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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Samo mi je zao sto je ova 3 bila losa.
  2. Thanks. Thought so. Especially those quarterfinalists,differences between them shouldnt be big at all. From that point,everything is possible.
  3. Thanks! After eliminatiom round,could you name 3 biggest contenders for medals?
  4. Lose je ovo bilo. Bas. Ovi nasi igraci nek zw dobro zapitaju...
  5. Svaka cast za nju. Cudi me sto salju Borenovica.
  6. Tako je. I taj 1 da bude u Aziji. Vrlo je bitno da se sto vise kvota osvoji ove i 2019,da bi mogli mirno da treniraju. Dzaba Sebicu kvota koju je jurio 3 godine i onda pregorio.
  7. Slazem se. Sto vise kvota na SP,a onda pripreme kod psihologa
  8. Bice dana za megdana. Sad da vidimo Andreu. Mada nisam optimista,finale uvijek lose puca
  9. I know. But we,fans,just cant watch best hockey and its only important thing,at least for me. Not that tournament didnt have good moments but still...
  10. Shouldnt Canadian and American national hockey federations be above privately held organisation? Shouldnt national team be of greater importance than NHL team? How can NHL be above national interest? Maybe there are many questions but its pitty to see this tournament so hurt with this ban...
  11. Next time Canada and USA should carefully think about not letting their players at Olympics. Totally deserved. Plus great lesson by Germans.
  12. Znaci da budu u prvih 6 ili 4,koliko se sjecam
  13. Pa u pravu si. Bili su blizu. Jel sistem kvalifikacija preko SP isti?
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