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Everything posted by rybak

  1. There will be parade of athletes
  2. Even if vaccine(s) won't be available until this time the organizers could still make a bubble for athletes, just like it's in other sports, cancellation isn't good solution, especially that all those events were cancelled also in this year...
  3. I don't get it, with all those three vaccines the situation till April and May can be way better than now, they should wait at least until February, to be honest...
  4. Yes, on IJF site
  5. Igor Reznichenko, Oliwia Rzepiel and Justyna Plutowska with Jérémie Flemin (figure skating) all ended their careers few days ago.
  6. Today our Head of Ministry of Health said that we all can little smile(!!) beacue to peak of second wave is already behind us, as there is smaller number of cases with every day since week. Yes, it is, because with every day less and less tests is done, but he forgot to said about it... And it's not that less people is sick, it's because since half of March most of first aid clinics are closed and the only way to have any help from them is waiting week or sometimes even longer for "phone visit" By this more people stays in home and heal themselves with home methods....
  7. Semifinals allocation for 2021 contest will remain the same as had to be in this year
  8. Albania as always is first country to presented their songs which will participate in their national selections. Here is playlist with those songs:
  9. The nordic skiing sports scheduled in Lillehammer are already postponed until later date (it will not happen in this year for sure)
  10. Well, I can confirm already that European Games will not happen, at least here in Kraków, or in planned date. This guy is cursed, everything what he touch in next few days/weeks is destroyed or turns into big mess, lately he lost somewhere 70 milion PLN which were intended to the organization of postal elections which did not take place after all or he order 300 ventilators to hospitals from not existing company!
  11. To conclude TOISC 2020, below you can see which countries received points (and how many overally) from Polish national jury in all 16 contests: Place Country Points 1 Greece 76 2 Malta 55 3 Great Britain 50 4 Tunisia 48 5 Finland 48 6 Bulgaria 44 7 Kazakhstan 40 8 Romania 40 9 Spain 38 10 Lithuania 35 11 Serbia 33 12 Morocco 33 13 India 33 14 Italy 32 15 United States 32 16 Brazil 31 17 Argentina 30 18 Slovakia 29 19 Australia 26 20 China 25 21 Hungary 25 22 Chile 25 23 Czech Republic 22 24 Germany 21 25 Turkey 20 26 Egypt 19 27 Canada 18 28 Netherlands 18 29 Colombia 17 30 Iran 17 31 France 15 32 Ireland 13 33 Slovenia 13 34 Portugal 13 35 Guyana 12 35 Israel 12 35 Latvia 12 38 Austria 10 39 Croatia 10 40 Indonesia 10 40 Mexico 10 42 Vietnam 8 43 Denmark 8 44 Estonia 7 44 Norway 7 46 Algeria 7 47 Switzerland 6 48 Russia 5 48 Venezuela 5 50 Montenegro 4 51 Sweden 4 52 New Zealand 2 53 Moldova 1 That's mean that only Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Ukraine and Uruguay never received points from Polish jury.
  12. Thank you. It will be very difficult to take control of that virus in our country, as in recent days we had more than 50% postive cases comparing to number of done tests Today we had almost 21k cases with only 35k tests done...
  13. If this won't be cancelled in last moment, seeing number of cases in Russia...
  14. Few days ago one member of my farer family dies due to corona, healthy 55yo women (sister of husband of my younger brother godmather), two days ago 82yo father of that sister died too
  15. And whole this mess about hosting Championships comes just two weeks before event has to started Please Covid, go away already...
  16. Stage number 8 which was scheduled as pre-Olympic World Cup in Beijing is cancelled.
  17. I made a table as well and without results from pre-2016 contests Poland awarded points to 48 different countries. In the last 10 contests Tunisia received points six times (maximum was 11 in Open 2017), as well as India with maximum 8 in Open 2016 and Annual 2018. Greece had points five times with 12 points three times(!!) at Open 2016, Annual 2018 and Annual 2019. Malta received points five times with 11 two times (Open 2018 and Open 2020) as well as Romania received points five times (but no more than 8 in single contest), same about Serbia which had points also five times with 12 this time at Open 2020. China is the only one country which gets points every time since they joined to the competition.
  18. Then basically only is in The Committee from "active" countries. It will be difficult to get some of these countries in next contests, maybe only Chile and Ukraine or Uruguay. @Roy from is registered on forum since 2016 but he never participated again in any contest. I saw him lately active on facebook. I hope that for next contest we will convice him to return to the competition
  19. Since TOISC is over it's time to back to grey or even black reality. Today it was announced that in Poland 548 people dies for corona. The highest number among all European countries...
  20. Don't ask! If he will join then everyone will have less chances than 25% to win!
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