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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Like they say, show must go on. That's why I laughed when some qualified morons said "world will never be same again after COVID". Total BS. Things will get back to normal faster than anyone thinks
  2. Even Floyd's brother has distanced himself from this violence. You can't have it both ways since these protests are no longer about police brutality. The guy is locked up and probably will hear charges soon. Not to mention nobody cares about COVID restrictions anymore either.
  3. Are the journalists getting attacked during these protests? That's the only thing that puts this stuff away. If the press really turns against the protesters even though that would actually fall in line with Trump which I imagine press doesn't want to do.
  4. But if a state of emergency is declared that opens another box of options? This is where democracy trips over it's own feet. State of emergency makes the decision-making process and the order of command easier - at least in theory.
  5. US is a federal country. If National Guard comes in I guess police will have to take a back seat no matter what. Federal law stands above what the 'government' says. Ain't that right, @Olympian1010 ?
  6. Snooker Premier League has resumed and it's live on Eurosport right now.
  7. They create their own space. That's what huge corporations always do? You can say a lot of things about FOX and CNN but being second-tier on the media market is not one of them. You're asking for too much out of today's society. Short attention span is king. Everything you have to say has to be within the lenght of a single tweet. Gone are hours of talking heads on TV. Either say something quick or goodbye. Everyone with a social media account can call themselves a freelance journalist or "media influencer" at the very least The rise of social media has fuelled the "fake news" era like nothing else. Nobody waits for the evening news to find out what's going on, nobody's buying papers in the morning as well. Time is money and every report has to be done now because it will be ancient history after 3-4 hours, let alone the next day. Fact-checking has devalued faster than triple-double in the NBA where all you do is shoot the damn ball from everywhere.
  8. That's the thing though, they are left in the cheap seats while CNN and FOX suck the air out of the room and control the media narrative. Same thing with these riots, the voice of the peaceful protesters has been silenced by the looters, thieves & hooligans to the point some protesters had to shelter a policeman from getting lynched despite the very same protesters actually opposing police's actions in first place. Talk about grand irony here.
  9. Elliott & Logano make contact battling for the win with two laps left and Brad Keselowski inherits another win. It feels like he never led a single lap until the very end
  10. Little Big One at Bristol Stenhouse involved so I'm cool
  11. Nothing like Clint using the most common Polish name for his character there
  12. Jaguars will tank for Lawrence IMO and they won't even try to make it competitive like Dolphins tanking for Tua last season. Jaguars owner wants to move team to London full-time and I'm sure he doesn't care about upsetting the local fanbase if they suck again. Even the Raiders aren't that bad to outbid Jaguars IMO especially if the Chargers QB duo of Taylor/Herbert proves mediocre. I still think Herbert was drafted too high but QBs tend to be overdrafted esp. in the 1st round.
  13. The Rodney King riots had a much bigger impact back in the day but that has come & gone. It's just like with all these mass shootings in USA. Once they happen too often, people just shrug their shoulders and accept them as part of the new reality. Minnesota Governor has called the National Guard on standby? The writing is on the wall now. We live in a short-attention span era anyway. These riots have had extra fuel due to people being fed up sitting locked down for weeks. Like the MN Governor said, these riots are no longer about Floyd's death and that's the end of it. Even the yellow vests in France have burned out and so will this thing in Minnesota.
  14. We live in a different era now. Since 1967 didn't happen in 1993, it most certainly won't happen in 2020 either
  15. All it takes is few people who change protests into riots and the thing snowballs out of control. Same happens with hooligans at the stadiums. These protests will be a footnote in history and life will simply go on. I suspect this whole thing will expire within the next 2-3 weeks and the focus will shift elsewhere.
  16. Silverstone booked the double weekend in early August hence Budapest will probably happen in the second half of July now.
  17. I have better things to do than worry about America unable to cope with their slavery & segregation legacy
  18. I have better things to do than listening to Trump's press conferences. And I don't need subtitles to know Democrats will do anything that contradicts Trump's actions and words. Nobody cares about decency in politics, least of all the most outdated two-party system in the world over in USA I bet the spin doctors & think-tanks are working extra hours right now thinking how to spin the Minnesota riots against the other party. If this happened in a state ruled by GOP then I'd hear all about it's Trump's fault. The only thing I learned here is that even one of the most liberal states that is Minnesota can turn into Straight Outta Compton 1990s version overnight. America has learned absoutely nothing from Rodney King's death, absolutely nothing. Democrats are stuck in the useless "progressive vs moderate" tug-o-war and blue-collar workers have voted a millionaire like Trump into office. This would have never happened in the industrial right of way reality of the 1960s or 1970s.
  19. Minnesota Governor has thrown in the towel and admits the protests are no longer about Floyd's death. Ya think??? All in all, this is a disaster for the Democrats who wanted to keep people locked down to counter Trump's stance and now the streets are full of looters & thieves and the Governor can't do anything about it even though the policeman has been arrested.
  20. Yeah, Persian is one of the few languages that still call Poland with the outdated name Lechistan. There seems to be a certain pattern there
  21. First thing that comes to my mind when I hear Bakersfield is Rick Mears And 99% of TO probably doesn't know who the guy is
  22. WHO is just a side branch of United Nations. You don't have to pass any bills to stop funding them. Same happens with UNESCO which USA and Israel quit over a year ago.
  23. Well, China can pour money into WHO now and WHO becomes a Chinese puppet like Trump preached it was already
  24. You send 8 billion dollars in loan guarantees AND 3.8 billion dollars in military support to Israel. There's no other country in the world that benefits from more US financial help than Israel That's 383k per capita! Next best is Afghanistan with 161k per capita and of course this country is a mess following the War on Terror USA had started. So much for not appeasing Israel here
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