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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. Almost US$27 for pizza? That's like me buying 5 large pizzas and two Coca-Cola bottles from a local pizza shop. That pizza better be good for it to be worth $27
  2. US Virgin Islands Fusion Band -- Get On Pretty easy. Now the search is on for Guam.
  3. I might do the US territories this time, so I guess it's and but not making any promises
  4. In my case, I had this one already made up as soon as it was released.
  5. Welp, the shitstorm has begun. Ukraine decides to ban Julia Samoylova from entering the country because of her 2015 visit to Crimea. Honestly, both countries are at fault. Ukraine used a dumb law against her, but at the same time, Russia set themselves up for this issue. That's how I see it. I feel bad for Julia, but if it is, it is. Personally, since Russia isn't among my qualifiers this year, I could care less.
  6. I'm working on my top 43 video. It's almost done, just gonna find those special characters some of the contestants have in their names and change the timestamps on others, but I think I did enough for one night.
  7. Usually I wait until all the songs have been chosen so that I could start listening to them, so I set aside the first weekend of voting available to host a listening session. Next weekend I relisten to the shortlisted songs. The weekend after that, which is usually before the deadline, is when I send in my votes. I'm still on the second stage tho. It's all about time and your gut feeling at the moment.
  8. The song is not that great. I think most will agree on this. However, having following a lot of Eurovision fans on Twitter, this announcement has brought out the worst in them... one of them misspoke about booing her because of her ability to sing and is trying to save face (but a few of them arguing with him see through his bullshit). Some others are saying that she is a puppet used by Russian TV to gain sympathy since Ukraine is hosting. And some are comparing her to Monika Kuszynska (spelling?) from 2015. Overall, the reactions from the fans were a mess. And they didn't behave like this when Australia joined the contest
  9. WTF is a San Marino? At this point it should be called 'San Monetta' Seriously, I'm shook. By her, not the song. At least there's an American on board, but it's not saying much, Also, @Werloc I hate to break this to you, but having seen tops from others on the internet, looks like your country will be #43 for like 90% of the time, so it's just a heads up.
  10. While it is true I often divert from the ever popular superfan opinions of the songs chosen, I think I will have to listen to your country's entry a few times before I can firmly decide to love it or not, but actually so far it's one of the better ones. Unfortunately I only have the live version, which makes it hard for me to form an opinion, but once I do get it, I'll let you know.
  11. If nothing else of interest arises (apart from Bulgaria, which even that I'm not expecting much) I think it looks like I'll be heavily backing Iceland this year.
  12. Welp, I managed to find the 12 I really like, now it's just a matter of time before I start ranking them all, but I have to say, one of the shortlisted countries just got my instant 12, but I'm not saying anything else.
  13. Slavko is hot! Okay, don't @ me on this. xD 3 good songs if you ask me.
  14. I'll be starting my voting process this weekend, and eventually I'll have my 14 (12 + 2 reserves) by about 24-48 hours before the deadline.
  15. Israel can join Romania, Cyprus, and Estonia in my final top 10.
  16. The good songs are finally coming in, meaning my top is a far bigger mess than I had expected. But if anything, Romania, Estonia, and Cyprus have a permanent place in my final top 10.
  17. 36 countries in, what a record (at least in the Annual), well done people.
  18. I'm in love with the Estonian entry. Maybe it'll be my new number 1, if not my number 2.
  19. Yeah, I figure. Well, it's only fair to allow @Ionoutz24 to use the entry for now (if he/she so chooses), but I'll make a mental note to remind you to add the rule when the time comes, which would be sometime in August.
  20. Welcome to the contest. I guess all that pestering have finally paid off. Also, I was going to say that the Moldovan song has been recently chosen for Eurovision, but I don't see the use of them anywhere in the rule book.
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