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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Syria & Iraq were controlled by Ottoman Empire, then it was French & British colony. Franklin Roosevelt didn't orchestrate the fall of the British Empire for USA to form their colonies there. The failures of South Vietnam and 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran gave USA enough bad karma not to consider humanitarian approach ever again IMO.
  2. Homo sapiens is an apex predator of this planet. Hence violence will create violence. History of mankind has been build on war and death. Money and compassion ain't gonna change the that. Ever since USA dropped the isolationism policy, the room for moral dilemmas is gone.
  3. In the days of DNA testing you don't need much other evidence, do you? Ted Bundy was put away based on dental records, I don't see much hoopla around him being innocent unless of course you ignore the fact he's the celebrity serial killer #1.
  4. Inadmissable evidence can bail out anyone though. Being 1000000% sure is not enough More people have gotten away with crimes based on a technicality than actually being innocent
  5. Yeah, and Toto Riina was just a poor farmer
  6. Kentucky governor doesn't know there are other Tupac Shakurs in the world. It's good to know Democrats can make such blunders too. If Trump did this, he'd be vilified by the progressive band as racist most likely
  7. You're quite clearly patronising an Asian country - oh, by the way the most populous Muslim country in the world IIRC. That's a bad example. Everyone knows Americans think their way is the best way all the time. You didn't find an answer to why thieves steal in your "research"? I know the answer but I use common sense but I'm happy to learn what "research & science" tell us on the matter? Care to elaborate?
  8. Economy takes a tumble, people are getting poorer - crime rate always goes UP! From domestic violence to theft and gun robberies that end with murder. Hello! Go and check some of the "research" if you don't believe common sense!
  9. Sometimes you have to use common sense and look at the people around you instead of viewing the world through "research" and other computer charts. Somehow I don't believe you can do this though.
  10. Governments can't handle the situation so they release criminals and wash their hands. Now the society will suffer but that's not the politicians' problem anymore. It's hardly shocking that robbers & thieves... ahem.. rob and steal again! Doesn't take a genius to figure that out!
  11. Pandemic is not a war. Releasing prisoners is the WORST idea anyone can have, period. However you will only blame Trump for the rise of murders & rapes so why indeed bother with all of this? Guards at home, murderers & rapists out on the streets! A truly progressive way to handle coronavirus!
  12. Yeah, I bet these criminals will now sue the judicial system for bringing them at risk It always amazes me how some people actually have more care & understanding for murderers & rapists than people who have never spend a day in jail in their lives Bad, bad guards! How dare they put those lovely murderers at risk!
  13. Because Lidl is 95% grocery like someone else mentioned.
  14. Yeah, I realize some food chains are only operating in some states and are completely unknown in others. Lidl is just about scattered all over Europe though.
  15. USA has Dollar General & 7-Eleven. Europe has Kaufland, Aldi & Lidl (among others)
  16. Yeah, they sell their own brands but not exclusively. You can buy Czech & Slovakian beers in Lidl & Kaufland in Poland. No problem there.
  17. The status of soccer in USA is nowhere near what it is in Europe
  18. It's even 6 or 7 subs in the seventh or eight tier here in Poland. And clubs have put this idea forward themselves. You have to remember most of these players here in the lower tiers have full-time jobs along with playing soccer. I believe in England they introduced rolling subs (like in ice hockey) below Tier 7 of non-league & U-17 competitions like 5 years ago already.
  19. This is a small technical issue. In Polish football from fourth tier down you can use 5 subs in a game from some time now.
  20. The East German example teaches us that 'point' won't happen anytime soon so the juice is not worth the squeeze. USA were involved in the Korean War 50 years ago and things haven't changed much since. After the Vietnam failure I suppose USA is done meddling in the Far East and relies on Japan to do the dirty work
  21. North Korea is so far back economically nobody would be willing to spend all the money to shorten the gap between them and even South Korea in case the communist regimes goes down. It just doesn't make sense. Look at Germany, 30 years after the fall of DDR, East German lands are still believed to be the "poor" ones compared to the rich GDR in the West. And that's with all the EU support and all that. I read an article few years ago where it states the world doesn't really want North Korea to become democratic because it would take an absurd ammount to make to help them so it's better the communists stick around while under sustained pressure from China. This also belefits China, they can manipulate the Western world by supressing Kim's ambitions while being granted the international free market leeways.
  22. Polish PM & sports minister said Ekstraklasa will resume on May 29th barring some complications. Testing for all players & staff will be conducted on May 3rd-4th before training at the facililities kicks off on May 4th (group training since May 10th).
  23. Imagine how happy he will be playing in Buffalo in December
  24. Adam Kolodziejczyk has resigned as the men's team head coach after just two years. Agnieszka Cyl and Weronika Nowakowska would probably say: "Good riddance"
  25. NFL Draft starts in less than 8 hours! #1 pick is as good as sealed, QB Joe Burrow to Bengals. Bigger mystery is whether Dolphins & Chargers pass on Tua Tagovailoa. If he slides beyond #6 that will be a major storyline during the night. Let's hope Ryan Pace's wife doesn't turn the vacuum on like few days ago. The Bears look incompetent enough without the additional laughs.
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