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  1. memes starting virals in slovak sites after the country finally stopped the 8 long years QF curse when SVK was last time in Quarter Finals at the WCh ? it´s been 8 years
  2. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 26th Qualified Athlete Michal MORVAY - ATHLETICS (M 50km RACE WALK) Päťdesiatkar Michal Morvay druhým istým atlétom v slovenskej výprave v premiére na OH sa postaví na štart po boku Mateja Tótha Šiesteho augusta nebude stať Matej Tóth na štarte olympijských pretekov v chôdzi na 50 km sám. Na okruhu v parku Odori v Sappore, kde budú o tokijské medaily bojovať chodci a maratónci, zažije premiéru pod piatimi kruhmi aj Michal Morvay. V kvalifikačnom renkingu päťdesiatkárov, ktorého uzávierka bola 31. mája, sa zmestil do šesťdesiatky štartujúcich – je 53. Dvadsaťštyriročný Nitran v službách banskobystrickej Dukly doposiaľ nikdy neštartoval na seniorských MS či ME, no vďaka húževnatosti a nezlomnej vôli pôjde na olympiádu. Je druhý slovenský atlét s istotou štartu na OH 2021. Slovenský chodec Michal Morvay zažíval posledné dva roky turbulentné obdobie. V roku 2019 skončil po Dudinskej päťdesiatke v sanitke a v opatere lekárov. O dva roky neskôr finišoval na tom istom podujatí s osobným rekordom. Napriek tomu, že bol len pár týždňov po operácii kolena. Napokon si užije svoje premiérové olympijské hry. V roku 2019 prišiel do cieľa Dudinskej päťdesiatky s časom 4:09:50. Od 42. kilometra mal „okno”. Skončil v sanitke. „Dnes sa na to pozerám tak, že to bola obrovská skúsenosť, aj keď negatívna. Veľmi veľa som sa tam naučil a myslím, že od toho momentu sa všetko v mojom živote zmenilo,“ hovorí Michal. Aj keď s časom spokojný nebol, vyhral majstrovstvá Slovenska a získal body, ktoré ho v olympijskom rebríčku posunuli na hranicu postupu na OH 2020 „Od toho momentu som začal veriť, že je reálne štartovať na olympijských hrách.“ Po operácii mal iba týždeň, aby nohu rozhýbal. Čakalo ho totiž ďalšie sústredenie – príprava na Dudinskú 50. „Áno, bol to risk, ale nemal som čo stratiť. Prvý týždeň na sústredení som neveril, že v Dudinciach vôbec nastúpim. Na tréningoch som sa trápil v nadmorskej výške, ale pracoval som na 110 percent.“ Zvyšné dva týždne sústredenia preto každý deň tvrdo trénoval. Aj keď to bolo ťažké a noha stále bolela. Nemal som na výber, hovorí. Hlavu mal správne nastavenú, nemohlo ho už nič zastaviť. Koncom sústredenia ho koleno už skoro vôbec nebolelo, a preto sa s trénerom rozhodli, že v Dudinciach to len päť týždňov po operácií skúsia a uvidia. A oplatilo sa. Päť týždňov po operácii v Dudinciach finišovali s osobným rekordom 3:57:59. A opäť sa stal majstrom Slovenska. „Prvých 25 kilometrov som sa prekvapivo cítil dobre a snažil som sa udržať si čo najdlhšie dobrý pocit. Nevedeli sme, čo sa s telom bude diať na 35-40 kilometri. Stále som mierne zrýchľoval a snažil sa užívať si každý kilometer. Posledných 10 km bolo neuveriteľných. Síce to bolelo, ale bol to skvelý pocit,“ hovorí 24-ročný chodec. zdroj: SAZ a SOŠV
  3. Tuesday June 1st, 2021 - Preliminary Round Last Day Schedule (GMT +3)  Preliminary Round LIVESTREAM Group A Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Switzerland vs Great Britain Period-by-Period: June 1st 2021, h. 12:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Slovakia vs Czech Republic Period-by-Period: June 1st 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga ROC vs Belarus Period-by-Period: June 1st 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Group B Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Canada vs Finland Period-by-Period: June 1st 2021, h. 12:15, Arena Riga, Riga Italy vs United States Period-by-Period: June 1st 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Germany vs Latvia Period-by-Period: June 1st 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga
  4. DAY 11 HIGHLIGHTS ROC PSO3 - 2 Sweden Period-by-Period: 0-1, 0-0, 2-1, Overtime: 0-0, Penalty Shoot-Out: 1-0 May 31st 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Goals: 53. Slepyshev (Orlov) 1:1, 53. Barabanov (Tarasenko, Nesterov) 2:1, the Winning Penalty Shoot-Out scored by Tarasenko 3:2 After PSO - 9. Frödén (Lindberg, A. Kempe) 0:1, 56. Olofsson (Sellgren) 2:2
  5. DAY 11 HIGHLIGHTS Norway 3 - 1 Kazakhstan Period-by-Period: 0-1, 1-0, 2-0 May 31st 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 28. Valkvae Olsen (Trettenes) 1:1, 42. Espeland (Trettenes, Rosseli Olsen) 2:1, 59. M. Olimb (K. A. Olimb) 3:1 - 16. Shevchenko (Svedberg) 0:1
  6. DAY 11 HIGHLIGHTS Czech Republic PSO2 - 1 Denmark Period-by-Period: 0-1, 0-0, 1-0, Overtime: 0-0, Penalty Shoot-Out: 1-0 May 31st 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Goals: 46. Kubalík (Chytil, Vrána) 1:1, the Winning Penalty Shoot-Out scored by Chytil 2:1 After PSO – 4. Nicklas Jensen (M. Lauridsen, Olesen) 0:1
  7. DAY 11 HIGHLIGHTS United States 2 - 0 Germany Period-by-Period: 0-0, 1-0, 1-0 May 31st 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 39. Robertson (Donato, Garland) 1:0, 60. Blackwell (Robinson) 2:0
  8. Monday May 31st, 2021 - Preliminary Round Day 11 RESULTS (GMT +3)  Preliminary Round Group A Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Czech Republic PSO2 - 1 Denmark Period-by-Period: 0-1, 0-0, 1-0, Overtime: 0-0, Penalty Shoot-Out: 1-0 May 31st 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga ROC PSO3 - 2 Sweden Period-by-Period: 0-1, 0-0, 2-1, Overtime: 0-0, Penalty Shoot-Out: 1-0 May 31st 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Group A Provisional Standing After Day 11 Nation P W(OTW) L(OTL) GF GA +/- Pt. ROC 6 5(1) 1(0) 22 10 +12 14 Switzerland 6 4(0) 2(0) 21 14 +7 12 Slovakia 6 4(0) 2(0) 14 15 -1 12 Czech Republic 6 4(2) 2(0) 20 15 +5 10 Sweden 7 3(0) 4(1) 21 14 +7 10 Denmark 7 3(1) 4(1) 13 15 -2 9 Great Britain 6 1(0) 5(1) 10 25 -15 4 Belarus 6 1(0) 5(1) 10 23 -13 4 Group B Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) United States 2 - 0 Germany Period-by-Period: 0-0, 1-0, 1-0 May 31st 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Norway 3 - 1 Kazakhstan Period-by-Period: 0-1, 1-0, 2-0 May 31st 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga Group B Provisional Standing After Day 11 Nation P W(OTW) L(OTL) GF GA +/- Pt. Finland 6 5(1) 1(1) 16 8 +8 15 United States 6 5(0) 1(0) 17 6 +11 15 Kazakhstan 7 4(2) 3(0) 22 18 +4 10 Germany 6 3(0) 3(0) 20 13 +7 9 Canada 6 3(0) 3(0) 17 15 +2 9 Latvia 6 2(0) 4(3) 14 14 0 9 Norway 7 3(1) 4(0) 17 21 -4 8 Italy 6 0(0) 6(0) 9 37 -28 0 Nations Qualified for Quarterfinals (Partial) Czech Republic Finland ROC Slovakia Switzerland United States TBD TBD
  9. Results Update Event Link Click on the logo to open Round-Robin
  10. Sweden for the first time ever since the introduction of the Play-Offs system will miss the Quarterfinals
  11. Final Scores Group A (Olympics Sports Center) R.O.C. - Sweden : 3-2 After PSO (0-1, 0-0, 2-1, Overtime: 0-0, Penalty Shoot-Out: 1-0) 08:06 Jesper FRODEN (Lindberg, A. Kempe) 0:1 52:34 Anton SLEPYSHEV (Orlov) 1:1 52:46 Alexander BARABANOV (Tarasenko, Nesterov) 2:1 55:17 Victor OLOFSSON (Sellgren, Lundestrom) 2:2 the Winning Penalty Shoot-Out scored by Vladimir TARASENKO 3:2 After PSO Group B (Riga Arena) Norway - Kazakhstan : 3-1 (0-1, 1-0, 2-0) 16:00 Dmitri SHEVCHENKO (Svedberg) 0:1 27:57 Thomas VALKVAE OLSEN (Trettenes, Holos) 1:1 51:08 Stefan ESPELAND (Trettenes, Rosseli Olsen) 2:1 59:00 Mathis OLIMB (K. A. Olimb) 3:1
  12. Scores after 2nd Period Group A (Olympics Sports Center) R.O.C. - Sweden : 0-1 (0-1, 0-0, -) 08:06 Jesper FRODEN (Lindberg, A. Kempe) 0:1 Group B (Riga Arena) Norway - Kazakhstan : 1-1 (0-1, 1-0, -) 16:00 Dmitri SHEVCHENKO (Svedberg) 0:1 27:57 Thomas VALKVAE OLSEN (Trettenes, Holos) 1:1
  13. Scores after 1st Period Group A (Olympics Sports Center) R.O.C. - Sweden : 0-1 (0-1, -, -) 08:06 Jesper FRODEN (Lindberg, A. Kempe) 0:1 Group B (Riga Arena) Norway - Kazakhstan : 0-1 (0-1, -, -) 16:00 Dmitri SHEVCHENKO (Svedberg) 0:1
  14. Final Scores Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Czech Republic - Denmark : 2-1 After PSO (0-1, 0-0, 1-0, Overtime: 0-0, Penalty Shoot-Out: 1-0) 03:41 Nicklas JENSEN (M. Lauriden, Olesen) 0:1 45:23 Dominik KUBALÍK (Chytil, Vrána) 1:1 the Winning Penalty Shoot-Out scored by Filip CHYTIL 2:1 After PSO Group B (Riga Arena) United States - Germany : 2-0 (0-0, 1-0, 1-0) 38:56 Jason ROBERTSON (Donato, Garland) 1:0 59:33 Colin BLACKWELL (Robinson) 2:0
  15. Scores after 2nd Period Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Czech Republic - Denmark : 0-1 (0-1, 0-0, -) 03:41 Nicklas JENSEN (M. Lauriden, Olesen) 0:1 Group B (Riga Arena) United States - Germany : 1-0 (0-0, 1-0, -) 38:56 Jason ROBERTSON (Donato, Garland) 1:0
  16. Scores after 1st Period Group A (Olympics Sports Center) Czech Republic - Denmark : 0-1 (0-1, -, -) 03:41 Nicklas JENSEN (M. Lauriden, Olesen) 0:1 Group B (Riga Arena) United States - Germany : 0-0 (0-0, -, -)
  17. Damn, no title for this year it seems, well, nvm the trophy will come to Quito next year then
  18. POWER RANKING 30th May 2021 Edition In our fifth Power Rankings, coach Valeri Bragin’s ROC team takes over first place with 12 points in just five games. Defending champion Finland is second after a tight OT win over host Latvia, and the Swiss sit third after thumping Belarus. The Power Rankings are for the enjoyment of readers, and reflect the progress of teams during the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship. They are distinct from the official standings and IIHF World Ranking. 1 ROC Samonov is ROC-solid 2 FIN In Finnish hockey history, he is the greatest Anton 3 SUI We’d prefer a 6-0 record, but we’ll take it 4 USA Herb Brooks didn’t bag skate us 5 SVK We need more hot men named Peter 6 KAZ Leave the gun, take the cannoli 7 SWE Our fans are amazing – they never stop biting their nails 8 CZE We focused on ourselves, not Paddington 9 CAN A Canadian team will win Game Seven 10 GER Holzer learns Havertz’s salary, demands raise 11 DEN It’s like dating: you gotta shoot your shot 12 LAT Go, teams that beat us, go! Yes, we are masochists! 13 NOR Our D-men are delightfully uninhibited 14 GBR Boris gets married, we get massacred 15 BLR No tailor-made solution for bailing out these princes 16 ITA “Mangiapane” means “Italy is toast” Previous Editions 21st May, 2021 23rd May, 2021 25th May, 2021 28th May, 2021
  19. Monday May 31st, 2021 - Preliminary Round Day 11 Schedule (GMT +3)  Preliminary Round LIVESTREAM Group A Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) Czech Republic vs Denmark Period-by-Period: May 31st 2021, h. 16:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga ROC vs Sweden Period-by-Period: May 31st 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Group B Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3) United States vs Germany Period-by-Period: May 31st 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Norway vs Kazakhstan Period-by-Period: May 31st 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga
  20. DAY 10 HIGHLIGHTS Finland OT3 - 2 Latvia Period-by-Period: 1-1, 1-0, 0-1, Overtime: 1-0 May 30th 2021, h. 20:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 4. Mäenalanen (Anttila, Tiivola) 1:0, 36. Pakarinen (Pokka, Innala) 2:1, 65. Lundell (Määttä) 3:2 After OT - 19. Dzierkals (Unassisted) 1:1, 54. Dzierkals (Darzinš, Sotnieks) 2:2
  21. DAY 10 HIGHLIGHTS Sweden 3 - 1 Slovakia Period-by-Period: 0-1, 1-0, 2-0 May 30th 2021, h. 20:15, Olympic Sports Centre, Riga Goals: 31. Sörensen (Friberg) 1:1, 52. Olofsson (Tommernes) 2:1, 60. Lundeström (Hallander) 3:1 - 20. Cehlárik (Unassisted) 0:1
  22. DAY 10 HIGHLIGHTS Italy 1 - 7 Canada Period-by-Period: 0-4, 1-2, 0-1 May 30th 2021, h. 16:15, Arena Riga, Riga Goals: 31. Miceli (Pitschieler) 1:4 - 3. Perfetti (Schneider, Foudy) 0:1, 9. Mangiapane (Brown, Henrique) 0:2, 12. Stecher (Anderson-Dolan) 0:3, 12. Henrique (Mangiapane) 0:4, 35. Mangiapane (Brown, Ferraro) 1:5, 38. Comtois (Mangiapane, Brown) 1:6, 56. Pirri (Brown, Henrique) 1:7
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