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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. Al jedu govna ovi iz Fine. Kada Katarani, Španci, Francuzi itd kupuju igrače onda im ne treba toliko da se oglase
  2. Do not worry, on next round we will have old good Ana
  3. Rešena frka sa Fibom. Partizanu zabranjeno da igra Evrokup Isti slučaj i u BiH gde je Savez zabranio Igokei nastup u istom takmičenju
  4. Значи следећи је џудо. Хвала на одговорима, ја мало у послу у задње време па не стижем скоро ншта да пратим. Ужас
  5. Које су следеће квалификације у којима ће наши да наступају?
  6. FRIENDLY MATCHES Poland 8 - 2 Lithuania (Score by Period: 3-0, 4-2, 1-0) 13th April 2016, h. 19:45 (GMT +2)
  7. And another disappointing year for Serbian ice hockey team on WC. I believed that we can made promotion for first division, or at last try to do it but 4th place will be our highest position this year (if we won China tomorrow). It's not easy to be ice hockey fan in Serbia
  8. Па добро мора неко други бити задњи, не могу вечито Филиповићи да имају ту част.
  9. Sad se setih da je to onaj lik što je tu normu ostvario na maratonu u Istanbulu. Da li da ga stavljam na našu viki stranicu?
  10. Na engleskoj vikipediji stoji da imamo 10 atletičara, a da je najnoviji član olimpijskog tima maratonac Anđelko Rističević?
  11. We were better, had a puck possession but...... snif this really hurt
  12. @HCKošice How I want same atmosphere in our ice rinks too. But unfortunately nobody cares about ice hockey in this country
  13. Bulgaria is far the weakest team in group B.
  14. Poor Macedonia Now they only can count on some wild card for Rio
  15. New young couch give us new energy and this is a really good start (new start) for our team. And thanks a lot. I will cheer for Slovakia in Russia in May
  16. I do not expect anything from Macedonia, plus Tunisia have a very good team. But what's happened with Croatia?
  17. Even we lost 2 - 3 it was a good game for our guys. I still believe we can be first this year and back to the first division. At last our team improve a lot this year, we play much better than in previous years
  18. Whau???? Boring and without the rhythm???? This is one of the best songs of the year, and on this moment its 7th favourite for win on bookies. This is song about violence against women. I zaista ne razumem da smo mi kao narod specifični po pljuvanju svega što je naše. Strašno
  19. Australian song is great. Also I like Russia, Iceland, Spain, Cyprus, Iceland, France, Netherlands... and so on.
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