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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. National Guard soldiers are forced to sleep on the floor and Cortez-Ocasio offers them snacks as consolation I see Democrats don't have any reasonable ideas now they can't blame Trump for this anymore.
  2. 20 years at the very least. Even the hard-left got upset recently their press speaker focuses too much on the ideological stuff and removed her from office. You could have had hope with Biedron but he got what he wanted - a fat salary as MEP - and doesn't seem to care much about Polish internal politics anymore. He's gone very quiet during the pandemic period compared to his rants before he got elected to European Parliament
  3. Big support among the youths - who happen to be the least reliable group of voters. As long as Civic Platform is too scared to upset the conservatives nothing will change - and that's gonna take a loooong time. Besides, EG will happen before the next elections so obviously nobody will give a damn about LGBT. Poland ain't USA or Netherlands after all.
  4. Biden won't re-discover the Keynes model into US economy because Wall Street will CRUSH him, period.
  5. If the 2008 financial crisis didn't teach you that the rich will always get away with their greed and the poor will always pay the debts I don't know what else will? Just watch The Big Short if anything. USA and North America in general remains in awe of the "free market controls everything" and if anything goes wrong (which it usually does on a repeated basis) then all the fancy economists from left & right are quick to blame the faceless "market" or "system" clearly forgetting there are specific people behind every system to begin with. It's no coincidence Alan Greenspan - the most powerful US economist of the last 30+ years was a staunch critic of the Keynes theories because he (AG) wants the market to rule everything under every circumstances - including the poor paying off the rich's debts.
  6. Urs Kryenbuhl with torn ACL and a concussion. Out for the season. Ryan Cochran-Siegle with a neck fracture but not ruled out for the season (wat?)
  7. Obvious horseshit! The classic individuals offer more unpredictability compared to the super sprint crap!
  8. I wonder if Japan didn't leak the news of possible cancellation of the Games to test out the global opinion? If the response would be overwhelmingly negative then they'd have to tough it out and hold the Games at all costs?
  9. USA rejected John Keynes economical theories which probably explains why Olympian1010 is so negative here. It's no wonder Margaret Thatcher is so unpopular to this day because she rejected Keynes as well IIRC. The "free market rules everything" which runs rampant in USA stands in direct opposition to Keynes' ideas as well. And this is why I say repeatedly that capitallism is more important than democracy in USA.
  10. Likud is a right-wing party so it's obvious Democrats hate Netanyahu They're lucky nobody accuses them of anti-semitism like the Labour Party in UK was but like mentioned above, most US Jews are actually estranged from Israel. I guess zionism isn't doing great these days anymore
  11. Paula Badosa tested positive for COVID while in hotel quarantine already
  12. I told ya some people will be helluva fed up with Japan if the Games get cancelled. They're showing up in this thread already
  13. They can WANT it but who says they get the votes? (unless they BUY them).
  14. If Japan cancels these games they will have plenty of backlash and don't stand a chance to host another Games for the next 50 years at least IMO. There will be a LOT of furious people over this.
  15. But America always gets involved in war conflicts, the bailed out in Syria because Obama wanted to be peaceful and Russians came marching in instead. And Syria is considered a major tire fire ever since (and nobody cares about that anymore). Not to mention Pentagon would be furious for cutting funds, I know isolationism sounds great on paper but USA has moved themselves into the biggest geopolitical player since 1945 and you can't sustain that position if suddenly you go into isolation. What's the point of NATO existence if USA goes neutral by choice? Besides, China and Russia would LOVE to see USA going neutral and like you've said, whatever makes China and Russia happy is an absolute no-no for American society. Not to mention there is no money like war money. United Kingdom didn't pay the Lend & Lease debts until 2006! - some 60 years after WWII ended (and that's an official account).
  16. My argument is clear, Sweden isn't any example why USA should be a sociallist democracy to begin with for the reasons I stated above. Hence there is nothing to learn, period.
  17. USA is always the teacher on the global scale, they tell everyone else what to do. They never listen If you want to learn something then Vietnam War fiasco and Islamic Revolution in Iran should be more than enough to learn a thing or two already?
  18. Yeah, I know Monroe Doctrine was revoked by Wilson but after 1929 and Great Depression USA was getting isolationism vibes again. 93% Americans opposed entering WWII as late as May 1940. Those are facts.
  19. Sweden is a country that hasn't had any mass protests for like 100 years, never takes part in any wars since Napoleon was fricking alive - it's like a totally opposite country to USA who has mass riots every 5 years and gets involved in every single God damn war since the isolationism policy ended with FD Roosevelt. Yet US liberals bring up Sweden as the golden utopia that should be followed No wonder US society is considered dumb by rest of the world.
  20. 27 years old and third hip surgery on the way. Laura Robson has basically done nothing since 2014 due to injuries. I know tennis pays a lot but she should really retire. I suppose she's got nothing else to do or what? It's obvious her body isn't up to pro athlete standards anymore - and hasn't been for the last six years.
  21. The very same! Sillicon Valley wants more money poured into their projects than in medical system for the poor and ethinic minorities IMO. Classic rich want to get richer issue.
  22. So, Social Democratic Workers' Party of Sweden has nothing to do with democratic sociallism?
  23. Everyone from North America who loves sociallism always gives the "but it works in Scandinavia" excuse. USA is a capitallist country first and foremost. Yeah, Democrats would most likely turn against Sanders' ideas no matter what his army of voters would say (and Olympian1010 among them). That brings us back to square one, political establishment from both sides plus Wall Street runs the US politics, no matter whether GOP or Dems actually wins the elections. There is no place for ideology here.
  24. You seem to imply Dems would turn against Sanders just to have the establishment run the puppet show? Biden wants 1.9bn poured into the market. Fine. Sanders would probably triple that number. College debts paid off government money? That means raising the taxes most likely. I might not know how the US government works but I don't know any politician who wins elections by raising the taxes Sanders as a sociallist would quickly draw ire from the Silicon Valley and Wall Street who have more internal power than the President himself. You treat sociallism and communism as an ideology. It's not 1917 anymore. It's not how it should be treated. Just follow the money and leave ideology out of it.
  25. I don't compare Poland to USA. I say it makes no sense to compare New Zealand to USA like you do. I understand you're in love with PM Ardern but c'mon. She's below Mayor of New York level when it comes to responsibility. Btw, New Zealand is the biggest dairy exporter in the world. All it takes are some lactose-intolerant activists who want to derail the dairy global market and PM Ardern will lose her shit in 5 seconds with NZ economy going belly up overnight Besides USA could have done a lot worse than Biden in Bernie Sanders. Because that's the real sociallist/communist who'd make USA bankrupt within a span of 10 years (especially with China running the global market train). USA is a country where capitallism is more important than democracy and you dodged a huge bullet. Not ideologically but econimically.
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