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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Bas ih briga. Inace,mislim da bi se i Klajn slozio da se ovi nazivi ne prevode. Kakl prevesti slopestyle,halfpipe, a da bude u duhu srpskog jezika?
  2. I hope that conditions will be decent. Some of the underdogs will win a medal,i am positive. Probably one of the Americans but Kline is also capable.
  3. Slovenia beats France in women basketball. If they continue like this they can be in Tokyo
  4. Mislim da taj sport postoji. Al naziv je fin
  5. Mislim da nema naziva. Kao ni moguli,aerials,ski cross. Visoko letenje recimo. Tako bih ja nazvao.
  6. But that jump from Hula... i am sure that judges made some mistake
  7. This is joke. Competition started more than 3.30 hours ago. It had been better if they declared winner after 1st round.
  8. Maybe it can be best placement for North American jumper in history.
  9. Wow,Eurosport only showed celebration of Dutch girls. I am not happy with the way they are doing these games.
  10. Vidjecemo. Pitanje je sta Novak moze. Na Janka i Viktora i ne racunam. Al ako bude 6 kvota bice sasvim ok.
  11. They should earn,i agree,but why showing replays when there are live events?
  12. I cant understand why ES2 doesnt broadcast it instead of downhill training replay.
  13. I doubt that Gleirscher can beat Loch but that was great. He was cool as a cucumber,like 'no big deal'.
  14. Dobar je i Milojevic,danas u Budimpesti igra polufinale. A Kecmanovic takodje u 1/2. Igra protiv Junga koji ga je razbio prosle nedelje. Valjda ce ovo ici na bolje. Miomir,Nikola,Filip,Laslo,Olga,Aleksandra,Ivana,Nina, to je ok tim za 2020.
  15. I am glad that sleepless nights are coming. Even though i prefer summer olympics i am sure that i will find many interesting events. I will watch or at least try to watch all skiing events,biathlon,cross country,ski jumping,freestyle and snowboard,luge and short track. For the rest of the events,i will try to adjust watching to other obligations. Since i am sure i want be able to watch everything,is there a way to watch freely events,later on demand? Olympic channel will probably broadcast events few months after the games end.
  16. Sad je Kadzaja osvojio na jakom turniru u Zagrebu 3 mjesto. Svakako je nas najbolji takmicar u tezim kategorijama. Dobar je potez sto su ga zvali.
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