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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. Well, it is a very popularised music theory. I don't have the medical vocabulary to explain it correctly in English, so I guess we'll just leave it at that. Just saying there's a reason why on every live SNL, Ellen live performance and concerts, artists are usually backed up by black backing vocalists. Actually had the pleasure of working with some black musicians from UK that were touring with us in Lithuania, not to mention that they could play any and every instrument, the bassist and I repeat the BASSIST had the best vocals in the effing room
  2. Serhat should pick up this Norwegian man for a winning duet in 2020.
  3. Duncan was my favourite coming into this, but I'm slightly underwhelmed just as I was during the semi-final. This is the time to perform, but his best performance that I heard was a radio show that he did. I still don't think that anyone is capable of dethroning him today and he is still one of my personal favourites, but the gap is really small compared to what I felt when coming into this competition.
  4. See-through shirts are the new classy shirtless look. Where you really want to show your abs, but don't want anybody else to think that you want to show off your abs.
  5. Of course your ears are breaking, we all had to survive Serhat in the first semi-final. Nobodies ears are safe now.
  6. Interestingly enough, in the music industry the highest percentage of backing vocalists are usually black and most famous artists usually work with black backing vocalists for albums and for tours. Genetically they tend to have better depth, which makes their voices stronger and they tend to sing a bit more ovally, so sprint and marathon running is not the only category in which we lose out. Now if nearly all white artists are doing it, there's literally no reason for a black artist to pick up white backing vocalists especially when going for the whole gospel vibe.
  7. I have to disagree with you on this one. The lyrics are very well written and both voices of the girls are great. My biggest disappointment is that they didn't bring their spinning platform, because that gave some good moments for the overall performance.
  8. You have to start believing in yourself more. If the national selection committee had any idea on your TISC winning percentage, that might give you a chance.
  9. The real problem is that this whole 'dead inside' thing is contagious, because I start feeling dead inside when I hear him sing.
  10. Nah, the last place is always reserved for someone from the big five.
  11. The only chance that Ireland has to win Eurovision is if @OlympicIRL is choosing the song
  12. Well, in no particular order, these four were the best: And then these could have made it through (would appreciate if she learned to breathe) The rest could have gone home together with 14 songs from semi-final one. Sadly, we're going to have a lot of filler during the final this year. My personal favourites are going to be Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Czech Republic and Germany
  13. Please tell that to my entire country I feel as if I'm somewhat at fault for Jurijus not going to the final, because I already took the best songs that Ash Hicklin could offer
  14. Andrius Šidlauskas - 100m. Breaststroke in 59.90, qualifying A mark.
  15. As far as I'm concerned, this is a very weak Eurovision, compared to some of the past years that we've had. I don't care at all for anyone qualifying from the first semi-final. Belgium - This screams "we did not come to try and win" with a fairly solid song and vocalist Czech Republic - with a catchy song, but questionable live Serbia - with great vocals, but not that inspiring of a song Iceland - catchy chorus and stands out from the context Are probably the only sort of standouts. Haven't heard the full song, but Slovenia perhaps is interesting too. Second semi-final is ten times better in quality, because everyone can at least sing, not everybody has a song though: The Netherlands clear winner of the competition so far Sweden with a good hit, logical and deserved qualifier Denmark, Austria and Latvia with beautiful songs, but probably won't pass, because it's gonna be too calm for Europe. Romania, has an interesting song, especially melodically, but the vocalist is often unreliable Other than that, everything else is very average and bland. Automatic qualifiers: Italy and Germany knows what's up, as for others, I'd say they're stuck in 21-26th place, but there are going to be a lot of qualifiers from semi-final 1 to take those spots.
  16. The following TISC, I think I might be trying to aim for a top 10 again and it will be something that I've never sent anything similar to before. Well, if I don't change my mind in the coming months
  17. Thought there would be a bit more love for Gorrilaz Would have predicted a top 10 easily.
  18. Anyways, I don't know in which page this message will end up, but just wanted to say that I'm happy with the result for Lithuania. I remember five years ago when I entered this competition, I was just a kid and the song was just a simple piano track with me and my friend doing the vocals. That time I think I was very close to last place with 12 points or something. This time Lithuania's in the first half and got some high points from multiple juries with which I'm very happy and thankful. At the end of the day, I'm aiming for my music to be listened to outside of Lithuania, so this competition is an indication that it's possible for me to find those listeners out of my comfort zone. Even though I planned to enter with a different song, but it got stuck in production, I'm happy that this song got a chance too. So thanks to everyone that voted and to everyone that listened. Congrats @OlympicIRL with another commanding win. And congrats to everyone else that feel that they've accomplished what they set out to do in TISC 2019
  19. Could really use a couple of points from the Aussies, to climb up a couple of places.
  20. Woah, 7 points from @OlympicIRL himself Honestly, it feels like such a rare occasion that I forgot the last time and on a song that I've made, that's special, thanks buddy
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