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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Disappointing result for us I must say Don´t know if I´m so bad in music but I really thougth the song will fight for a top half but obviously I´m not in at all...maybe a good lesson for me, next time to introduce a song from my taste and not a "popular" song, which destroy the slovak radio and tv charts... but once behind the boarders bring only a fiasco
  2. It´s probably about the browser, I tried few months ago Opera but it didn´t worked well in IP boards, better to use Firefox, it´s more friendly with this system
  3. 4th points for us. and overpassing the 20 points. yep yep step by step to the victory Thanks Denmark
  4. Yay points after 7 juries streak and 2 hours and 56 minutes finally points Thank you Bulgaria ! Thank you !
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