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Everything posted by ahjfcshfghb

  1. And he beats the Czechs too, since they didn't send anybody You have beaten me, it seems. Not least since the Dutch guy is doing decently, too.
  2. Wonder what's happened to Salcedo? She was at the range for about a minute without shooting and then just disappeared. Maybe technical issues? UPDATE nevermind she just missed 5 and it didn't show up.
  3. Yeah. Especially since the Ukranian team has 6(!) spots and they did pretty mediocre in the sprint race. It looks like you are winning this round...
  4. Merkushyna is something else. They should just put her in the WC already. Haha.
  5. Afraid Mlakar wouldn't make it anyway, she's too slow unfortunately. But yeah I'd rather watch the IBU Cup personally just because besides the Brazilians and the New Zealander I don't really have anyone I'm supporting in the men's race (that changes in the women's race which I will watch more)
  6. Interesting, we have a New Zealander in the Junior race now. My second home
  7. Actually it's OK because Andreja Mali is coming out of retirement for that one race. Sort of like what the British did last year.
  8. I don't know which to watch. I guess I'll flip between them
  9. Let me know if you find the livestream, ok? I will do the same
  10. Oh true! I will of course
  11. Live stream? Really? Cool! Maybe they just meant live timing though, I'm pretty sure IBU doesn't do livestreams on their site except through Eurovision. That's awesome! Let me know if I can be of any assistance, though it is unlikely. Haha.
  12. Ah. I wonder also if there will be live data for the junior races. Last year there wasn't any if I recall.
  13. Are there any IBU point or qualifying criteria connected with the JWC? I assume not
  14. Hahaha tell her not to be too creepy about it... Great to see Gabi racing and the younger men's generation! The Brazil Biathlon fan club (with 2 members plz join lol) extends its full support! Personally I'm also supporting Henar, Greece, the British and of course Chiara! Also it seems the Serbian women are at it again...this should be interesting lol
  15. Krcmar and Puskarcikova amazing today, also if only Vaclavik could shoot consistently I think he's capable of great results! Oh Charvatova She still has so so much potential. I would send Jislova to IBU cup though for now
  16. Very true. Time to go to bed now. Pretty interesting how Koukalova is starting 62nd. Hoping for Hermann to do well, too!
  17. We have to have optimism... There is not much else we can do
  18. Yeah Well I think he will and maybe Otcenas if he is lucky. And there's always the pursuit.
  19. We have to take our victories where we can get them
  20. Yeah, but Shipulin gained 12 seconds on him. Needs to work on pacing if he wants to beat Fourcade. I wonder if there's anyone out there who is fully capable of beating Fourcade even when he shoots clear.
  21. I was thinking he could hold out. But I guess he just overdid it on the first half of the race..
  22. Never mind, then! It's a nailbiter
  23. I guess Fourcade's 'Pokljuka Curse' will last a bit longer.
  24. Hasilla of Slovakia shooting clear!
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