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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. It won’t get any better for GB Rowing as the likes of Osaka and Biles have made it toxic for any claims of mental health problems to be ignored by UK Sport.
  2. The reasons for the failure of GB rowing.
  4. Apparently afterwards Murphy Clarfired he wasn’t accusing Rylov or any other participants of individually doping. I doubt any Russian would want to Sue over doping allegations - Russian sport stars usually only really care about what people in Russia think - and very few of them will believe a American and Brit who have just lost saying you doping.
  5. Konta’s parents moved to the UK when she was 14 but she was mostly in Barcelona. However despite this she has lost all traces of her Australian Accent and now sounds fully English and is accepted. In the UK accents are very important in terms of being accepted - if you sound British when you talk you are immediately accepted.
  6. That’s true. And it doubt he would have said it he was gold - I am not sure he would have done a Lily King as Rylov has never tested positive himself unlike Effimova.
  7. Or the fact the IOC and FINA are cowards and refused to ban Russia due to fearing revenge from Putin.
  8. I think UK sport are going to count unofficially any medals that would have been won if only the presence of Russians keep the brits of the podium - it is how the press are reporting Helen Glover’s fourth for example.
  9. Murphy has accused Rylov of doping during the press conference. Luke Greenbank heavily implied he thinks the same but was a tad more diplomatic. Swimmers are also much more outspoken than some other sports who never really mention.
  10. Haughey looks more talented than Schooling in my opinion and feels like she might continue.
  11. Outstanding results overnight. The fact Rowing is blaming the Russians being there for not getting medals means they will probably keep funding as that will play very well with the founders.
  12. I wonder how many of the Rowing Men’s four will carry on to Paris - being condemned by the press is never a good place for a GB Athlete..
  13. Reluctant publicly but I am sure they had private ambitions. You can tell on the BBC Katherine Grainger was expecting the Men’s eight to be strong medal contenders rather than challenging for a bronze on a good race.
  14. The official GB Rowing response seems to be to be blame Russia.
  16. The Charley Davidson fight featured the BBC commentators moaning about the referee a few times during the third round if that counts.
  17. He is what is known as Anglo Indian I believe. There often have English names but have partial native Indian ancestry. James’s Guy dad was on TV yesterday and is visiably of Partial Indian ancestry. My mum’s school best friend was of a similar background.
  18. No women has repeated it since 1968. Paterson and Likuin didn’t even make the next games.
  19. Duplantis was lucky - he was due to meet up with Kendricks but didn’t only and it got cancels only hours before.
  20. GB Swimmer - James Guy - Grandad from from India. How do you insert a flag?
  21. Apparently GB rowing privately targeted four to six medals. With only one - and only two outside chances remaining for more- they seem to The big cut in funding Swimming got after 2012 brought a fantastic recovery for the team and a lot of people are already predating a big improvement in Paris but who knows - the internal problems look set to continue. Looking like GB women swimmers might fail to medal in a individual race for the first time since 2004 with only a few outside chances left - the best chance of two gb females getting a swimming medal is in the mixed relay.
  22. I think the Covid surge in Tokyo will end up seeing the Paralympics cancelled as I can see the Japanese Goverment choosing electoral survival over the rights of the Paralympians and pulling the plug.
  23. Good results for Mallory and Matthew in their events. I am feeling reasonably confident Athens and Sydney will be beaten (at least in terms of total medals) but I think all those fourth places have dented the chances of getting to 45 and especially 52 to beat Bejing even with Sailing, Boxing and Swimming and maybe Equestrian still in with a good chance of beating their Rio medal hauls.
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