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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. 13th African Gymnastics Championships 23-26/03 Men's Team all-around final results Algeria Egypt Morocco
  2. Tour d'Algérie 2016 Tour de Constantine Deuxième étape 158km l'arrivée
  3. after zaripova disqualification the olympic Gold in 3000m S London 2012 is for Tunisia habiba ghribi here is the list of russian athlets disqualified : Sergey Kirdyapkin All competitive results obtained by Mr Sergey Kirdyapkin from 20 August 2009 to 15 October 2012 are disqualified. Sergey Bakulin All competitive results obtained by Mr Sergey Bakulin from 25 February 2011 to 24 December 2012 are disqualified. Olga Kaniskina All competitive results obtained by Ms Olga Kaniskina from 15 August 2009 to 15 October 2012 are disqualified. Valeriy Borchin All competitive results obtained by Mr Valeriy Borkin from 14 August 2009 to 15 October 2012 are disqualified. Vladimir Kanaikin Mr Vladimir Kanaikin is declared ineligible for a period of 8 (eight) years starting on 17 December 2012. All competitive results obtained by Mr Vladimir Kanaikin from 25 February 2011 to 17 December 2012 are disqualified. Yuliya Zaripova All competitive results obtained by Ms Yuliya Zaripova from 20 July 2011 to 25 July 2013 are disqualified. Source
  4. any idea about the opening ceremony ?even if i know it's in secret
  5. Tour d'Algérie 2016 Tour de Constantine Deuxième étape 158km Rubio Jesus 3:47:54 ABELOUACHE Essaid 3:47:54 Tomas Vaitkus 3:47:54
  6. Tour d'Algérie 2016 Tour de Constantine première étape 117km Adil Barbari 3h05:36 Abdellah Benyoucef 3h05:37 Tomas Vaitkus 3h05:37
  7. IPC Athletics 2016 Grand Prix 24-26 March Tunisia here
  8. world cruiserweight championship 31 March in Algiers Zine eddine Benmakhlouf VS Alejandro Emilio Valori World Boxing Federation (WBF) World Cruiserweight Champion Zine Eddine Benmakhlouf will make his first title-defense on March 31 when he takes on former Argentinean champion Alejandro Emilio “Mojarra” Valori on home-soil in Algiers, Algeria.
  9. New world record for Asmahane Boudjadar in women's javelin F33 The 8th Fazza Dubai here
  10. there are many songs but i stay on my last choice this song in 2 languages (Kabyle/English) by Nabila.Dali ALGERIA ENTRY French Limmer ceffun yimdanen / Si seulement les gens se rappelaient I wussan i ten-yeǧǧan / Des jours passés Tirga-nni ten-ittmeslayen / Les rêves qui leur parlaient Asmi ay llan d igerdan / Quand ils étaient enfants Asmi d tziri ttɛawazen / Lorsqu'avec le clair de lune ils veillaient Asmi heddern i yitran / Lorsqu'avec les étoiles ils parlaient Limmer ceffun yimdanen / Si seulement les gens se rappelaient Ur yecqi wugur yellan / Les soucis auraient eu moins d'importance CHORUS Eǧǧet-iyi ad arguɣ (*4) / Laissez-moi rêver Limmer tecfiḍ a temẓi / Si seulement tu t'en rappelais, ô jeunesse I wussan yid-m nurga / Les jours dont nous avons rêvés ensemble Mekti-d tadukli-nni / Souviens-toi de cette amitié-là Asirem n yigerdan tuffra / De l'espoir caché des enfants Itran yuɣen igenni Ur ttun seg-s kra / Les étoiles couvrant le ciel / N'ont rien oublié de cela Limmer tecfiḍ a temẓi / Si seulement tu t'en rappelais, ô jeunesse I yasen-yellan di tirga / Ce dont ces enfants rêvaient CHORUS Let my dream come true (*4) / Laisse mes rêves se réaliser BRIDGE If only you could see in my eyes / Si seulement tu pouvais voir dans mes yeux If only you could read my mind / Si seulement tu pouvais lire mon esprit You'd see what my dreams are made of / Tu verrais de quoi mes rêves sont faits Then there would be no need to lie / Alors, il n'y aurait pas besoin de mentir CHORUS Eǧǧet-iyi ad arguɣ (*6) / Laissez-moi rêver English Limmer ceffun yimdanen / if Only people remembred I wussan i ten-yeǧǧan / the last days Tirga-nni ten-ittmeslayen / Dreams which spoke to them Asmi ay llan d igerdan / When they were children Asmi d tziri ttɛawazen / When with ‘the moonlight’ they had watched over Asmi heddern i yitran / When 'with the stars' they spoke Limmer ceffun yimdanen / if only people remembred Ur yecqi wugur yellan / Concerns have been less important CHORUS Eǧǧet-iyi ad arguɣ (*4) / Let me dream Limmer tecfiḍ a temẓi / If only you remembered thee, O youthfulness I wussan yid-m nurga / The days we have dreamed together Mekti-d tadukli-nni / Remember this friendship Asirem n yigerdan tuffra / From the hidden hope of children Itran yuɣen igenni Ur ttun seg-s kra / The stars covering the sky / Did not forgotten it Limmer tecfiḍ a temẓi / If only you remembered thee, O youthfulness I yasen-yellan di tirga / of which these kids dreaming CHORUS Let my dream come true (*4) / Laisse mes rêves se réaliser BRIDGE If only you could see in my eyes / Si seulement tu pouvais voir dans mes yeux If only you could read my mind / Si seulement tu pouvais lire mon esprit You'd see what my dreams are made of / Tu verrais de quoi mes rêves sont faits Then there would be no need to lie / Alors, il n'y aurait pas besoin de mentir CHORUS Eǧǧet-iyi ad arguɣ (*6) / Let me dream
  11. Leicister won 1-0 outside another goal for Mahrez
  12. they are now in Annaba step of the day 103 km the winners: 1-Adil Barbari2h08:30 2-Luca Wackerman 2h08:31 3-Abdellah Benyoucef2h09:22
  13. those results are not normal , i watched the matches in was man VS woman 100% doping
  14. yes i saw on tv some athlets are qualified they got the MQS but i don't find any results on internet , we have to wait the last day 20 march
  15. disaster results for only 4 are qualified this f.... coach did nothing
  16. it's the day2 and no results yet , this event is qualifying to rio
  17. and in women it was very injust they have mixed the weights LOOOOOOOL that's why Souhila :ALG: lost int this semi
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