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Everything posted by Belle

  1. The allocation draw have been done in Torino, Italy.
  2. Team Sweden
  3. 15 or more is realistic for Sweden. I would be very disappointed with less than 15 medals.
  4. Sweden The Winner of ”Jerringpriset” (People’s award) is Team Sweden, Equestrian, jumping. Nils Van Der Poel is #2. That’s it for tonight!
  5. Sweden Jerringpriset(People’s award) top 2: Team Sweden, equestrian, jumping Nils Van Der Poel, speed skating who will win?
  6. SWEDEN Jerringpriset(People’s award) top 3: Team Sweden, Equestrian, jumping Tove Alexandersson, Orienteering Nils Van Der Poel, speed skating top 5: Armand Duplantis, Athletics Daniel Ståhl, Athletics Alexandersson ahead of Duplantis? What’s wrong with the Swedish people? Top 2: Team Sweden, Equestrian, jumping Nils Van Der Poel, speed skating
  7. Tonight is the big night! Who will win Best male?? Duplantis or Van Der Poel? Or can the other two surprise? Who will win “Jerringpriset”? The people’s award? The coach of the year: Vésteinn Hafsteinsson, athletics Newcomer of the year: Maja Åskag, athletics Team of the year: Team Sweden, equestrian, jumping Best Female Athlete of the year: Tove Alexandersson, orientering Best Male Athlete of the year: Armand Duplantis, athletics The performance of the year: Nils Van Der Poel, speed skating THE END!
  8. Could be or even something worse… who know except him (maybe the government too)?
  9. Pretty sure Peter Hultqvist( Swedish minister of defense) know more about Sweden’s relationship with Russia (and NATO) than you. Clearly something worrying him.
  10. Not sure with Russian borders. But the NATO ships are close to Sweden borders. It’s clearly to say SHUT UP Putin. And to show Yes the interest are mainly on those places you are talking about but he don’t want Sweden and Finland to be members of NATO. He clearly said no more countries should be members of NATO. And then he send three war ships close to Sweden. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Even Swedish minister of defense said Sweden shouldn’t be naive and that Russia can attack Sweden in the future.
  11. Russia send three war ships close to Sweden. This has made Sweden step up in the defense. Russia are saying no more countries should be members of NATO. Sweden (and I think Finland) is not member of NATO. Russia are now afraid Sweden and Finland will be members of NATO because then the countries close to them are members with their enemy. Now NATO have war ships in Baltic Sea to show “solidarity” to the alliance. Putin don’t want us to be members of NATO but his actions made us closer to NATO.
  12. NATO has now ships in Baltic Sea! In your face Putin!! well not unusual that NATO has ships in Baltic Sea but it’s not a coincidence that they are coming back now when Russia threatens other countries and are saying that no more countries should be members of NATO!
  13. Sweden’s Max Darj will miss the game against Spain. The reason: well guess…
  14. The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming… Many in Sweden are afraid of Russia now. They think they can make an attack on Sweden. I don’t get the Russians? Why threat Sweden because of NATO? Now we need more help from NATO because of this. Why don’t just let us be alone? Sweden’s military defense is NOTHING against Russia’s.
  15. Northern Lights in Stockholm tonight,
  16. Yeaaaah bye bye Djokovic. Not gonna miss you!
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