeloupolou/Konstantinou 1-2 Paulikiene/Andriukaityte

Gusarova/Konstantopoulou 0-2 Dumbauskaite/Grudzinskaite


*Final 3rd Place*


:ESP 2-1 :SUI

Soria/Carro 2-0 Caluori/Lutz

Fernández/Lobato 0-2 Böbner/Vergé-Depré

Fernández/Soria 2-0 Böbner/Vergé-Depré


*Final 1st Place*


:RUS 2-0 :FRA

Makroguzova//Kholomina 2-0 Placette/Richard

Dabizha/Rudykh 2-0 Jupiter/Chamereau




Advance to Phase Final >> :RUS:FRA:ESP:SUI:LTU


Eliminated >> :CYP:EST:ROU



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  On 6/24/2021 at 3:35 PM, rybak said:

Yesterday we beats Czech Republic 2-1 but today our girls lost to Greece and wont make Tokyo :cry:


Sorry for your girls but obviously I'm very happy for ours. Unfortunately I think our run will end in the semifinals. Will be very hard for us against Russia, especially since our second team is too young/inexperienced for this so our first team has to do all the work. Vicky is 36 and playing with injury so I don't know if she can really handle this.


If they manage to qualify it will be an amazing story, after she made her Olympic debut in Athens as a 19 yo, played in Beijing and London, missed Rio, got pregnant, came back after giving birth, had a very bad injury and was out for almost a year and was going to miss Tokyo, then the Games got postponed so she had another chance, now here she is. I hope she tries to make it to Paris if they don't qualify for Tokyo but I'm not sure if her body is capable of it. She's had a very long career and probably wants to have more children.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 7:38 PM, Makedonas said:

Sorry for your girls but obviously I'm very happy for ours. Unfortunately I think our run will end in the semifinals. Will be very hard for us against Russia, especially since our second team is too young/inexperienced for this so our first team has to do all the work. Vicky is 36 and playing with injury so I don't know if she can really handle this.


If they manage to qualify it will be an amazing story, after she made her Olympic debut in Athens as a 19 yo, played in Beijing and London, missed Rio, got pregnant, came back after giving birth, had a very bad injury and was out for almost a year and was going to miss Tokyo, then the Games got postponed so she had another chance, now here she is. I hope she tries to make it to Paris if they don't qualify for Tokyo but I'm not sure if her body is capable of it. She's had a very long career and probably wants to have more children.


Good luck to them!

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