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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. Thanks to the kindness of the FIVB, they will easely get a medal each year for the next five years in the major championship called FIVB World League Div. 2. What's to complain ?
  2. Sooooo... we don't even see the scorings after each round. Is this an AIBA world championship thing, or will it be the same thing in Tokyo ? PS: sorry if allready asked before. PS2: Oumiha world champion
  3. How gentleman of you Personnaly; i'l go with awufull (with a special "Really ?" award for the french and the slovenian girls)
  4. She is the only who looks like she didn"t start canoeing a week ago...
  6. I'm not a native english speaker and I'm half-drunk. Get used to it ! But thanks anyway for your answer. I still feel like most of the esport fans are very passive viewers (ie: they will not turn on for one given event, but simply launch twitch and see what's going on); which it's not really how the olympics work.
  7. Just for the sake of discussion. You you watch the final of say SFIV instead of an athletic or swimming final ?
  8. Not for you, maybe....
  9. Because, many (myself included) don't consider esport as a 'sport'.
  10. Yes, he is a volleyball player.
  11. Esport are not spectators friendly at all if you didn't grew up playing video games (and, even then, LoL is something not noob-friendly at all) Besides, you have to remember , that the people who are calling the shots are in their 60s or 70s. There might be a reason why skateboarding was included 20 or 30 after it explodes. Besides (x2), IIRC, the olympic sports program will be the same until 2024 except for additional sporst, and I realy don't see the Paris OC going for ESport (lack of available venue, and much better proposition from other sports). It will be 2028 at the sooner (hopefully never).
  12. My god, you're such an happy tedious follow.... Drop the part between () then, the point remains @Vojthas was arguing for shooting using the exact same words an e-sport fan would argue. The irony. My only point: shooting is used by the various 'sports' that recquires little to no athletic skills (e-sport, poker, bridge, billard, pétanque, etc.) as an exemple why they they souldn't be left out from the olympics for this reason alone. Something that couldn't have been better highlighted by @Vojthas comment IMHO, this is an issue that should be resolved by the IOC, either by cutting the sport from the Olympics or by singling out shooting as some kind of an historic exception that no oher 'sports' should look for as an exemple. Anyone could disagree with that, but FFS, don't single out a part of a sentance just to make a shitty argument.
  13. Recoil and 10m air pistol ? Exactly the kind of arguments that an "e-sport" (or poker, or billard, or whatever) fan would would use for an olympic inclusion. Something you apparently were against. Jeez....
  14. It's outdoor, archers look relatively fit - mostly - (Brady ), it recquires some strenght... There always will be some kind of grey zone anyway (archery, golf...), but a line need to be drawned somewhere.
  15. Yeay, Sky wasting a GT a year was allready one too much, but two... The sooner, Sky (clean or not) goes down, the better.
  16. It is demanding, just like any "mind sport" is. Yet, it doesn't recquire any athletics skills. Shooting, neither, but it is an historic olympic sport, been there since the beginiing. IMHO, it's enough to warrant some kind of historic exemption to this rule. I wouldn't cry neither if the IOC was to droping shooting from the progam anyway.
  17. btw, the ioc is the one to blame here. They opened the door for this shit when they recognised billard as a proper sport (at the end of the 90's IIRC). IOC should simply arbitrary state that no sport that recquires little to no athletics abilities should be part of the olympic program (juste like they do with motor sports). Period. Shooting beeing a kind of historical abnormality.
  18. I ... didn' find that.
  19. So.... apparently, the Games have started And, to the surprise of no one, the coverage so far is the worst And by the worst, I really mean the worst The official website is useless (and you can't find it on google...), as the official FIRS one, results are almost impossible to find online, and the FIRS TV has nothing... Hoppefully, starting with the day after tomorow, this should have some live coverage, but in the meantime, we are left in the dark...
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