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Everything posted by rybak

  1. @mrv86 I think that I might help as well, just like hckosice said I will need to be tagged when my turn will come.
  2. What a tank before World Tour Finals, walkover would be better...
  3. Mayor of Warsaw also is present at this protest
  4. So, this photo will confirm seriousness of problem of changing abortion law, if still someone have doubts about. And this is photo of what happens right now close to house of Jarosław Kaczyński.
  6. In three weeks the European Championships in Prague should start, let's hope that despite thousands of new cases of corona everywhere in Europe and especially in Czech Republic, the event will happen. We have provisional entry list for this event. are among missing countries
  7. Today we surpassed 20k daily cases and 300 deaths, well done everyone! Right now we are in top10 worldwide in number of active cases
  8. And 8 in total in There are currently 4 active cases.
  9. Here we go, circus continued.... And biased Marshal of the Sejm didn't turned off microphone when Kaczyński breaks Sejm's law and spoke without maska and additionaly insults other deputies. There is no justice...
  10. @intoronto @thepharoah @catgamer @Janakis @Fly_like_a_don @Dnl @OlympicIRL @Glen @mrv86 @Ionoutz24 @Wanderer @kungshamra71 @justony @amen09
  11. Another video from this what happened in the Sejm in morning.
  12. Tension is rising, Jarosław Kaczyński (if someone don't know, the shortest men in glasses in the middle in video in my previous post) called all PiS deputies and people who support this party, to protect the churches and priests inside becausw in last Sunday in many churches in whole country the Holy Masses were disturbed by protesting people and even some chruches outside were somehow devastaded, same about religious monuments.
  13. The Marshal of the Sejm didn't respect the constitution and Sejm's law either by insulting deputies as he compared them to Schutzstaffel and saying that they are turning into Germans. And those womens just figths for their right to decide about if they will born disabled/dead baby or not.
  14. Today the protest about changing abortion law was even in the Sejm.
  15. It's still about abortion, with every day in each protest is more and more people and in more cities. I saw some photos of small protests of our citizens next to our embassies/consulates in several cities like Berlin, London, Manchester, Paris, Oslo, Copenhagen, NYC and even Tbilisi. Our government will probably reintroducted not planned earlier fully lockdown (in last month most of politicans were against this as our economy won't handle it again) from Saturday to stop these protests. And still they will saying that it's about protecting people for faster spreading of virus.
  16. I still can't accept that will not compete, they usually send quite good songs, especially their entries in 2014 and 2015 were awesome.
  17. No changes in number of competing countries to this what should be in this year.
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