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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Jesse_Pinkman)

  1. Osetio je ja mislim bol pa nije hteo da rizikuje
  2. Sjajan rezultat, takodje Aleksandra Radmilovic je osvojila srebro
  3. I Tamara Salaski 53:87 nije los rezultatat za nju, Lazar Anic na balkanijadi je skocio 7,80!!! Ne znam da li ce Bibic pokusati nesto na 1500 posto je bas spustio vreme na 3000m..
  4. I know that I hope he will recover soon as well as Janko and Aleksandra Krunic!!!
  5. I think Zimonjic should play with Troicki or Janko(If he qualify for Rio) in RIO
  6. If AIBA accept this Marco Huck will be part of the Serbian team
  7. I have never heard of him.. Sanja is much better
  8. 41 minutes ago, rybak said:It's one of his songs, actually it's decent song37 minutes ago, rybak said:It's one of his songs, actually it's decent song I have never heard of him.. Sanja is much better
  9. Sanja has a great voice Who is Luka Blek
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