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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. How you didn´t expected that ? honestly I´m shocked that my 12 points are only the first today for you
  2. SLOVAKIA Jury Scorecard: Argentina 12 New Zealand 11 Iran 10 Netherlands 9 Great Britain 8 Algeria 7 Croatia 6 Romania 5 France 4 Slovenia 3 Serbia 2 Mexico 1 To bolo hlasovanie Slovenskej poroty, Ďakujeme za pozornosť a želáme príjemný zvyšok dňa a súťaže. Dovidenia! That was the votes of slovakian jury, Thank you for your attention and wish you a pleasant rest of the day and the rest of the competition. Good-bye!
  3. SLOVAKIA Jury Scorecard: New Zealand 11 Iran 10 Netherlands 9 Great Britain 8 Algeria 7 Croatia 6 Romania 5 France 4 Slovenia 3 Serbia 2 Mexico 1
  4. SLOVAKIA Dobrý deň Londýn, dobrý deň Veľká Británia, Hlásia sa Košice, Hlási sa Slovensko, Na úvod by slovenská porota rada poďakovala a vyjadrila veľkú poklonu usporiadateľskému výboru za všetku skvele odvedenú prácu a vynikajúcu súťaž. A teraz pristúpime k samotným výsledkom hlasovania.. Slovensko hlasovalo následovne Hello London ! Hello Great Britain ! Košice Calling ! Slovakia Calling ! At First, the slovak jury would thanks and express huge compliment to the Organizing Committee for all the great work done and the excellent organization of our loved contest. And now we can move to the actual outcome of the votes .. so Slovakia voted as follows Jury Scorecard: Iran 10 Netherlands 9 Great Britain 8 Algeria 7 Croatia 6 Romania 5 France 4 Slovenia 3 Serbia 2 Mexico 1
  5. Cool, another milestone broken..double digit for us ! yep step by step
  6. wow in less than half hour it´s my turn..have a feeling like it´s first time I vote so early
  7. That feeling, when you Start to miss the Czech Republic here more and more
  8. Amazing job @dcro as always. So Slovak delegation arrived finally to Brighton we enjoyed our stay, beautiful landscapes and amazing calm. We really enjoyed it and went yesterday to do some shipping, ehm...and to not forget..I would like to thank in the name of the entire Slovak delegation to the coastal patrol and the local baywatch team for promptly resolving our.. ehm... little problem during the... ehm..shipping. and now go for the TISC Good Luck to everyone, hopefully all nations will have some points at the end of the day and from personal view Slovakia will do well (top half is the goal). And good luck to our host, fingers crossed that everything will work well and the Penguins will stay out
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