As far as I am concerned, there are two very simple problems: infrastructure and the lack of cooperation between sports federations. Let me explain.
The MiCo2026 Olympics will provide virtually no legacy in ice sports, there is still a lack of an indoor hall, there is no federal centre that has been promised for so many years. It could have been an opportunity to make a nice roof in Baselga di Pinè, but instead they preferred to make temporary facilities in Rho.
The second problem is the total lack of cooperation between roller skating and speed skating, we have a huge pool and we are not exploiting it. Fortunately we are doing a few small collegiate events, the technical collaboration with the Netherlands absolutely must be exploited.
I am not so negative however about the current situation, Ghiotto practically on the 10k seems to be off the scale (watch out for the Czech and Norwegian) and he can medal in the 5k and drag the pursuit team. In the mass start you have more cards in both the men's and women's, let's see what Fontana does. And a Fontana-Peveri-Lollobrigida pursuit team can also play for a third place