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Everything posted by rybak

  1. I'm ready for hundred posts with "Spain 12" and "Emotional lady/song"
  2. Do you mean if I can return to work? If yes, I can't return, my company have 22 stories in whole country and in next few days more than half of them will be probably closed because company is in deep crisis. If virus will spread so quick as now or even quicker before end of May then they will bankrupt...
  3. "Luckily" I will get yet 100% of salary in April as I have more than two weeks of unused "holidays" But I have to found new job quickly, now it will be very difficult as almost everything is closed...
  4. Damn you corona, i just lost work by this shit
  5. Update from New 224 cases and 4 new deaths (1862/22). I believe that tomorrow we will broke 2000 cases....
  6. Gigantic jump today, 249(!!) new cases and 2 more deaths Total numbers are now 1638 cases and 18 deaths
  7. Belarus isn't country, it's state of mind...
  8. That women in brown jacket and her mask
  9. With today's 168 new cases (2 less than yesterday!) total number of cases jumps to 1389, no new deaths today. "Good" day...
  10. North Macedonia just joins to NATO, beings 30 member
  11. Daily update from Today Ministry of Health announced 170 new cases bring total number to 1221, also two more deaths which means now "officialy" 16 people death for coronavirus, there are 3 more deaths but aren't officialy counted for some reason....
  12. Here in Algeria we are doing everything a way better than Trump
  13. Social distancing, Social distancing, Social distancing.
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