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Everything posted by rybak

  1. A message from Antarctica From some time our cute friends from the coldest continent have been quite silent, but today they finally gave some sign of life, below is message which I found today in letter box: "We know that in last months we were silent, the reason was nothing else but Covid-19 pandemic. Luckily we don't have any single confirmed case but any air vehicles couldn't landed here because of our mother decision to keep this place as the one of the last safe in the world. In recent days, as TOISC Grand Final is approaching one brave member of our family decided to travel to Ushuaia and send letter to Totallympics community with wishes of good luck in the upcoming edition of the competition and hopes that in near future WINTERFEST will be held again and then we could be invited as official participant in TISC. May the best song win! Of course we want wish everyone all the best, stay safe and healthy in these difficult times."
  2. Those countries and territories are remaining as "free and clean" from Covid-19 atm: +
  3. First case in . Another bastion has fallen against covid...
  4. And Poland will be represented by just 5 athletes. 20 people (athletes, coaches, medical stuff etc.) had positive tests
  5. Rome will host European Championships in 2024, the only other candidate was Gliwice.
  6. If we will not go into nationwide lockdown, (which is unfortunately 99% sure that will be introducted) in next two weeks the World Cup opener in Wisła will take place without any spectators. It will be first time ever that ski jumping event in Poland will not have no one in the stands I'm used to such views only during Sapporo stage and the one during Pyeongchang Games
  7. It's highly possible that Denmark will host this event alone due to covid restrictions in Norway. According Norwegian rules if one player will be infected the entire team have to be quarantined, including opponent team if a team will play a match during tournament.
  8. Another "milestone broken: as today number of total infections reached 50 million... I hope, that sooner than later an good medicament or vaccine will be made and we all will can return to normal life...
  9. Norbert Kobielski (high jump) is caught. He is current Polish champion. Will wait few days for result of sample B.
  10. Beata Mikołajczyk-Rosolska (canoeing) announced her retirement. She was one of the greatest Polish athletes, she has won multiple medals at World and European Championships and also two bronze medals (London, Rio) and one silver (Beijing) at Olympic Games in K2-500m Good luck in post-sport life!
  11. Nah, it's second time 30th October was first day with more than 100k cases in US.
  12. So, congratulations to Biden for winning or not yet?
  13. Thanks God that reason of postponement isn't covid-19
  14. From Saturday we will return to mini full lockdown. If cases will still rise in next 2 weeks we will have more strict full lockdown even than it was in spring.... Already from Saturday all cinemas, museums, theaters, shopping centers and so on will be closed. Only essential shops, pharmacies, drugstores, DIY stores, hairdresser, beauty salon and churches will remain open. Today we had confirmed almost 25k cases and 374 deaths, of course it's all records... We reached such situation that almost everywhere in whole country is lack of ambulances and free places in hospitals for people with other healthy problems.
  15. @heywoodu I think New Zealand and Kazakhstan will need swap their positions with someone due rule of "reasonable hours". Same about Indonesia and Brazil.
  16. "2020 is approaching to end, 2021 for sure will be better"
  17. It's confirmed as terrorist attack, according unofficial news in one restaurant and hotel there are hostages...
  18. Yes, sadly at least 7 people dies
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