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Everything posted by Noorderling29

  1. Former double 200 meter World Champion (Athletics) Dafne Schippers (NL). Not very surprising as she’s been suffering from back trouble for years.
  2. Not impossible, but it’s always better to be 22 points in front than 22 behind
  3. We really could do with a powerful opposite, like Sloetjens used to be. Plak makes some miraculous points, but is not in the same league with the top opposites, like Boskovic or Martinez who always deliver when their teams needs them. Dambrink is still young, but I don’t think she’s the answer.
  4. This game highlights next year’s VNL problem. A match between a team that after 2-1 has nothing to play for than perhaps pride, and is inevitably a little less motivated, and a team that has to get as much points as possible. A Dutch victory in the 5th set could be very important, points wise.
  5. Now for the match and those all important ranking points. But really have to take those chances that come along occasionally
  6. So: USA 27 out of 36, Poland 21 out of 36, Italy 24 out of 36.
  7. Mission improbable for the Dutch team, but then I’m a natural born pessimist. But crazy how far the Dutch team has progressed under Koslowski, compared to last year’s disappointment at the Worlds, and the general decline of the last 4 years. Koslowski has created the nucleus of a competitive team, bringing in talented youngsters. Interesting to see how this team will progress in the run up to 2028.
  8. Yes, but it’s probably not a long list. Men’s football springs to mind.
  9. Crazy wild, just came home from visiting my mother in her carehome, am now watching the end of the match.
  10. A bit better, but still 0-2 down. Hard to see how to come back from this. A defeat will almost certainly spell the end of Dutch aspirations here.
  11. So far the Dutch team is heavily outgunned, everything points towards a 3-0 victory for China.
  12. Best case scenario for Canada, 5 - 2 victories, 14 points. It’s hard to see not least 2 of the remaining rivals topping this. If for instance both Serbia and Dominican Republic have 3-1 victories tomorrow, they will finish in front of Canada, irrespective of the result of the Sunday matches. if they win 3-2 tomorrow, one point on Sunday will do to defeat Canada, but perhaps not to finish in the top 2. Either China or NL will be at 4-1, 12 or 13 points after today’s match. So even if the winning team today, loses tomorrow, a victory on Sunday will put them at 5-2, with at least 14, but perhaps 16 points. Given that the 4 rival teams play each other, each result that’s positive for Canada in respect to one team, will at the same time be negative in respect to one of the others.
  13. If NL were to get the quota and our Olympic Committee would decide to take it up, AFAIK this would be the first time a Dutch Canoe would participate in the `Olympics.
  14. For NL and Chn: win your last three matches, and you are qualified, win two you stand a significant chance (depending on who you defeat and with what score). Two defeats and you are most likely out. Three defeats and out for certain. For SER and DR: win both your last matches and you are qualified. Win one and you are still in with a significant chance (depending on who and how). Two defeats, you’re most likely out. Can: win your last 3 matches 3-0 or 3-1, and hold your opponents to low scores. Then hope for the best so that as few as possible of the 4 rival teams end at 6-1 or 5-2. Even then the odds are not terrific.
  15. Serbia loses, 3 -1, 25-17 in the 4th set. How the Dominicans will rue their defeat against the Czechs. Without it, they would have a 5 - 0 record, and qualifying would have been possible even with defeats in the last two matches and one victory would have clinched it. Now to be in with a chance, they have to win at least 1 match.
  16. There are so many possibilities, that it’s hard to say for certain. But the most likely scenario seems to be that Canada ties for 2nd on wins, but loses out on points. I can even see a scenario where 3 or 4 teams end with a 5 - 2 win - loss score. That would probably not be good news for Canada
  17. This group is really crazy. It’s now even possible,though still unlikely, to see a scenario where both China and Serbia don’t qualify
  18. International law is about much more than courts and tribunals.
  19. Just a quick look shows you’re wrong again. The website of the Rwanda tribunal informs us that there are currently 10 judges, with a majority not from Western countries (Togo, Senegal, China, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Madagascar). from wikipedia: the Yugoslavia tribunal had nearly 90 judges, with at least 40 from non western countries.
  20. Which international court in The Hague do you mean, as there are two courts that could be described as such. Also, international law is much more than those two courts. There’s for instance that “favorite” of right wing Britons, the European Court of Human Rights in Strassbourg.
  21. Specialist cricket events perhaps, but one can hardly expect the date of a multi sports event to be chosen because it’s a better fit for one of its new additions.
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