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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. do the same , you clowns you can
  2. they do anything for google Adsens
  3. he thinks he is a sexy man. ... if i was a woman i'll throw my shoes to his face
  4. Where i go i find videos of this man ...what a shame dance
  5. this KSA money is serving usa , not ukraine they refused to decrease the price of petrol , here is my money plz forgive me
  6. They will buy weapons with , could be used to help africans ..they deserve it
  7. Saudi Arabia Announces $400 Million In Aid To Ukraine
  8. What about Italy !!? it because India is bying petrol from Russia
  9. With 62 doping violations by athletes, India stands second in drug abuse
  10. They did all that to give another Gold to USA ...america first
  11. They win trophies like that !!!!? and those no life fans follow them applause them being glad and everything
  12. I like when they break shops ...easy to steal 1 iphone 14 pro max
  13. Nigeria has stopped exporting Gas to europe Voice of America › nigeria...Nigerian Firm Says It Can't Ship Natural Gas After Flooding
  14. Biden,after the politic crizis with Russia,China, is Pakistan becarefull they have Nuclear too ... head of egg
  15. How are things in Italy? apparently Berlusconi exchanges gifts with Putin as friends
  16. Strange to see people ,quiet / having normal mood at war
  17. europe has sanctioned this Iranian factory of drones and nothing against the Turkish one What a drones discrimination
  18. Saudi prince has replyed to Biden and threatens the West
  19. now Putin declares the war stat in the 4 parts having join Russia recently
  20. Ukraine uses Turkish drones , Russia uses Iranian drones ... what that means
  21. In Boston they created 1 new variant of Covid that kills 80% of people
  22. This tv channel is saying that a US submarine has exploded the bridge of Crimea
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