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Everything posted by Fly_like_a_don

  1. And the distance? 4*6 or 4*7.5 or 2*6 + 2*7.5km
  2. Good race! Sola may have won it for Belarus had she shot clean despite being 25s behind Roiseland at start. Roiseland needed just 1 spare as opposed to 3 for Sola . Also what is the format of mixed relay at the Olympics?
  3. Where is this sport available to watch? I can't find live streams or people posting replays of the event which is not shown on youtube. But I didn't find either of them.
  4. might be the top 4 in mixed relay (no particular order) may be top 4 in the single mixed ( no particular order)
  5. Women´s 7.5km Sprint: 1. Marte Olsbu Roeiseland 23 :30:1 ( 1 + 0) 2. Hanna Sola +7.1 ( 2 + 0) 2.Julia Simon +7.1 (0+1) Full Final Result HERE
  6. Why on earth are you explaining him. It's @hckošicevery old stratergy to tell they won't qualify or win medals every sport and they end up qualifying a big number .
  7. Not really. I found these quarantine rules in Germany from Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 using a PCR test in Germany must isolate at home for up to ten days, including those who are fully vaccinated. This can be shortened to five days with a negative PCR test taken on that day or seven days with a negative antigen test taken on day seven.
  8. What is YOG? As far as I am aware Youth Olympic Games 2022 were cancelled . ( Since postponing a event 4 years later is called cancellation in my terms )
  9. Weng wins the race, Nepreyava wins the Tour De Ski !It was my first time watching cross country skiing live Great views I must say at Val Di Fiemme.
  10. Agreed. I'd rather watch the entire aerials event rather than bobsleigh( usually 20mins at the end only). Nations are few but scoring looks more transparent as compared to big air in which I just couldn't differentiate how a 80 pointer was better than 90 pointer while looking almost exactly alike. With the nature of aerials 6-7 nations have medal (winning) potential in women and 3-5 in men which is fine.
  11. Hope you can see your nation at the games in weightlifting again. Doesn't look a very promising situation.
  12. I definitely felt he had a chance to win it if he beats Axelsen. He is in great form and improving day by day .
  13. Perhaps you don't really follow the sport I'll say. Both Albania (just 2kg) and pakistan were close to medals at Tokyo Olympics. Kyrgyzstan did have a medallist in Rio before doping. Malaysia had a decent squad. Top 5/6 lifters in each category are not here . Korea, Colombia and a few teams are sending the best that's it.
  14. Her article was published in toi, indian express and goan daily. Before that I had no idea of coastal rowing. After the world rowing has made it clear to request scrapping of lightweight rowing and few other events in favour of coastal rowing at same venue as sailing it sounded great.
  15. I think it's time to decrease investing in inland Rowing . 2024 will be the last games with so many events in rowing on river. It's all but a sureity that coastal rowing will have a substantial number of events from 2028 and inland rowing and costal rowing are totally different . Honourable mention for Gayle Zulema de Miranda who took up the sport at 14 in US and has been winning numerous medals in sprint category , a creditable quarter final finish at the WC (top 8 ) only losing out to the world champion (it's a head on sprint format) at just 18 years. Hopefully if she doesn't get lured by the USNOC as she does qualify to compete under US too, and coastal rowing gets added to 2028 LA she'll be a great talent to watch.
  16. Considering it's a 6km long travel for athletes he may not reach the other end before the opening ceremony ends
  17. Seine river will be the venue for Paris Olympic Games opening ceremony , with athletes set to travel in boats during a six-kilometre route during the spectacle!!
  18. -I like the relays though they are a bit long but as long as it's interesting it's fine. - Watching winter sports for the first time and you'll be like how on earth is pursuit a olympic/ world championships event? I mean how unfair that your position(or medal) in a event depends on your performance in another event. Cycling and speed skating pursuits are fine in that case. A fair event is one where all participants/teams have an equal chance of winning before start of the event irrespective of past performances. So a pursuit is not a fair event all in that case. Also @RobtheAggie Norwegian team didn't complain about Men's Relay being before the pursuit in Oestersund . Why? -Coz they won both the titles back then. And why they are complaining now? -They can't win the relay if one of Roiseland/Eckoff don't take part . Its not like last year where both of them can ski fast on all events. So anyhow they were going to sacrifice something.
  19. We have to learn from Thailand where the women are given full time contracts in team sports while men where funded for some time but didn't show promise. Look at their women's cricket, football and volleyball teams all have made it to the World Cup within 4 years of full time contracts.
  20. That's suprising maybe Norway wants to use these relays as practice for Olympics.
  21. Stage 3 in Hochfilzen (AUT) Women´s 10km Sprint: 1. Hana Sola 20:44.4 (0+0) 2. Justin Braisaz Bouchet +46.8 (1+1) 3. Marte Ølsbu Roiseland +50.3 (0+0) Full Final Result HERE
  22. Hana Sola Destroying everyone out there with the exception of Braisaz Bouchet winning silver despite 2 misses and Roiseland finishing 3rd despite 0-0 and 50.3s behind absolutely shocking. Maybe Sola can target cross country next. Few Takeaways : 1. Bendika had a chance to win a World Cup medal if not the miss on the 10th shot. 2.Stina Nilsson finished 16th, 1:33(1+1) behind ahead of Elvira Oeberg 3.Ida Lien missed out on a medal by 2.2s (0+0) . 4. Caroline Colombo finished a creditable 21st. (1+0)
  23. Couldn't watch the race but was expecting Norway/France/Samuelson to be on the podium and it turned out to be an absolute suprise ! Kuen and Smolski on podium wow
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