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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Road Cycling, Biathlon, Sports Climbing, Athletics
  • Favourite Athletes
    Alessandro Zanardi, Carolina Kluft, Mario Götze, Laura Dahlmeier

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  1. They got the DQ and rightly so, so that's a bit of a moot point here, right? Was another bit of dangerous driving indeed. Why would I be? I like to focus on the good moments, not on the bad ones.
  2. So causing a clear collision is not even a yellow, but overtaking the derny early is an immediate red? I guess I don't really understand the rules here.
  3. If that wasn't a second yellow, what's the use of yellow cards then? I mean, Carlin had a strong final race, but also was pretty dangerous there.
  4. I do enjoy it way more than a discipline where every four year we already know who wins the two gold medals... I do agree it feels a bit arbitrary that 3x3 has the olympic status.
  5. Andrade looked kinda meek in the middle of the routine, but didn't expect that one to completely miss out on a medal.
  6. Lack of quality? The level in decathlon is crazy high these days. Needing over 8700 to medal has only happened once before. That time 4th best did score just over 8400. Yeah, it could have been even better if Skotheim or Warner did not fail their pole vault, if Lepage was not injured, if Mayer was not injured (but even then I didn't expect him to do well), if Ehammer might have participated in decathlon over long jump, if Owens or the Americans actually delivered once in an international tournament, if Scantling did not have a suspension, if Kyle Garland did not injure at USA trials, if Moloney didn't have another injury. If the Estonians would be stronger here. And even then there are other guys stepping up, like Rooth and Roosen. But the level of competition is crazy high these days. Yeah, the winning score is not crazy high. But that's decathlon for you, they can't deliver every time, there are injuries sometimes, there are moments where even favourites can drop out. There are mistakes to be made. You can't have a perfect run every time. I think we are in a crazy competitive era of decathlon. Maybe that lead to a bit too high expectations to you, but I did not feel there was lack of quality whatsoever.
  7. Not so tough now. Devastating.
  8. Medal race is over and nobody actually knows who has won.
  9. Call was harsh but not incorrect. Behaviour afterwards should lead to DQ and thus W/O for whoever faces her in bronze medal match in my view. Bad example otherwise.
  10. No need to be so agitated over a group phase loss. Germany should go through in this group anyway.
  11. Well... seems like they were saying something after all.
  12. Individueel allemaal prima, zolang je maar niet P31-34 pakt maakt het weinig uit. Mixed team gebeurde precies wat je niet wil - vroeg tegen Korea of eruit.
  13. Shootoff winnen maakt dus eigenlijk weinig uit.
  14. Atrocious show from Spain. Yeah, you can lose against Brazil. But not scoring only 18.
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