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Sprint Canoeing ICF Olympic Games Qualifier 2021

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Still exremely guted must say. not qualifying anyone in C is pretty embarassing by itself, but yeah, Rusnák was clearly out of shape so ok, he would not deserve to go to the games, so fine for me..


but I am really sad about our girls, the K2 finshed 2nd in the last qualifier in Szeged behind :GER , Lisa finished 2nd today in the final qualifier behind :RUS both powerhouses of this sport..I mean yes, the rules were set in advance and everyone knew them, but whoever invented them and schedulled only 1 boat per event qualified in a final world qualifying tournament is for me quite questionable to say the least, but I guess it is what happen for Canoeing losing still more and more quotas every games, that is more a question for the lobbying capacities of the governing body, but it is for sure really frustrating.


No female representative in Tokyo is really hard to admit for me right now..

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