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India National Thread


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Indians In Action


Rolland Garros Grand Slam 2022

MD:- Rohan/Matwe lost in SF


ATP Challenger

Czech Republic :- Yuki/Saketh won the title


BWF Italian International Series

WS:- Malvika plays in Finals


Tokyo - 2020

Go India Go


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On 6/5/2022 at 7:49 AM, Sanjib said:

With Kiran Pahal also going under 52s(51.84s recently), Indian women 400 m relay team looks really strong, hope Aishwarya comes out clean of the allegations, we now have Aishwarya, Kiran, Rupal and Priya with the promising Priya being the slowest of the 4.

I think there is serious suspicion with Aishwarya Mishra with respect to doping. This is totally unacceptable of not revealing one's whereabouts.

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Indians In Action


ATP 250 Tour

Germany:- Rohan/Denis play in Rd1


ATP Challenger

Italy   :- Arjun/Michael play in Rd1

Great Britain :- Ramkumar plays in Rd1

                     Divj/Artem, Purav/Jamie, Ramkumar/John play in Rd1

Slovak Republic :- Evgeny/Saketh, Sriram/Jeevan play in Rd1


BWF Italian International Series

WS:- Malvika finishes Runner-Up


Tokyo - 2020

Go India Go


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Hello guys!


An update regarding the India section of the website.


Instead of another website, we are going to use the "club" feature this forum allows. Basically it is a sort of sub-forum only for certain users. You will have the Indian club where you will have your own sub-forum where you can have sections and threads and write in your national language. This will be much better than having everything inside one single thread, and I am sure it will help to find more Indian users who will join the discussion in the future


You can find an example of this with the Team Canada club, which we have launched during the Winter Olympics:


Can you please help me with the name of the club? It can be whatever you want.


I hope you will like it and you will follow there all the qualifications to Paris 2024!

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