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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Canada leads after Prix St. Georg, but I expect USA to be on top after Grand Prix, probably thanks to 2x1.5% bonus.
  2. Tina Irwin overtakes Holzer. That's a massive seasons best for her!
  3. Also, Grand Prix riders are crucially given 1.5% extra points in this Pan American big/small tour team competition.
  4. It's because of the Pan American Games, which themselves combine riders at Prix St. Georges and Grand Prix (since 2015). Wellington Nations Cup is traditionally a test event for the Pan Ams, while all other (European) NC stages only use Grand Prix. Grand Prix (also called "big tour") is the main dressage test, featured at the Olympics and other major events. Prix St. George ("small tour") is an easier test that doesn't have some of the tougher movements. Prix St. George is therefore used at the smaller regional games (Asian Games etc), and as a stepping stone for young horses on their way to the Grand Prix... Grand Prix riders will advance to Grand Prix Special, and then Grand Prix Freestyle. Prix St. George riders will advance to Intermediate I, and then Intermediate I Freestyle.
  5. Live stream can be accessed here (after a free registration). Results can be found here (with the team rankings being at the very bottom).
  6. U25 Nations Cup is also being held this week. Among the participating teams, we have Team Canada, which should rather be called "Team Fancy Names". Tanya Strasser-Shostak Laurence Blais Tetreault Vanessa Creech-Terauds Naima Moreira Laliberte
  7. Rastorgujevs and Kaukenas should hang out some time...
  8. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect the Latvian will have his own Kaukenas/Sochi moment in a couple of minutes...
  9. Rastorgujevs clear on standing shoot.
  10. Nevertheless, according to Winter&Dixie, Peiffer was the first who got 15/15.
  11. With Kaukenas being slowest of them all. I thought his ski speed was better.
  12. "Eder will pull out if he feels like it." Do DNFers get tested after the race?
  13. Teams pictured. Competition will be streamed here. Broadcast schedule is as follows (times GMT-4).
  14. Yay, new fonts. I'll just use this one.
  15. I didn't think biathletes can be that slow at this level.
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