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Posts posted by tuniscof

  1. Provisional Standing after Day 8


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 TB
    1 Federer91 :BUL 356 45 46 45 28 32 44 80 36            
    2 africaboy :ROU 340 50 48 38 34 36 48 64 22            
    3 ady48 :ROU 336 49 50 39 34 36 48 64 16            
    4 Henry_Leon :ITA 334 45 44 37 34 36 52 64 22            
    5 bestmen :ALG 332 41 42 41 34 44 52 72 6            
    6 Pablita :ITA 329 54 47 38 32 36 48 48 26            
    7 Dunadan :ITA 324 53 48 39 32 32 52 56 12            
    8 vinipereira :BRA 317 47 47 39 38 36 40 64 6            
    8 hckosice :SVK 317 44 46 41 34 40 48 48 16            
    10 mihamiha :SLO 314 51 48 39 32 32 52 48 12            
    11 dcro :CRO 310 49 46 37 34 36 24 48 36            
    12 Crolympic :CRO 309 47 47 43 32 36 36 56 12            
    13 CiroMennella99 :ITA 304 49 44 43 34 40 32 56 6            
    14 vlad :ROU 302 51 48 35 36 36 36 48 12            
    15 Dolby :IND 296 42 45 37 28 28 40 48 28            
    16 rybak :POL 291 46 45 34 30 28 36 72 0            
    17 tuniscof :TUN 285 36 46 39 36 44 44 40 -            
    18 stefanbg* :BUL 281 47 46 34 32 28 36 48 10            
    19 heywoodu :NED 280 41 46 35 30 20 36 56 16            
    20 stamura84 :ITA 275 36 48 39 36 24 44 48 -            
    21 George_D :GRE 274 42 40 36 32 32 40 40 12            
    21 Ufilov :POL 274 44 47 35 36 36 32 32 12            
    23 SteveParker :ITA 273 41 38 30 30 28 40 56 10            
    24 titicow :BRA 248 45 44 39 28 24 28 40 -            
    25 sounak :IND 74 19 16 15 4 8 4 8 -            
    26 crovitalci :CRO 16 - - - - - - - 16            



    01: 1st Round, July 3rd

    02: 1st Round, July 4th

    03: 2nd Round, July 5th

    04: 2nd Round, July 6th

    05: 3rd Round, July 7th

    06: 3rd Round, July 8th

    07: 4th Round, July 10th

    08: Women's Singles Quarterfinals , July 11th

    09: Men's Singles Quarterfinals, July 12th

    10: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's  Doubles Semifinals, July 13th

    11: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, July 14th

    12: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, July 15th

    13: Men's Singles Final, Women's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, July 16th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  2. Provisional Standing after Day 7


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 TB
    1 bestmen :ALG 326 41 42 41 34 44 52 72              
    2 Federer91 :BUL 320 45 46 45 28 32 44 80              
    2 ady48 :ROU 320 49 50 39 34 36 48 64              
    4 africaboy :ROU 318 50 48 38 34 36 48 64              
    5 Dunadan :ITA 312 53 48 39 32 32 52 56              
    5 Henry_Leon :ITA 312 45 44 37 34 36 52 64              
    7 vinipereira :BRA 311 47 47 39 38 36 40 64              
    8 Pablita :ITA 303 54 47 38 32 36 48 48              
    9 mihamiha :SLO 302 51 48 39 32 32 52 48              
    10 hckosice :SVK 301 44 46 41 34 40 48 48              
    11 CiroMennella99 :ITA 298 49 44 43 34 40 32 56              
    12 Crolympic :CRO 297 47 47 43 32 36 36 56              
    13 rybak :POL 291 46 45 34 30 28 36 72              
    14 vlad :ROU 290 51 48 35 36 36 36 48              
    15 tuniscof :TUN 285 36 46 39 36 44 44 40              
    16 stamura84 :ITA 275 36 48 39 36 24 44 48              
    17 dcro :CRO 274 49 46 37 34 36 24 48              
    18 stefanbg* :BUL 271 47 46 34 32 28 36 48              
    19 Dolby :IND 268 42 45 37 28 28 40 48              
    20 heywoodu :NED 264 41 46 35 30 20 36 56              
    21 SteveParker :ITA 263 41 38 30 30 28 40 56              
    22 George_D :GRE 262 42 40 36 32 32 40 40              
    22 Ufilov :POL 262 44 47 35 36 36 32 32              
    24 titicow :BRA 248 45 44 39 28 24 28 40              
    25 sounak :IND 74 19 16 15 4 8 4 8              



    01: 1st Round, July 3rd

    02: 1st Round, July 4th

    03: 2nd Round, July 5th

    04: 2nd Round, July 6th

    05: 3rd Round, July 7th

    06: 3rd Round, July 8th

    07: 4th Round, July 10th

    08: Women's Singles Quarterfinals , July 11th

    09: Men's Singles Quarterfinals, July 12th

    10: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's  Doubles Semifinals, July 13th

    11: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, July 14th

    12: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, July 15th

    13: Men's Singles Final, Women's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, July 16th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  3. Provisional Standing after Day 6


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 TB
    1 Dunadan :ITA 256 53 48 39 32 32 52                
    1 ady48 :ROU 256 49 50 39 34 36 48                
    3 Pablita :ITA 255 54 47 38 32 36 48                
    4 bestmen :ALG 254 41 42 41 34 44 52                
    4 africaboy :ROU 254 50 48 38 34 36 48                
    4 mihamiha :SLO 254 51 48 39 32 32 52                
    7 hckosice :SVK 253 44 46 41 34 40 48                
    8 Henry_Leon :ITA 248 45 44 37 34 36 52                
    9 vinipereira :BRA 247 47 47 39 38 36 40                
    10 tuniscof :TUN 245 36 46 39 36 44 44                
    11 CiroMennella99 :ITA 242 49 44 43 34 40 32                
    11 vlad :ROU 242 51 48 35 36 36 36                
    13 Crolympic :CRO 241 47 47 43 32 36 36                
    14 Federer91 :BUL 240 45 46 45 28 32 44                
    15 Ufilov :POL 230 44 47 35 36 36 32                
    16 stamura84 :ITA 227 36 48 39 36 24 44                
    17 dcro :CRO 226 49 46 37 34 36 24                
    18 stefanbg* :BUL 223 47 46 34 32 28 36                
    19 George_D :GRE 222 42 40 36 32 32 40                
    20 Dolby :IND 220 42 45 37 28 28 40                
    21 rybak :POL 219 46 45 34 30 28 36                
    22 titicow :BRA 208 45 44 39 28 24 28                
    22 heywoodu :NED 208 41 46 35 30 20 36                
    24 SteveParker :ITA 207 41 38 30 30 28 40                
    25 sounak :IND 66 19 16 15 4 8 4                



    01: 1st Round, July 3rd

    02: 1st Round, July 4th

    03: 2nd Round, July 5th

    04: 2nd Round, July 6th

    05: 3rd Round, July 7th

    06: 3rd Round, July 8th

    07: 4th Round, July 10th

    08: Women's Singles Quarterfinals , July 11th

    09: Men's Singles Quarterfinals, July 12th

    10: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's  Doubles Semifinals, July 13th

    11: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, July 14th

    12: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, July 15th

    13: Men's Singles Final, Women's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, July 16th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  4. Provisional Standing after Day 5


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 TB
    1 CiroMennella99 :ITA 210 49 44 43 34 40                  
    2 ady48 :ROU 208 49 50 39 34 36                  
    3 vinipereira :BRA 207 47 47 39 38 36                  
    3 Pablita :ITA 207 54 47 38 32 36                  
    5 africaboy :ROU 206 50 48 38 34 36                  
    5 vlad :ROU 206 51 48 35 36 36                  
    7 Crolympic :CRO 205 47 47 43 32 36                  
    7 hckosice :SVK 205 44 46 41 34 40                  
    9 Dunadan :ITA 204 53 48 39 32 32                  
    10 bestmen :ALG 202 41 42 41 34 44                  
    10 dcro :CRO 202 49 46 37 34 36                  
    10 mihamiha :SLO 202 51 48 39 32 32                  
    13 tuniscof :TUN 201 36 46 39 36 44                  
    14 Ufilov :POL 198 44 47 35 36 36                  
    15 Federer91 :BUL 196 45 46 45 28 32                  
    15 Henry_Leon :ITA 196 45 44 37 34 36                  
    17 stefanbg* :BUL 187 47 46 34 32 28                  
    18 stamura84 :ITA 183 36 48 39 36 24                  
    18 rybak :POL 183 46 45 34 30 28                  
    20 George_D :GRE 182 42 40 36 32 32                  
    21 titicow :BRA 180 45 44 39 28 24                  
    21 Dolby :IND 180 42 45 37 28 28                  
    23 heywoodu :NED 172 41 46 35 30 20                  
    24 SteveParker :ITA 167 41 38 30 30 28                  
    25 sounak :IND 62 19 16 15 4 8                  



    01: 1st Round, July 3rd

    02: 1st Round, July 4th

    03: 2nd Round, July 5th

    04: 2nd Round, July 6th

    05: 3rd Round, July 7th

    06: 3rd Round, July 8th

    07: 4th Round, July 10th

    08: Women's Singles Quarterfinals , July 11th

    09: Men's Singles Quarterfinals, July 12th

    10: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's  Doubles Semifinals, July 13th

    11: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, July 14th

    12: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, July 15th

    13: Men's Singles Final, Women's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, July 16th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  5. Provisional Standing after Day 4


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 TB
    1 Dunadan :ITA 172 53 48 39 32                    
    1 ady48 :ROU 172 49 50 39 34                    
    3 vinipereira :BRA 171 47 47 39 38                    
    3 Pablita :ITA 171 54 47 38 32                    
    5 CiroMennella99 :ITA 170 49 44 43 34                    
    5 africaboy :ROU 170 50 48 38 34                    
    5 vlad :ROU 170 51 48 35 36                    
    5 mihamiha :SLO 170 51 48 39 32                    
    9 Crolympic :CRO 169 47 47 43 32                    
    10 dcro :CRO 166 49 46 37 34                    
    11 hckosice :SVK 165 44 46 41 34                    
    12 Federer91 :BUL 164 45 46 45 28                    
    13 Ufilov :POL 162 44 47 35 36                    
    14 Henry_Leon :ITA 160 45 44 37 34                    
    15 stefanbg* :BUL 159 47 46 34 32                    
    15 stamura84 :ITA 159 36 48 39 36                    
    17 bestmen :ALG 158 41 42 41 34                    
    18 tuniscof :TUN 157 36 46 39 36                    
    19 titicow :BRA 156 45 44 39 28                    
    20 rybak :POL 155 46 45 34 30                    
    21 Dolby :IND 152 42 45 37 28                    
    21 heywoodu :NED 152 41 46 35 30                    
    23 George_D :GRE 150 42 40 36 32                    
    24 SteveParker :ITA 139 41 38 30 30                    
    25 sounak :IND 54 19 16 15 4                    



    01: 1st Round, July 3rd

    02: 1st Round, July 4th

    03: 2nd Round, July 5th

    04: 2nd Round, July 6th

    05: 3rd Round, July 7th

    06: 3rd Round, July 8th

    07: 4th Round, July 10th

    08: Women's Singles Quarterfinals , July 11th

    09: Men's Singles Quarterfinals, July 12th

    10: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's  Doubles Semifinals, July 13th

    11: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, July 14th

    12: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, July 15th

    13: Men's Singles Final, Women's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, July 16th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  6. TB Question - Guess the winning time of the Men's 25km Open Water event: 4:49:17


    Event and Date Gold Medal Winner Silver Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner  


    Men's 5km Open Water

    Day 1, July 15th, 2017

      :WHT Any Other :HUN PAPP Mark :GER Someone from Germany  


    Mixed 10m Synchro Platform

    Day 1, July 15th, 2017

    :CHN China :CAN Canada :AUS Australia  


    Women's 1m Springboard

    Day 1, July 15th, 2017

    :CHN CHEN Yiwen :CHN CHANG Yani :WHT Any Other  


    Men's 3m Synchro Springboard

    Day 1, July 15th, 2017

    :GBR Great Britain :USA United States
    :CHN China


    Women's 10km Open Water

    Day 2, July 16th, 2017



    Women's Technical Duet

    Day 2, July 16th, 2017

    :RUS Russia :CHN China :JPN Japan  


    Men's 1m Springboard

    Day 2, July 16th, 2017

    :UKR KVASHA Illya :USA HIXON Mike :CHN HE Chao  


    Women's 10m Synchro Platform

    Day 2, July 16th, 2017

    :CHN China :PRK North Korea :CAN Canada  


    Mixed Technical Duet

    Day 3, July 17th, 2017

    :USA United States :RUS Russia :ITA Italy  


    Women's 3m Synchro Springboard

    Day 3, July 17th, 2017

    :CHN China :CAN Canada :AUS Australia  


    Men's 10m Synchro Platform

    Day 3, July 17th, 2017

    :CHN China :MEX Mexico :UKR Ukraine  


    Men's 10km Open Water

    Day 4, July 18th, 2017



    Mixed Team Event

    Day 4, July 18th, 2017

    :GBR Great Britain :CHN China :UKR Ukraine  


    Women's 5km Open Water

    Day 5, July 19th, 2017



    Women's Free Solo

    Day 5, July 19th, 2017



    Women's 10m Platform

    Day 5, July 19th, 2017

    :PRK KIM Kuk Hyang :CHN REN Qian :CHN SI Yajie  


    Mixed Team 5km Open Water

    Day 6, July 20th, 2017

    :GER Germany :NED Netherlands :BRA Brazil  


    Men's 3m Springboard

    Day 6, July 20th, 2017



    Men's 25km Open Water

    Day 7, July 21st, 2017

    :ITA RUFFINI Simone :ITA FURLAN Matteo :GER Someone from Germany  


    Women's 25km Open Water

    Day 7, July 21st, 2017

    :HUN OLASZ Anna :BRA CUNHA Ana Marcela :GER MAURER Angela  


    Women's Free Team

    Day 7, July 21st, 2017

    :RUS Russia :CHN China :JPN Japan  


    Women's 3m Springboard

    Day 7, July 21st, 2017

    :CHN SHI Tingmao :CAN WARE Pamela :AUS KEENEY Maddison  


    Mixed 3m Synchro Springboard

    Day 8, July 22nd, 2017

    :CHN China :CAN Canada :ITA Italy  


    Men's 10m Platform

    Day 8, July 22nd, 2017

    :GBR DALEY Thomas :CHN CHEN Aisen :FRA AUFFRET Benjamin  


    Women's 20m High Diving

    Day 9, July 29th, 2017



    Men's 27m High Diving

    Day 10, July 30th, 2017



  7. Provisional Standing after Day 3


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 TB
    1 Dunadan :ITA 140 53 48 39                      
    2 Pablita :ITA 139 54 47 38                      
    3 ady48 :ROU 138 49 50 39                      
    3 mihamiha :SLO 138 51 48 39                      
    5 Crolympic :CRO 137 47 47 43                      
    6 Federer91 :BUL 136 45 46 45                      
    6 CiroMennella99 :ITA 136 49 44 43                      
    6 africaboy :ROU 136 50 48 38                      
    9 vlad :ROU 134 51 48 35                      
    10 vinipereira :BRA 133 47 47 39                      
    11 dcro :CRO 132 49 46 37                      
    12 hckosice :SVK 131 44 46 41                      
    13 titicow :BRA 128 45 44 39                      
    14 stefanbg* :BUL 127 47 46 34                      
    15 Henry_Leon :ITA 126 45 44 37                      
    15 Ufilov :POL 126 44 47 35                      
    17 rybak :POL 125 46 45 34                      
    18 bestmen :ALG 124 41 42 41                      
    18 Dolby :IND 124 42 45 37                      
    20 stamura84 :ITA 123 36 48 39                      
    21 heywoodu :NED 122 41 46 35                      
    22 tuniscof :TUN 121 36 46 39                      
    23 George_D :GRE 118 42 40 36                      
    24 SteveParker :ITA 109 41 38 30                      
    25 sounak :IND 50 19 16 15                      



    01: 1st Round, July 3rd

    02: 1st Round, July 4th

    03: 2nd Round, July 5th

    04: 2nd Round, July 6th

    05: 3rd Round, July 7th

    06: 3rd Round, July 8th

    07: 4th Round, July 10th

    08: Women's Singles Quarterfinals , July 11th

    09: Men's Singles Quarterfinals, July 12th

    10: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's  Doubles Semifinals, July 13th

    11: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, July 14th

    12: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, July 15th

    13: Men's Singles Final, Women's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, July 16th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

  8. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.




    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]



    Men's Singles Final

    British Summer Time (GMT +1)

    Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
    July 16th 2017, h. 14:00, Centre Court, Wimbledon

    [7] Marin Cilic :CRO


    :SUI Roger Federer [3]



    Mixed Doubles Final

    British Summer Time (GMT +1)

    Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
    July 16th 2017, h. 13:00, N°1 Court, Wimbledon

    [1] Jamie Murray :GBR

    [1] Martina Hingis :SUI


    :FIN Henri Kontinen

    :GBR Heather Watson


    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here

  9. You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.




    Start Copying Here


    [ hide]



    Women's Doubles Final

    British Summer Time (GMT +1)

    Date and Venue Athlete 1 T1 T2 Athlete 2
    July 15th 2017, h. 13:00, N°1 Court, Wimbledon

    [9] Chan Hao-ching :TPE

    [9] Monica Niculescu :ROU


    :RUS Ekaterina Makarova [2]

    :RUS Elena Vesnina [2]


    [ /hide]


    End Copying Here

  10. Provisional Standing after Day 2


    Rank User Nation Total 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 TB
    1 Dunadan :ITA 101 53 48                        
    1 Pablita :ITA 101 54 47                        
    3 ady48 :ROU 99 49 50                        
    3 vlad :ROU 99 51 48                        
    3 mihamiha :SLO 99 51 48                        
    6 africaboy :ROU 98 50 48                        
    7 dcro :CRO 95 49 46                        
    8 vinipereira :BRA 94 47 47                        
    8 Crolympic :CRO 94 47 47                        
    10 stefanbg* :BUL 93 47 46                        
    10 CiroMennella99 :ITA 93 49 44                        
    12 Federer91 :BUL 91 45 46                        
    12 rybak :POL 91 46 45                        
    12 Ufilov :POL 91 44 47                        
    15 hckosice :SVK 90 44 46                        
    16 titicow :BRA 89 45 44                        
    16 Henry_Leon :ITA 89 45 44                        
    18 Dolby :IND 87 42 45                        
    18 heywoodu :NED 87 41 46                        
    20 stamura84 :ITA 84 36 48                        
    21 bestmen :ALG 83 41 42                        
    22 George_D :GRE 82 42 40                        
    22 tuniscof :TUN 82 36 46                        
    24 SteveParker :ITA 79 41 38                        
    25 sounak :IND 35 19 16                        



    01: 1st Round, July 3rd

    02: 1st Round, July 4th

    03: 2nd Round, July 5th

    04: 2nd Round, July 6th

    05: 3rd Round, July 7th

    06: 3rd Round, July 8th

    07: 4th Round, July 10th

    08: Women's Singles Quarterfinals , July 11th

    09: Men's Singles Quarterfinals, July 12th

    10: Women's Singles Semifinals, Men's  Doubles Semifinals, July 13th

    11: Men's Singles Semifinals, Women's Doubles Semifinals, July 14th

    12: Women's Singles Final, Men's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Semifinals, July 15th

    13: Men's Singles Final, Women's Doubles Final, Mixed Doubles Final, July 16th



    *= using Jolly

    Mistakes are always possible. If you have any complaint, please PM me.

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