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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Women's pursuit has started. Let's hope Eckhoff is generous and misses some shots
  2. I tell you, there will be more riots to come and Democrats will just accuse Republicans of supporting terrorism
  3. Race looks to be over already. Suter over a second behind Goggia
  4. Censoring the Trump supporters will only make them more angry I hope Democrats are prepared for more riots in 2021?
  5. What sense? Nothing has changed in Donald Trump. He posted misleading crap on twitter for YEARS. And twitter didn't have the courage to do anything about it UNTIL he's got 12 days in office left? Like really? It's like celebrating a touchdown down 45-0 with two minutes left. You simply look like a fool at this stage.
  6. Well, I wonder why Twitter didn't have the guts to suspend his account before the elections?
  7. Should be points for Dombrovski, Guzik will miss out despite only one miss and Oberhof being his favorite venue. Sadly Guzik needs 10/10 to score WC points
  8. Hochfilzen, Oberhof and Ruhpolding have a history of limiting Eastern European biathletes screen time over the years. At least they won't show the usual crowd shots but I'm pretty sure there will be some German or Norwegian shown crossing the timing line on course rather than a Russian or Czech shooting on the range
  9. Yeah, well, the liberals rioted under the BLM banner, now the conservatives will riot under "Trump won" banner There are politicially-motivated riots in USA at least twice every decade since the 60s Putin and China don't have to do anything to make USA look like a complete dumpster fire.
  10. Since the thread is up ---> Dayana Yastremska busted for mesterolone (anabolic steroid). She's only 20 yo so I have no idea why she did it. Not exactly post-prime Sara Errani eating the PED-juiced tortillas
  11. There is no 2021 Doping thread yet so I might as well post it here. Dayana Yastremska busted for mesterolone (anabolic steroid)
  12. Oberhof is located at only 800m above sea level which means the air temperature is higher when compared to other "mountain" venues. And higher air temperature helps to create fog more often during winter months
  13. Because police is apolitical and acts the same way no matter who's in charge of the country However I don't suspect the woman who got killed today will get as much if any respect like some of the BLM martyrs did.
  14. USA is a federation since 1789 Twitter is like the last place I would look for facts
  15. Two weeks before Biden officially assumes office? Geez, this guy is a total idiot Democrats couldn't impeach Trump out of office for months before despite allegedly strong evidence of Russian interference. Just wait two more weeks but of course Trump will nag about the elections as long as he is alive
  16. Americans don't like anyone telling them they're not the best in the world at everything - especially politics & democracy Then again, what do you expect from a country where two political parties control the system for the last 150 years
  17. CNN says a woman has been shot in the chest and is in critical condition. If Trump supporters get a martyr out of this then Biden won't clean the shitshow for the next 4 years for sure
  18. The self-proclaimed greatest democracy in the world
  19. Vekic vs Pera was classic WTA shitshow, Vekic blows SP in the first, wins 9 games in a row and then collapses in the third. WTA never changes!
  20. No wonder, the last thing Pentagon needs is Trump supporters martyrdom
  21. Hey, those progressive liberals want to clamp down on police authority so obviously anarchists will rise when the system gets weaker. Besides USA upholds gun laws from 18th century so my example is totally fresh in comparison
  22. Typical US drama bullshit. Then again Douglas MacArthur and George Patton didn't suffer any backlash for siding with Hoover during 1932 Washington riots If this was 2021 MacArthur's and Patton's military careers would be over. Only someone who doesn't know history would consider today's actions as somehow important
  23. Democrats controlling the Congress won't change Biden's narrative who will blame Trump for everything during his 4-year tenure. Let's get real, Biden will most likely be the weakest president since Jimmy Carter. Typical stopgap president to wash away the Trump years just like Carter was there to make people reset after Watergate and Vietnam war fiasco. Biden is like Teddy Bridgewater, a nice guy but with zero true leadership skills. He's a Robin and never a Batman. I wish it was 2024 and Kamala Harris running for the office because it's quite clear to me Biden is just a one-tenure guy based on his age and lukewarm appeal.
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