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Everything posted by dcro

  1. I wonder what would our South American collegues have to say about these dishes.
  2. Yeah, unless Ukraine ends up losing their team slot. What will happen then? Czech Republic would get a team, while Ukraine would get an individual slot instead of whoever finishes 2nd in Group C...
  3. Yeah, unless Ukraine ends up losing their team slot.
  4. Omer Karaevli failed to obtain any points in A Coruna. Since he is not entered for any competition next week, his hopes are likely gone.
  5. Henttinen's knee pretty much turned into spaghetti right now...
  6. Still not the worst counting I've heard this weekend.
  7. Tjon En Fa made the semifinals today. And he is making Glaetzer work really hard.
  8. 1) 2006-2016 is eleven years. Do I need to count again? 2) 2006-2015 would be an arbitrary decade, just like 1916-2015 would be an arbitrary century. But nobody really means arbitrary decades and centuries, they mean calendar decades and centuries. And since there is no Year 0, all decades start at 1 and end at 10 (0). Method you used in the title of the thread suggests that the first decade had only 9 years. End of discussion.
  9. But anyway, this is all fun and well, but there are no 'opinions' and 'arguments' in math. It is what it is.
  10. If Centuries start on zero, then decades also must start on zero (and they do). Otherwise...
  11. Lol, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. That's 10 numbers - 10 years.
  12. That's how sheeple like it, sure, but in mathematical sense decades start at one and end at zero (ten).
  13. Andrew Nicholson finally winning Badminton Horse Trials in his 37th attempt.
  14. We don't even have threads for Tokyo 2020 though.
  15. No I think it was this week. Weather forecast showed much better conditions for Sunday.
  16. Nope, they changed it and today was supposed to be a slalom and tomorrow giant slalom. But now they cancelled tomorrow's giant slalom and put slalom instead.
  17. Pacific League, Finals (Boneo, Victoria) Wendi Williamson (Don Amour) - 72.300% Fiona Selby (Tacita) - 71.865% Pauline Cornovale (Captain Cooks) - 70.100% Williamson & Don Amour are now qualified for the World Cup Finals in Las Vegas. They are on path of doing something really special. Within one year they will be looking to compete at events in Australia, North America, Europe *AND* Asia! Completely unheard of.
  18. Looking at the weather broadcast, that slalom will probably get cancelled anyway...
  19. It was deemed too unsafe to keep it going.
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