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Everything posted by Benolympique

  1. Do you know when the detailed list of events by sport will be announced? Thank you
  2. Zaho de Sagazan, far-left and pro-Wokism singeR
  3. Certains sport mérite le 10 !
  4. Finalement, finalement, ce fut des jeux réussi, les Britanniques ont eu cette dernière journée catastrophique. Mon objectif est atteint 60 médailles battues, et le top cinq, même si j’aurais voulu avoir 18 médailles d’or. Ça reste un bon bilan, même si quelques fédération ont déçue.
  5. should finish 5th and first European nation
  6. It's time to go to sleep with their imagery.. I found this American team detestable contemptuous towards our French basketball players. In no case, they have the Olympic spirit, they don't even stay in the Olympic village, but in a palace in Paris. We lost with honor, I am very proud of my French basketball players who did their best. And very happy that Embiid is not a French player, he is arrogant and in permanent provocation. It made me happy when the French booed him.
  7. This is because the rules give a rider who has fallen five laps to rejoin the peloton without incurring penalties.
  8. This match is unbreathable. 10 min left 56-50
  9. Do you think it will host the France-Poland final?
  10. he is just happy to win at home in front of his home crowd
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