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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Well, that was drama up to a 100. China definitely out of the medals now.
  2. Our commentator was convinced all final, that Ukraine can medal and possibly win.
  3. Ruoteng just wants to give the people their money's worth and keep the drama until the end.
  4. Welcome to the forum PS. Nadal still has doubles, so he has not played his final match. Plus i don't think he is retiring here.
  5. As far as i'm aware, it gets dirtier, when it rains. But the next week the forecast is for sunny days, so they have time to "clean it up". The next rain should be on Wednesday the 7th, so plenty of time to get the triathlons done.
  6. South Korea had only 6 Golds in Tokyo and now they can have those in 3 days. Japan probably won't reach the outstanding 27 host golds, but they could very well end with 20.
  7. If it's not good tomorrow, they can just postpone it for a couple more days. Don't know what the big fuss is about.
  8. Те нашите шансовете винаги си бяха за последните дни, защото нашите спортове просто са тогава. Щеше да е изненада ако бяхме взели нещо преди това, визирайки Йоана или Костадинова. За Йоана наистина си беше разочарование днес. Аз го писах и в темата, ако си беше паднала от световната номер 1 никой нищо нямаше да и каже. Но тази унгарка си е след нея в ранглистата, няма нейните успехи и сигурно редовно я е била. Ама днеска просто си беше по-надъхана. За Вики Томова и преумората и, само едно мога да кажа. За какъв чеп и беше да играе безсмислен турнир 3 дни преди Олимпиадата и после да ми вика, че е уморена... Наистина евала за това което направи тази година и че успя да влезе в топ 50, ама след големия напън да влезе в ранкинга за Париж (ако въобще го е имала, а не стана случайно) да ми играеш турнир в седмицата, когато почва Олимпиадата е крайно глупаво. Едва ли не оставам с впечатлението, че игра тука, за да мине и замине, и да не обиди някой. Иначе за бокса имам снижени очаквания след това което гледам тези дни. И то не заради нашите, просто всички са изключително подготвени, стават всякакви изненади и отпадат фаворити, много по-големи от нашите. Мислех, че можем да вземем 3-4 медала в бокса, но сега се надявам на 1-2.
  9. Everyone basically The results were very close after the first rotation.
  10. WOW Gestin just motorboated that course The French tradition in the canoe continues to the pleasure of mister organizer Tony Estanguet
  11. And now China in a bit of a trouble. We could have the 2 Koreas in the final
  12. Looks like today will be Canada day in Paris
  13. Wow, they probably have a longer streak only in luge.
  14. The French on fire at the archery arena, almost made a perfect set.
  15. What a mistake from Koretzky Not taking the inside line and letting Pidcock attack him there cost him the Gold.
  16. Pidcock with a flat, the team weren't ready for a change and now he has to catch up.
  17. Very disappointing match for Ilieva.. If she had lost to Balzer no one would have said a thing, but losing to Szucs is a letdown.
  18. Djokovic cruising for now. Not to be unexpected, as Nadal's form in the past 2-3 years hasn't been the same. The Spaniard, that has been a thorn for him recently is Alcaraz.
  19. Finally Europe is going to win a judo event.
  20. I had forgotten Djokovic and Nadal already played against each other in Beijing 2008. How many other 2 opponents can you name, that have competed in 2008 and are in the same discipline 16 years later Maybe someone from shooting or equestrian.
  21. Japanese Funakubo loses in under 10 seconds in judo. The officials better be on suicide watch.
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