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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. I was able to attend the Closing Ceremonies. The goodie bag given to us was noticeable less exciting (no branded hats, mitts, etc.). This was only a concern because there was nothing for sale at either Ceremony or the hockey game I went to. All stores in town are virtually sold out for months now, too. You have to wonder what would have happened if millions of people were here like what was supposed to happen. I don't want to be negative, because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, but it's like the organizers went out of their way to suck any spirit out of these Olympics, although the volunteers were incredibly nice and helpful. I'll tell more stories later. For now, here are some pictures!
  2. I can tell you that in the stadium, the speech is up on the screen in English, French and Chinese as he's talking, so it has obviously been submitted beforehand.
  3. Thanks @rafalgorkafor all these polls! It was really fun. I appreciate your work!
  4. Well, I'm off to the Closing Ceremonies. Hopefully it's entertaining, because it's another long day. Will report back!
  5. Well, Canada still holds the record for most gold medals by a host country! Yay?
  6. I know you mostly just troll, but to be clear I wasn't talking about Friedrich. But please go on.
  7. That was close, but Bronze for Canada! Frustrating because you can out-pilot the Germans all day like Kripps did there, and still lose time.
  8. SUI lets SWE off the hook and misses their last shot. But it should have never come down to that. Entertaining finish to a boring start.
  9. The plot thickens here in the bronze medal game entering the 10th end.
  10. Just kdding! It's 5th. Appiah managed to finish 8th after crashing on run 3, so that's impressive. There's just no way to beat the German sleds.
  11. Looks like 4th for our bobsledders tonight. Second 4th today. Remember when we complained about 4th places? I think this will be #8 or #9.
  12. Yes, exactly. As a hockey fan I don't really look at the puck, I look at the players. Knowing the guy on the point has the puck doesn't really matter if you don't know/understand what the other guys on the ice are doing. The only time we really focus on the puck is when crossing blue lines for offside, close icings or scrambles around the net. But even then you're really looking at everything around the puck.
  13. Something positive: Canada has never earned more medals than the US at two consecutive WOG. Canada got more in 2018, and are likely going to get more here. They're 2 ahead at the moment, and the only real American chance left is the 2-woman bobsled tonight. So, there's that.
  14. I understand it might be difficult for new fans, but it's not really about following the puck itself. You just need to follow the actions and reactions of the players to understand what's going on, and then depend on replays for close calls. I realize this can be a disadvantage, but it's the cost of having a fast and hard-hitting sport. Although I try to enjoy all team sports, it is sometimes excruciating to watch soccer (football) because stuff rarely happens, and when it does it's usually one and done. The last 5 minutes of a basketball game takes approximately 853 minutes in real time which is ridiculous. And don't get me started on American football. 47 seconds of action per full game. Volleyball is fun to watch, though.
  15. The last two cycles weren't too bad. There were no big expectations besides maybe the pursuit teams in 2014 and Morrison came through (with that nice story involving Junio giving up his spot). 2018 was similar, but Ted-Jan winning the 10k was a bit of a nice a surprise. 2010 was definitely a disappointment, and this year too. Weidemann and Dubreuil are just getting started, though.
  16. No, you see, you need a race where you all start separately, and then another race where you all start together, and then another one where you all start separately based on those other races, and then one where the course is sliiiiiiiiiiightly longer than the last one.... I'm not for taking anything out of any sport currently on the calendar, but no one can attack one sport for having too many events and then defend one where the same person wins all of the 10 variations. But then some countries would have to win in more than two sports to lead the medal table. Just ribbin' ya, Norway.
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