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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Either way,future for alpine skiing on these games isnt bright at all. With these bad conditions and possible cancelations we would have precedent. Still cant believe we could have DNC under downhill races. Also,with shortening of the course we would have strange races,as we already had in WC few times. I hope that somehow situation will improve,i really had high hopes in alpine skiing. Also,even its hard to fight nature,i am surprised that Korea didnt establish plan B for such kind of situation.
  2. He was basketball player,he was in Athens or Beijing,i cant tell right now. Was he any good on that level?
  3. Nice to see them in other sports than combat ones. One Chinese of Uyghur origin is Menke Bateer. Do you remember him?
  4. He is probably an Uyghur, they have those long names for Chinese standards. I remember few Chinese boxers that also had those long names.
  5. Could be... but as long as i know,when she starts bad she just cant get back on track. Mass start and individual are indeed new chances but with this level of shooting she just isnt competitive.
  6. Looks like Kaisa will finish olympic career without a medal
  7. Day 2 in my perspective: 1. Biathlon - very interesting with some surprising results. Peiffer was great. 2. Cross country - pitty for Cologna. I hoped he can repeat Tour de ski 3. Moguls - nice performance,i expected gold for Canada. 4. Slopestyle - overall it was bad. 1st run was extremelly weak. 5. Speed skating - i didnt watch it live but obvious outcome. 6. Luge - very sorry for Loch but at least i can say that i watched one of the most interesting races in past decade or so
  8. Tako je. Talenata sigurno ima. Ali kad nikome nije stalo. Ni OKS ni ministarstvu. Medalju bi tesko osvojili ikada ali mislim da bi top 10 bio ostvariv rezultat. Kao sad Nevena. Marko V je blizu top 30 u spustu. Ako nista,od toga krece. I bitna stvar,mozete misliti koliko Hrvatska prihoduje od Sljemena. A bili su otprilike na nasem nivou do kraja 90ih. Onda vide da imaju telenata,uloze u njih,uloze u infrastrukturu i pazi gdje su sad. Ako nismo originalni da makar kopiramo druge. Ni to ne znamo
  9. On je uvijek ovakav,inace ima monoton glas al je ovo odradio svaka cast. Inace njihov stalni komentator za sankanje.
  10. I was certain that Loch will win 3rd gold in a row but after i saw that he had 11th time after 1st checkpoint i knew that something will go wrong. Major upset,he had big advantage over Mazdzer. Pitty.
  11. Znam al kad gubis od Gobona.. to je bas dno
  12. Majdov,istina Stefan,izgubio u 1 kolu iponom od Gabonca.
  13. I didnt know that. At least something good. Thanks for the insight. I think that both IIHF and IOC must have done more to include best players. We are living in consumers world,only profit is important,i am aware of that,but to ban players to take part at the games,most important competition of their life just because NBC cant make a profit out of it... Just speachles.
  14. Still cant believe that we wont watch best players in Korea. Its very shamefull that one privately hold organisation is stronger that IOC. How IOC compeled with the fact that NHL wont let their players to compete in Korea? Whats next,prohibiting NBA players from Tokyo... Every year IOC do something to degrade itself...
  15. Jeste. Ali,urusavanje biatlona,boba je za veliku kaznu. Ovim OKS stavlja sebe u ravan Toga,Gane,Kenije,Tonge. Sramno
  16. Junior jos. E sad,znam da je bio sjajan ranije,sad da vidimo tranziciju. I kakav je format takmicenja? Vjerovatno je ispao u grupi ali je imao par pobjeda.
  17. Super podatak. Inace kad gledam igre,tuga me uhvati kad vidim gdje smo. Slovenci 71,Hrvati 19 takmicara. Jad...
  18. Slovenci sve prevode. Bas sve. Nekad smijesno zvuci ali makar imaju svoje termine. Pa da,akrobatski skokovi su ok termin. A slopestyle moze kao voznja po preprekama.
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