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[hide] Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Cross-Country Skiing Women's Individual Sprint Classical Day 1 February 23rd 2023 Jasmi Joensuu Krista Parmakoski Kristine Stavaas Skistad Ane Appelkvist Stenseth Lotta Udnes Weng X Tiril Udnes Weng Maja Dahlqvist Johanna Hagstrom Emma Ribom X Linn Svahn Jonna Sundling X Nadine Faehndrich Jessica Diggins Julia Kern Any Other Athlete Cross-Country Skiing Men's Individual Sprint Classical Day 1 February 23rd 2023 Joni Maki Luca Chanavat Richard Jouve X Federico Pellegrino Paal Golberg X Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo X Even Northug Erik Valnes Edvin Anger Calle Halfvarsson Valerio Grond Ben Ogden Any Other Athlete Ski Jumping Women's Ind. Normal Hill Day 1 February 23rd 2023 Marita Kramer Chiara Kreuzer Eva Pinkelnig X Abigail Strate Katharina Althaus X Selina Freitag Yuki Ito Sara Takanashi Silje Opseth Anna Odine Stroem X Emma Klinec Nika Kriznar Any Other Athlete Nordic Combined Women's Individual Day 2 February 24th 2023 Lisa Hirner Lena Brocard Nathalie Armbruster X Jenny Nowak Veronica Gianmoena Annika Sieff Haruka Kasai Yuna Kasai Anju Nakamura Ida Marie Hagen X Gyda Westvold Hansen X Any Other Norwegian Athlete Ema Volavsek Any Other Athlete Cross-Country Skiing Men's Skiathlon Day 2 February 24th 2023 Michal Novak Any Finnish Athlete Friedrich Moch Andrew Musgrave Francesco De Fabiani Federico Pellegrino Paal Golberg Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo X Simen Hegstad Krueger X Any Other Norwegian Athlete X Calle Halfvarsson William Poromaa Any Other Athlete Ski Jumping Women's Team, Normal Hill Day 3 February 25th 2023 Austria X Canada Finland France Germany X Italy Japan Norway Slovenia X United States Any Other Nation Cross-Country Skiing Women's Skiathlon Day 3 February 25th 2023 Teresa Stadlober Kerttu Niskanen Krista Parmakoski Victoria Carl Katharina Hennig X Anne Kjersti Kalvaa Heidi Weng Tiril Udnes Weng Any Other Norwegian Athlete Ebba Andersson X Frida Karlsson X Rosie Brennan Jessica Diggins Any Other Athlete Nordic Combined Men's Ind. Normal Hill Day 3 February 25th 2023 Johannes Lamparter X Franz-Josef Rehrl Kristjan Ilves Any Finnish Athlete Matteo Baud Laurent Muhlenthaler Vinzenz Geiger Julian Schmid X Any Other German Athlete Ryota Yamamoto Joergen Graabak Jens Luraas Oftebro X Jarl Magnus Riiber Any Other Athlete Ski Jumping Men's Ind. Normal Hill Day 3 February 25th 2023 Manuel Fettner Stefan Kraft Any Other Austrian Athlete Karl Geiger Andreas Wellinger X Ryoyu Kobayashi Halvor Egner Granerud X Any Other Norwegian Athlete Dawid Kubacki X Kamil Stoch Piotr Zyla Anze Lanisek Any Other Slovenian Athlete Any Other Athlete Cross-Country Skiing Women's Team Sprint Free Day 4 February 26th 2023 Canada Czech Republic Finland France Germany Italy Norway X Poland Slovenia Sweden X Switzerland United States X Any Other Nation Cross-Country Skiing Men's Team Sprint Free Day 4 February 26th 2023 Austria Canada Czech Republic Finland France X Great Britain Italy X Norway X Poland Sweden Switzerland United States Any Other Nation Nordic Combined Mixed Team Normal Hill Day 4 February 26th 2023 Austria X Czech Republic Finland France Germany X Italy Japan Norway X Slovenia United States Any Other Nation Ski Jumping Mixed Team Normal Hill Day 4 February 26th 2023 Austria X Canada Czech Republic Finland Germany Italy Japan Norway X Slovenia X Switzerland United States Any Other Nation Cross-Country Skiing Women's 10km Freestyle Day 5 February 28th 2023 Teresa Stadlober Katherine Stewart-Jones Kerttu Niskanen Krista Parmakoski Delphine Claudel X Katharina Hennig Patricija Eiduka Ragnhild Haga Ingvild Flugstad Oestberg Heidi Weng Lotta Udnes Weng Ebba Andersson X Frida Karlsson Rosie Brennan Jessica Diggins X Any Other Athlete Cross-Country Skiing Men's 15km Freestyle Day 6 March 1st 2023 Arsi Ruuskanen Hugo Lapalus Jules Lapierre Friedrich Moch Andrew Musgrave Federico Pellegrino Harald Oestberg Amundsen X Hans Christer Holund Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo X Any Other Norwegian Athlete X Calle Halfvarsson William Poromaa Any Other Athlete Nordic Combined Men's Team Large Hill Day 6 March 1st 2023 Austria X Czech Republic Finland France Germany X Italy Japan Norway X United States Any Other Nation Ski Jumping Women's Ind. Large Hill Day 6 March 1st 2023 Marita Kramer Chiara Kreuzer Eva Pinkelnig Abigail Strate Katharina Althaus X Selina Freitag Yuki Ito Sara Takanashi Silje Opseth Anna Odine Stroem X Emma Klinec X Nika Kriznar Any Other Athlete Cross-Country Skiing Women's 4x5km Relay Day 7 March 2nd 2023 Canada Czech Republic Finland France Germany Italy Norway X Sweden X Switzerland United States X Any Other Nation Cross-Country Skiing Men's 4x10km Relay Day 8 March 3rd 2023 Austria Czech Republic Finland France Germany Italy X Norway X Sweden X Switzerland United States Any Other Nation Ski Jumping Men's Ind. Large Hill Day 8 March 3rd 2023 Manuel Fettner Stefan Kraft X Any Other Austrian Athlete Karl Geiger Andreas Wellinger Ryoyu Kobayashi X Halvor Egner Granerud X Any Other Norwegian Athlete Dawid Kubacki Kamil Stoch Piotr Zyla Anze Lanisek Any Other Slovenian Athlete Any Other Athlete Cross-Country Skiing Women's 30km Mass Start Classical Day 9 March 4th 2023 Teresa Stadlober Katherine Stewart-Jones Kerttu Niskanen X Krista Parmakoski Katharina Hennig Anne Kjersti Kalvaa Heid Weng Tiril Udnes Weng Any Other Norwegian Athlete Ebba Andersson X Frida Karlsson X Rosie Brennan Jessica Diggins Any Other Athlete Nordic Combined Men's Ind. Large Hill Day 9 March 4th 2023 Johannes Lamparter X Franz-Josef Rehrl X Kristjan Ilves Any Finnish Athlete Matteo Baud Laurent Muhlenthaler Vinzenz Geiger Julian Schmid Any Other German Athlete Ryota Yamamoto Joergen Graabak Jens Luraas Oftebro X Jarl Magnus Riiber Any Other Athlete Ski Jumping Men's Team Large Hill Day 9 March 4th 2023 Austria X Czech Republic Finland Germany X Italy Japan Norway Poland Slovenia X Switzerland United States Any Other Nation Cross-Country Skiing Men's 50km Mass Start Classical Day 10 March 5th 2023 Michal Novak Iivo Niskanen X Any French Athlete Janosch Brugger Andrew Musgrave Francesco De Fabiani Paal Golberg X Emil Iversen Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo X Martin Loewstroem Nyenget Didrik Toenseth Calle Halfvarsson William Poromaa Ben Ogden Any Other Athlete [/hide]
This second run is going to be super close. 1 second separating the top 20. Could be one of those races where anyone in the top 30 has a chance at a medal.
Anyone know why Lara Colturi hasn't started any races during these World Championships? Is there any injury I missed?
Shame have decided not to send a team. Looking at the relative (poor) strength of some of the top teams, including Italy & USA (who we would be drawn against in the R16 & QF), we could've had a shot. I guess it comes down to Alex Tilley & Charlie Guest wanting to preserve their bodies for the GS & slalom later in the week, since they're on comeback from injury.
I know it's not everyone's favourite discipline, but I do like the concept of the combined, finding the best all-round skier. The current format works better than it used to when they used to reverse the top 30 for the slalom run, gives the speed racers a bit more of a chance. It's just a shame to see so few athletes racing it - the start list for the women's race was ridiculously short, not helped by 1/3 of the racers DNSing the second run. Good to see the men's start list is a bit longer. Nonetheless, the cream normally seems to rise to the top; in the last decade or so, we've had the likes of Hirscher, Ligety, Pinturault for the men and Shiffrin, Brignone, Holdener for the women winning major championships. So at least it isn't giving out farcical medals to athletes who just luck in, like in another event... (parallel). Hoping the men's race should be good tomorrow. There's a lot of contenders - Pinturault, Strolz, Schwarz, Meillard, McGrath, Kilde, Murisier. Odermatt is on the start list but assuming he'll use it just as a training run and not start the slalom?
[hide] Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Women's Alpine Combined Day 1 February 6th 2023 Any Austrian Athlete Federica Brignone X Sofia Goggia Any Other Italian Athlete Ragnhild Mowinckel Petra Vlhova Sara Hector Michelle Gisin X Lara Gut-Behrami Wendy Holdener Mikaela Shiffrin X Any Other Athlete Men's Alpine Combined Day 2 February 7th 2023 Vincent Kreichmayr Marco Schwarz X James Crawford Alexis Pinturault X Lucas Braathen Aleksander Aamodt Kilde Henrik Kristoffersen Loic Meillard X Marco Odermatt Any Other Swiss Athlete Any American Athlete Any Other Athlete Women's Super G Day 3 February 8th 2023 Cornelia Huetter Mirjam Puchner Ramona Siebenhofer Romane Miradoli Marta Bassino Federica Brignone Elena Curtoni Sofia Goggia Ragnhild Mowinckel X Ilka Stuhec Lara Gut-Behrami X Corinne Suter Mikaela Shiffrin X Any Other Athlete Men's Super G Day 4 February 9th 2023 Daniel Hemetsberger Vincent Kreichmayr X James Crawford Alexis Pinturault Any Other French Athlete Any German Athlete Dominik Paris Aleksander Aamodt Kilde X Gino Caviezel Loic Meillard Marco Odermatt X Stefan Rogentin Ryan Cochran-Siegle Any Other Athlete Women's Downhill Day 5 February 11th 2023 Cornelia Huetter Nina Ortlieb Mirjam Puchner Kira Weidle Elena Curtoni Sofia Goggia X Ragnhild Mowinckel Ilka Stuhec X Lara Gut-Behrami Corinne Suter X Any Other Swiss Athlete Breezy Johnson Mikaela Shiffrin Any Other Athlete Men's Downhill Day 6 February 12th 2023 Daniel Hemetsberger Vincent Kreichmayr X James Crawford Johan Clarey X Romed Baumann Mattia Casse Dominik Paris Aleksander Aamodt Kilde X Niels Hintermann Marco Odermatt Travis Ganong Ryan Cochran-Siegle Any Other Athlete Mixed Team Parallel Slalom Day 7 February 14th 2023 Austria X Canada Croatia France Germany Italy Norway X Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Switzerland X United States Any Other Nation Women's Parallel Slalom Day 8 February 15th 2023 Katharina Liensberger Valerie Grenier Tessa Worley Marta Bassino X Federica Brignone Ragnhild Mowinckel Maryna Gasienica-Daniel Alice Robinson Petra Vlhova X Sara Hector X Laura Gut-Behrami Wendy Holdener Mikaela Shiffrin Any Other Athlete Men's Parallel Slalom Day 8 February 15th 2023 Manuel Feller Marco Schwarz Filip Zubcic Alexis Pinturault Alexander Schmid Lucas Braathen X Henrik Kristoffersen Zan Kranjec X Loic Meillard X Marco Odermatt Ramon Zenhaeusern Tommy Ford Any Other Athlete Women's Giant Slalom Day 9 February 16th 2023 Any Austrian Athlete Valerie Grenier Tessa Worley X Marta Bassino X Federica Brignone Ragnhild Mowinckel Maryna Gasienica-Daniel Alice Robinson Petra Vlhova Ana Bucik Sara Hector Laura Gut-Behrami Wendy Holdener Paula Moltzan Mikaela Shiffrin X Any Other Athlete Men's Giant Slalom Day 10 February 17th 2023 Stefan Brennsteiner Manuel Feller Marco Schwarz Filip Zubcic Alexis Pinturault Alexander Schmid Lucas Braathen Henrik Kristoffersen X Any Other Norwegian Athlete Zan Kranjec Gino Caviezel Loic Meillard X Marco Odermatt X Tommy Ford Any Other Athlete Women's Slalom Day 11 February 18th 2023 Katharina Truppe Any Other Austrian Athlete Zrinka Ljutic Leona Popovic Lena Duerr X Any Norwegian Athlete Petra Vlhova Ana Bucik Hanna Aronsson Elfman Sara Hector Anna Swenn-Larsson Wendy Holdener X Paula Moltzan Mikaela Shiffrin X Any Other Athlete Men's Slalom Day 12 February 19th 2023 Manuel Feller Marco Schwarz Clement Noel X Alexis Pinturault Linus Strasser Dave Ryding Any Italian Athlete Lucas Braathen Henrik Kristoffersen X Atle Lie McGrath Kristoffer Jakobsen Loic Meillard Daniel Yule Ramon Zenhaeusern X Any Other Athlete [/hide]
Wow, what a result for Henrik Von Appen with Bib 41!
Your own Summer Olympic Games Programme - 2022 Version
hmc16 replied to Quasit's topic in Totallympics Mixed Zone
Paris 2024 Summer Olympics Programme Aquatics - Artistic Swimming [0] (removed) Women's Duet (w) Women's Team (w) Aquatics - Diving [8] (no change) 3m springboard (m/w) 10m Platform (m/w) Synchronised 3m Springboard (m/w) Synchronised 10m Platform (m/w) Aquatics - Swimming [36] (mixed medley relay removed) 50m Freestyle (m/w) 100m Freestyle (m/w) 200m Freestyle (m/w) 400m Freestyle (m/w) 800m Freestyle (m/w) 1500m Freestyle (m/w) 4x100m Freestyle Relay (m/w) 4x200m Freestyle Relay (m/w) 100m Breaststroke (m/w) 200m Breaststroke (m/w) 100m Butterfly (m/w) 200m Butterfly (m/w) 100m Backstroke (m/w) 200m Backstroke (m/w) 200m Individual Medley (m/w) 400m Individual Medley (m/w) 4x100m Medley Relay (m/w/mixed) 10km Open Water (m/w) Aquatics - Water Polo [2] Tournament (m/w) Archery [4] (mixed team event removed) Individual Recurve (m/w) Team Recurve (m/w/mixed) Athletics [46] (mixed 4x400m relay & mixed race walk removed) 100m (m/w) 200m (m/w) 400m (m/w) 800m (m/w) 1500m (m/w) 5000m (m/w) 10,000m (m/w) 110m/100m Hurdles (m/w) 400m Hurdles (m/w) 3000m Steeplechase (m/w) 4x100m Relay (m/w) 4x400m Relay (m/w) Marathon (m/w) 20km Race Walk (m/w) Long Jump (m/w) Triple Jump (m/w) High Jump (m/w) Pole Vault (m/w) Shot Put (m/w) Discus Throw (m/w) Javelin Throw (m/w) Hammer Throw (m/w) Heptathlon (w) Decathlon (m) Badminton [5] Singles (m/w) Doubles (m/w/mixed) Basketball [2] (3x3 events removed) 3x3 Tournament (m/w) Tournament (m/w) Breaking [2] (removed) B-Boys (m) B-Girls (w) Boxing [13] TBD Men's weights TBD Women's weights Canoeing - Slalom [4] (extreme events removed) K-1 (m/w) C-1 (m/w) Extreme (m/w) Canoeing - Sprint [10] (don't know enough about it to make my own changes to distances/events) K-1 500m (w) K-1 1000m (m) K-2 500m (m/w) K-4 500m (m/w) C-1 200m (w) C-1 1000m (m) C-2 500m (m/w) Cricket [2] (sport added) Tournament (m/w) Cycling - BMX [2] (freestyle events removed) BMX Race (m/w) Park (m/w) Cycling - Mountain Bike [2] Men's/Women's Race (m/w) Cycling - Road [4] Road Race (m/w) Time Trial (m/w) Cycling - Track [12] Individual Sprint (m/w) Team Sprint (m/w) Team Pursuit (m/w) Keirin (m/w) Omnium (m/w) Madison (m/w) Equestrian [6] Individual Dressage (mixed) Team Dressage (mixed) Individual Jumping (mixed) Team Jumping (mixed) Individual Eventing (mixed) Team Eventing (mixed) Fencing [12] Individual Foil (m/w) Team Foil (m/w) Individual Épée (m/w) Team Épée (m/w) Individual Sabre (m/w) Team Sabre (m/w) Field Hockey [2] Tournament (m/w) Football [2] U-23 Tournament (m/w) Golf [2] Individual Stroke Play (m/w) Gymnastics - Artistic [14] Individual All-Around (m/w) Team All-Around (m/w) Floor (m/w) Vault (m/w) Pommel Horse (m) Rings (m) Parallel Bars (m) Horizontal Bar (m) Balance Beam (w) Uneven Bars (w) Gymnastics - Rhythmic [2] (removed) Individual All-Around (w) Group All-Around (w) Gymnastics - Trampoline [2] Individual (m/w) Handball [2] Tournament (m/w) Judo [14] (team event removed) 7 Men's weights 7 Women's weights Team Event (mixed) Modern Pentathlon [2] (sport removed) Individual (m/w) Rowing [14] Single Sculls (m/w) Double Sculls (m/w) Lightweight Double Sculls (m/w) Quadruple Sculls (m/w) Pairs (m/w) Fours (m/w) Eights (m/w) Rugby Sevens [2] Tournament (m/w) Sailing [10] 49er (m) 49er FX (w) ILCA 6 (w) ILCA 7 (m) iQ Foil (m/w) Kiteboarding (m/w) 470 (mixed) Nacra 17 (mixed) Shooting [12] (team events removed) 10m Air Rifle (m/w/mixed team) 50m Rifle 3 Positions (m/w) 10m Air Pistol (m/w/mixed team) 25m Pistol (w) 25m Rapid Fire Pistol (m) Trap (m/w) Skeet (m/w/mixed team) Skateboarding [4] (sport removed) Park (m/w) Street (m/w) Sport Climbing [6] (combined event separated into 2 disciplines) Bouldering (m/w) Lead (m/w) Bouldering & Lead Combined (m/w) Speed (m/w) Squash [5] (sport added) Singles (m/w) Doubles (m/w/mixed) Surfing [2] Shortboard (m/w) Table Tennis [5] Singles (m/w) Doubles (mixed) Team (m/w) Taekwondo [8] 4 Men's weights 4 Women's weights Tennis [5] Singles (m/w) Doubles (m/w/mixed) Triathlon [3] Individual Race (m/w) Mixed Team Relay (mixed) Volleyball - Beach [2] Tournament (m/w) Volleyball - Indoor [2] Tournament (m/w) Weightlifting [10] 5 Men's weights 5 Women's weights Wrestling [12] (Greco-Roman events removed) 6 Men's Freestyle weights 6 Men's Greco-Roman weights 6 Women's Freestyle weights Total medal events: 306 in 31 sports Total athletes: 10,500 (quota limit) Days of competition: 19 (including Day -2, Day -1 and Day 0 before the Opening Ceremony) I may make further edits as I think of other stuff I'd add -
Don't know if this news has made it big elsewhere, but last week UK Sport announced it is removing funding for alpine and nordic skiing in the next Olympic cycle to 2026. They have offered a minimal amount, but it is nowhere near enough to sustain elite programmes for GB at a global level. As a British ski racing fan, I can't describe how disappointing and nonsensical this is. In the last decade, British ski racing has gone from virtually invisible to World Cup podiums & points on a regular basis. Dave Ryding became our first ever World Cup winner last season and, although he is likely to retire after next season, there's a huge amount of new talent in the pipelines - Raposo, Major, Taylor, Tilley and Guest all scored points last year. Without funding, Britain might not even be able to send teams to compete on the World Cup next season. We're praying on UK Sport reversing their decision or a very rich person's benevolence. As an addition, UK Sport's method of allocating funding is utterly ridiculous and needs to be changed. It gave us a short term boost of medals in recent years but I don't think it's a viable long term strategy. Funding decisions are short-sighted and based almost entirely on performances on one day every four years at the Olympics.
If Zharnel Hughes hadn't switched allegiances, he'd be one of the favourites in the sprints and a first medal for . Same for Rai Benjamin for in the 400m hurdles, although they may also have an outside chance with Cejhae Greene in the sprints. have a possible medal in the beach volleyball, although would probably need to slip up. might have a chance with favourable draws in the boxing or wrestling, albeit unlikely. Aside from that, I can't really see any possibilities
I've had the dream of going to Paris to see the Games ever since they launched their bid back in 2015. I missed out on tickets for London and would love to finally get to see the Games. Honestly not that worried what sports I see - I'm a climber so would love to watch the sport climbing, but aside from that I just want to experience the Olympic vibe! The thing that worries me most is accommodation. I can get the Eurostar to Paris easily, but what is it like getting accommodation in an Olympic city? I know Paris reasonably well but very worried about inflated accommodation prices. Also I know the ticket system is different for each country. I live in Britain but have French nationality - does anyone know how the ticketing system will work? Hoping I might be able to take advantage of both the French & British ticketing systems if possible.
Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 News
hmc16 replied to hckošice's topic in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Macron re-elected French President. No doubt there'll be a sigh of relief in Lausanne, where there were probably fears of a Le Pen victory overshadowing the Paris Olympics. The IOC will probably be pretty happy they can have a Games not overshadowed by politics and external events, unlike 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020. -
Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Division II Group B World Championship 2022
hmc16 replied to hckošice's topic in Ice Hockey
I've just come back from a week in Reykjavík, and on Tuesday evening I saw the Belgian ice hockey team at the restaurant I was having dinner. Now I know why they were there!! -
If the IOC has actually rejected Madrid because they have a different preferred candidate, then I really wonder who that is. Madrid was surely one of the IOC's best bets - a major global city with most of the necessary venues in place in a relatively stable economy with a rich sporting heritage. Surely they don't want to go somewhere "new" and risky, like India, Turkey or Africa yet - the experience of Rio has surely scared them off that for a generation. So where is it? The centenary of 1936 would make a German games a PR nightmare. Possibly London? 2012 is regarded as one of the best moments in this country's history by much of the general public and Britain is probably one of the few countries that would be overall quite positive about hosting another games, although making it London-centred wouldn't be ideal as the government preaches about 'levelling up' the north. Maybe some sort of joint effort between Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, etc?
Anyone know why the women raced on the Courchevel track for the speed races, when their World Championship races are in Méribel? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of having the World Cup Finals as a World Championship test event?
Great set of results for Charlie Raposo at Kranjska Gora this weekend - 27th on Saturday for his first GS World Cup points, and 16th today. GB's first World Cup men's GS points since 1968. Sadly Dave Ryding will be our only skier at the World Cup Finals next week - Charlie Guest agonisingly missed out, finishing 26th overall. Nonetheless, it's probably been Britain's best World Cup season in history: 17 points finishes from 6 skiers (6 for Ryding, 5 for Guest, 3 for Raposo, 1 for Major, 1 for Taylor, 1 for Tilley) 21 times qualified for 2nd Run (9 for Ryding, 6 for Guest, 2 for Raposo, 2 for Taylor, 1 for Major, 1 for Tilley) First ever World Cup win courtesy of Ryding in Kitzbühel, plus a second podium for him in Garmisch 402pts scored, ranking 14th in the world (pretty sure this is our most points ever) 314pts for the men, which puts us 11th in the world - ahead of Sweden! And this season could easily have been even better. Our best female racer Alex Tilley missed all of the season apart from Soelden and the Olympics due to injury - she was 13th before injury in the season opener and I think she could've been a consistent top 10 challenger if it weren't for getting injured. Meanwhile Ryding's had some great results but also 3 DNFs, including two where he was challenging for podiums. If he'd managed to finish just two more races he would probably be top 2 in the Slalom standings. Ryding will probably retire at the end of next season - that's what he said after Beijing, anyway - but hopefully British skiing will be in good hands, with plenty of other regular challengers. Guest has said she wants to go to Milan and is only improving; Tilley can hopefully return to the form she had at the start of the season; Raposo is a great parallel skier and is showing form in GS; Taylor & Major are both proven Europa Cup winners. Plus we've got some new talents like Reece Bell. With proper investment (not a guarantee after the dismal Olympics for GB), we can have a whole team of world-class racers by the end of this decade.
Is anyone actually seriously buying these Chinese performances at these Paralympics? I know there's always a host nation boost and China will inevitably have invested a lot in winter parasports in the last four years, but I genuinely can't see a legitimate way you can go from only having 1 Winter Paralympic medal in your entire history to 18 golds and 59 medals. I don't know what's going on (dodgy classification system seems to be a likelihood) but I don't buy it.
One word: disappointing. We came off the back of two games with five medals, and finished Beijing with just two, both courtesy of our curling teams. Nonetheless, there are some big positives, but also many disappointments, and a few worrying scenarios ahead of Milan. Positives: Women's Curling: I've followed Eve Muirhead's squad since 2014 and it was so great to see her finally get the gold. So deserved, and she's always seemed like a great person on and off the rink. Men's Curling: although they (just) lost gold, they showed real potential, topping the group stages and beating defending champions USA in the semi-finals. Bruce Mouat's squad is young, and they should build over the next 4yrs. Makayla Gerken-Schofield (moguls): this result has kind of been neglected by the British media, but we finished 8th in a moguls event - a discipline in which we didn't even have a World Cup team 4yrs ago. Along with her sister Leonie and brother Thomas (didn't qualify for Beijing due to injury, but had a WC podium 2yrs ago), they could build a really strong team that could contend for medals soon. Kirsty Muir (freeski): one of our youngest Winter Olympians ever, with two top-10s at the age of 17. She was really strong in big air, struggled a bit in slopestyle but definitely has the talent to become a leading medal contender by Milan. Cornelius Kersten (speed skating): like the moguls squad, the significance of this result has been understated - Britain's best long track speed skating result since 1964. Kersten has been rapidly improving, as has teammate Ellia Smeding, despite being completely self-funded. Hopefully the speed skating team will get UK Sport funding now. Disappointments (warning, there's a lot): Alpine Skiing: our team of four went in with high expectations but I felt a bit underwhelmed. Ryding went in as a World Cup winner but the race was so wide open; 13th was a disappointment, I expected a top 10. Teammate Billy Major DNFed when he could've contended for the top 20. Charlie Guest was top 15 after run 1 and could've struck for maybe even top 10, but an error left her 23rd. Hard to judge Alex Tilley's performance as this was her first race back since injury, so can't really say; think her result was good given the circumstances. Bobsleigh: the epitome of why Britain's winter sports funding system is so messed up. The men's teams had funding removed, then had an amazing World Cup season and were a leading medal contender. But lack of funding meant their equipment couldn't contend with the Germans and a few errors (crash in two-man) meant they couldn't contend. Hall is 31 and I genuinely fear for the future of British bobsleigh if he retires. CC Skiing: high expectations after Musgrave's shock 6th in 2018, but no top 10s this time around. Musgrave looked good in the 50k and 12th was good; the fact his performances (two top 20s) were disappointing says a lot about advancements in British nordic skiing. Our sprint skiers, Clugnet & Young, also disappointed, but I think they were hampered by COVID in January, which I imagine has a major impact on performance in a sport like this. Freestyle Skiing: outside of the two aforementioned cases, WTF happened? Ollie Davies reached the ski cross big final in the World Championships in 2021, but couldn't get out of the first round. We were really hampered by James Woods & Izzy Atkin not being able to compete due to injuries. Hopefully we can find some new young talent, alongside Muir and the Gerken-Schofields. Skeleton: what a difference four years makes... 3 medals in 2018, not even a top 10 this time around. We've fallen wayyy behind on the technology, I think this might be the end of Britain's golden spell in skeleton racing. Snowboarding: Charlotte Bankes was our best chance of gold before these games but, in a sport like snowboard cross, you can't count on anything, as she proved by going out in the QFs. Katie Ormerod was happy just to finally get that Olympic start but, based on her WC performances prior to the games, her results were surprisingly low. Overall, thank God the curlers saved the day. I thought after week 1 that we'd have a first medalless games in 30 years. British winter sports needs a funding overhaul - we've relied on a very narrow base of sports for our recent success, particularly skeleton & curling, which have provided 12 of our 16 medals this century. If Britain wants consistently strong results like 2014 & 2018, we need to widen our base, which slowly seems to be happening with sports like speed skating & moguls. Hopefully Milan Cortina 2026 will be better - the likes of Muir, Mouat, Gerken-Schofield, etc. should be reaching their peaks, whilst new talents like snowboarder Mia Brookes emerge.
Which Sports Events are you Currently Watching?
hmc16 replied to dcro's topic in Totallympics Mixed Zone
Ah, that familiar feeling of emptiness when an Olympics is over 16 days of checking my phone for results the moment I wake up, staying up till ridiculous times to watch events, and all of a sudden there's nothing! Still, there's the end of the winter sports seasons to see out. I'll be particularly following the last four weeks of the Alpine Ski World Cup and Ski Jumping World Cup, plus there's the Winter Paralympics in a few weeks. After that my attention will switch to the F1 - having F1 and Alpine Skiing as my two favourite sports is the perfect combo, because one season always ends just as the other begins and I rarely have a weekend without any sport to watch -
Men's Ice Hockey Tournament at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022
hmc16 replied to hckošice's topic in Ice Hockey
Was so glad to see Slovakia winning bronze, what a great tournament by them! I always love cheering for the underdogs in Olympic hockey - Germany in 2018, Denmark & Slovakia this time around. Blahoželanie! -
Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022
hmc16 replied to Totallympics's topic in Alpine Skiing
Wait, Great Britain has rejected its place in the mixed team event? I'm super shocked - we originally accepted it before the games, and are normally strong in parallel events (Ryding has a podium in parallel, Tilley & Guest normally make it to the last 16). We got to the quarterfinals last time in 2018, beating the USA and nearly beating Norway. I don't think any of our four skiers are injured? Really disappointing, I'd hoped they could pull off a few surprises. -
There's still 3 days left of the games, and Team GB seem to be peaking right at the end (men's curling final, women's curling semi-finals, good performances in halfpipe qualifying), but I've been doing a bit of analysis to see just how disappointing these games have been for GB. Before the start of the games, I made a prediction of where I thought every British athlete would finish - I made a realistic prediction, an optimistic prediction, and a pessimistic prediction. So far: Met/exceeded optimistic prediction: 10 (22%) Met/exceeded realistic prediction: 21 (47%) Met/exceeded pessimistic prediction: 38 (84%) Didn't meet pessimistic prediction: 7 (16%) (includes 2 DNFs) So overall, 47% of British athletes have overperformed or performed where I realistically thought they would finish, whilst 53% have "underperformed". The overperformers include the men's & women's curling teams, Makayla Gerken-Schofield in women's moguls, Kirsty Muir & Katie Summerhayes in women's big air, Summerhayes in slopestyle, Rupert Staudinger in luge, Farrell Treacy in short track 1500m, the mixed team SBX team and Cornelius Kersten in the speed skating 1500m. The underperformers include Hall/Gleeson in the two-man bobsleigh (albeit they crashed on run 3), James Woods in men's big air, Charlotte Bankes in SBX and Katie Ormerod in slopestyle & big air. Either way, will be interesting to see how GB finishes off these games. We have a few remaining chances; my realistic predictions for the last few days were: Alpine Team Event: round of 16 Four-Man Bobsleigh: top 5 Two-Woman Bobsleigh: top 18 Musgrave (50km CC): top 20 Young (50km CC): top 50 Men's Curling: final (already achieved) Women's Curling: semi-final (already achieved) Kenworthy (Halfpipe): top 15 (already achieved) Atkin (Halfpipe): top 6 Kersten (1000m Speed Skating): top 12
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