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Rafa Maciel

Totallympics Medallist
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Rafa Maciel last won the day on May 8

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  1. Not sure on this. The athlete eligibility only says that the rider has to have gained at least 10 points in a qualifying event counting towards the Olympic Ranking - it doesn't specify the requirement applies to each event they are entered for. I'm sure a good lawyer could make an effective argument
  2. Not surprised by the lack of Thomas or Cavendish in the road squad but perhaps a little surprised that neither of the Yates brothers got the nod. I am surprised that Ed Lowe got selected ahead of both Truman and Fielding for team sprint. He competed in 2 NC events this year but hasn't exactly been a mainstay of the squad so far. Biggest shock probably selection of Maclean-Howell ahead of both Annie Last and Isla Short in women's MTB. I get the logic behind it - young athlete with potential for LA'28 - but it's tough on the more established elite riders.
  3. I was pretty skeptical of the concept of the OQS when it was first announced - I thought it would be a bit of a gimmick but I think I could be converted to it. The sports they have selected to showcase at the OQS have all worked pretty well. Not breaking obviously because it has no place anywhere near an Olympic games - but the rest were great to watch. I wonder if they'll look to extend the OQS in 2028 - I'd like to see beach volleyball getting involved next time.
  4. I'd been thinking about the same thing - how best to share GB performances for those of us not lucky enough to be able to go in person. My initial thought was to create a thread for each day with the first post highlighting the Team GB athletes who will be competing and potential medals. Most of that can be completed in advance of the opening day so will give the group a focus for discussion whilst we wait for the action to get underway.
  5. 1.) I think the women's football team will be biggest disappointment but worth bearing in mind that their performances - continental champions and world cup runners up - would have been enough to qualify in any other continent and would have qualified them across the last 3 Olympic cycles. Just our luck the UEFA moved the goalposts - no pun intended - for Paris. Second qualification miss would be women's basketball team - they threw away a great chance to get to the OQT. Last up would be men's BMX Racing - across the majority of the qualification window, GB were on track for 2 spots but they couldn't string the results together in the final run up so we end up with just a single spot. 2.) It has always surprised me that squash hasn't had their chance at Olympic exposure but I'm not a huge fan of the idea that we have to keep adding more and more sports to the Olympics - history suggests that adding more events only dilutes the quality of the fields existing sports. 3.) Not changes for Paris but for future I'd like to see taekwondo get rid of their limitation to team sizes - if you're good enough to earn a quota through a qualifying tournament you should be able to go the games. I'd also like to see the continental quotas reformed - the notion that we need to have every continent represented in every event is for the birds. All it does is give free quotas to big countries and does nothing to develop the sport in the smaller countries on the continent. Last up I'd say if the event has less than 30 competitors in it, then each NOC should be limited to 2 spots.
  6. BOA confirming we've qualified full team for sport climbing and 3 for skateboarding - Brown, Tambling and MacDonald
  7. Is MacDonald the one that looks like a maths teacher clinging on to his youth and wants to be "down with the cool kids"?
  8. After relatively disappointing European Champs, Molly Caudery is back on form with a new NR of 4.92. Her confidence is riding high as she then went on to try clearing 5.00m
  9. Charlotte Worthington having another pretty mediocre competition - 10th place in the final. At least she managed a respectable score this time out though.
  10. Wont be confirmed until after tomorrow's final, but looks like McArthur has done enough to stay in top-10 and take Paris quota. Although he doesn't make it to the final, there's only a handful of lower ranked climbers who could overtake him and they would need a monster performance in the final for them to get enough points to do it.
  11. Yes - first version in August '22, then revised in January '23 and then again in Febuary this year.
  12. Not sure - the previous version I had downloaded was from Jan-23. The current qualification document is dated Feb-24 but I'm not sure if there were any versions published between those dates.
  13. Looks like Thompson-Smith will miss out on a direct quota - she needed to overtake Kim and Krampl to get into the top 10 (excluding duplicates). She should overtake Kim but will finish behind Krampl. I think she's on track to finish in 11th place in the rankings so could be in line for the host quota reallocation.
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